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Topic: Finished Xone:3D template (except for JOGS)

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Posted Wed 18 Apr 07 @ 5:01 pm

Yes, as you stated in your piece and your answer to my post, there is a problem in mapping the jogs with the Vestax VCI-100 to VDJ. Hopefully there will be an answer/update to this asap, because VDJ is working great with all the other MIDI commands, but jogs are such an integral part of the equation for me and I imagine most other DJs.


asymptote wrote :

Yes, as you stated in your piece and your answer to my post, there is a problem in mapping the jogs with the Vestax VCI-100 to VDJ. Hopefully there will be an answer/update to this asap, because VDJ is working great with all the other MIDI commands, but jogs are such an integral part of the equation for me and I imagine most other DJs.


yeah i actually contacted a&h about this and they just said that the software needs accept the message as on/off or 1/2 if you get me. Im sure that thats how the bcd, herc and other controlers send it from the jogs two but i expect that there needs to be some sort of code added for each specific controller.

Hopefully it will get sorted soon, as the vestex does look like a nice controller and the 3d would be perfect if it worked properly.

Sure, and I would rather use VDJ than Traktor. It seems to be more stable for me.


asymptote wrote :
Sure, and I would rather use VDJ than Traktor. It seems to be more stable for me.


well with the way i have vdj set up on the xone its also an alternative to ableton as i can use the sample bank to launch clips alá ableton but still keeping the feel of traditional turntables and most importantly being able to see the waveforms of the 2 main tracks playing.

but i cant use this all to its full potential until atomix do something with the jogs, or even better tell us how to do it ourselves as there is obviously some sort of knack to it as they have said if they got a 3D they would map it (i asked A&H about this and they said atomix have not even approached them about getting a demo modle to mess about with) also they have mapped other units so it is possible.

but this has all been said before : (

Cirtamente no creo que sea mucho pedir a atomix, que traze un mapa para la 3d.
Es con diferencia la mejor mesa "midi/usb" del mercado.

Cirtamente I do not believe that it(he) is great to ask to atomix, that traze a map for her(it) 3d.
It(He,She) is with difference the best table "midi/usb" of the market.

d-v-int ¿donde puedo bajar el mapa que tu usas?

D-v-int where I can lower the map that your you use?

nachetedj wrote :
Cirtamente no creo que sea mucho pedir a atomix, que traze un mapa para la 3d.
Es con diferencia la mejor mesa "midi/usb" del mercado.

Cirtamente I do not believe that it(he) is great to ask to atomix, that traze a map for her(it) 3d.
It(He,She) is with difference the best table "midi/usb" of the market.

i dont fully understand your point.

The only reason that i am asking atomix to map the jogs is beacause they are the only ones that can do it.

I will release the existing map over the weekend.

por favor pon el mapa de la 3d para bajar.
please!!! please!!! please!!! please!!!
please!!! please!!! please!!! please!!!
please!!! please!!! please!!! please!!!
please!!! please!!! please!!! please!!!

Please put the map of her(it) 3d to go down. Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!!
Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!!
Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!!
Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!!

nachetedj wrote :
por favor pon el mapa de la 3d para bajar.
please!!! please!!! please!!! please!!!
please!!! please!!! please!!! please!!!
please!!! please!!! please!!! please!!!
please!!! please!!! please!!! please!!!

Please put the map of her(it) 3d to go down. Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!!
Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!!
Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!!
Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!!

Unfortunatly, I work in Dublin during the week and all my gear is in cork. I will not be able to upload until this weekend. However it should be possible to map it yourself from the screen shots at the start of the thread.

Unfortunatly, trabajo en Dublín durante la semana y todo mi engranaje está en corcho. No podré upload hasta este fin de semana. Sin embargo debe ser posible traz lo usted mismo de los tiros de la pantalla en el comienzo del hilo de rosca.

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