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Topic: Mapping jog wheels for Vestax VCI-100 - Page: 1

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I'm just mapping my VCI-100 to VDJ and it is all going well, but I am having trouble with the jog wheels. I've managed to get them to stop the track immedately and momentarily when a finger is placed on the silver part of the jog whee. I then want to map it so that I can move backwards or forwards through the track by rotating the jog wheel, just as in a Pio CDJ 1000. What should I map to and what values should I use. Nothing seems to work. I've used jogwheel and scratch but it isn't right.

Any suggestions


Posted Wed 18 Apr 07 @ 2:21 pm
see my threads on mapping the jogs on the allen & heath xone:3d same problem.

and tbh i expect you'll get the same result i have.

Now finished the mapping except the jog wheels.

Anybody from VDJ help?

would be great if VDJ would come up with support of the VCI. Wanna test VDJ instead of traktor...

Don't think VDJ realise the market they are loosing out on by not making the programme more midi and cross platform compliant.

As I've said before more professional companies are beginning to release midi/software controllers which is bringing a whole new market of pro-dj's to the digital forum, if Atomix don't get these problems sorted soon they could miss a great oppertunity to catch these people at the start of their cross over from vinyl/cdjs to software.

Nuemark, Hercules(i own 2 dj consoles so im not questioning quality), Beringer etc. are ok and do the job well but they do not offer professional audio, funtcionality or build quality that a pro-dj needs.

You also have the image side of things (not that i agree with it, but its there) you just simply cant come to a gig with hardware that looks like it was designed by fisher-price, people come to a gig and pay to see a professional, they expect him/her to be using professional gear esp digital dj's as we come under more scrutany than someone playing on a set of cdj's or vinyl.

So ***PLEASE*** atomix get this sorted so that we can go out and showcase your software and use it to its full potential.


asymptote wrote :
I'm just mapping my VCI-100 to VDJ and it is all going well, but I am having trouble with the jog wheels. I've managed to get them to stop the track immedately and momentarily when a finger is placed on the silver part of the jog whee. I then want to map it so that I can move backwards or forwards through the track by rotating the jog wheel, just as in a Pio CDJ 1000. What should I map to and what values should I use. Nothing seems to work. I've used jogwheel and scratch but it isn't right.

Any suggestions


Is the jog wheel the only problem your experiencing with the VCI-100?????
Are you finding any issues???

Apart from the jog wheel issue it is a fantastic controller, the nearest thing to a CDJ000 at the moment. I can't see any others coming onto the market which will be better for a long time. . Check out the page at www.vextax.com and see what they're planning to do on it with new overlays etc, ability to use with other programs etc. No mention of VDJ on there unfortunately. . I have been using it with both Traktor and VDJ. Once the hjog wheel situation gets sorted with VDJ it will be a killer. If atomix don't sort it out I hate to say it, but it will be goodbye VDJ for a while.


asymptote can U send me a file for VCI-100 (midi maping for VDJ)?

Hi I've put it on the VDJ plugins page here. http://www.virtualdj.com/addons/view.html?type=tool

I haven't mapped the fx yet, but I think it is pretty usable for a house set. Of course it isn't possible to map the jogwheels yet because of some limitations / features of VDJ.

I am a bit surprised that then VDJ team only gave it one star, bearing in mind that I did it very quickly and put it up there as a convenience for other users and a starting point. Bit of a slap in the face really.

Anyway, hope it helps you and that you enjoy VDJ and maybe upgrade to the professional version. ;-)

I love VDJ interface and I havent a pressure for other software. but if boys from Atomic doesnt make VDJ more usuable with other interfaces (like VCI-100) i dont know what's hapened :(

I've got confidence in the VDJ team and am sure that they will make the Vestax natively supported soon. It's too good a unit not to.


I wonder what's up with the Midi portion of VDJ.

I always thought that MIDI was an open source generic thing.
Perhaps VDJ should just put in generic MIDI support , MIDI learn, and then people can really go nuts with they're home projects, new kit from manufacturers, AD nausium.

Last Year it was the Beheringer unit this yearit's the Vestax, and a couple of other new modules coming down the line.

How much you want to bet that when the M-Audio Xponent comes out, people will be yelling for support with that unit?

VDJ supports more controllers than any other software that I have every come into contact with.

But it takes so long to design a mapper and support mode for every new product, and might just keep people from shouting" This software sucks, Where is the Support???"
or the ever popular..... "I want a refund", or "I'm going to use something else"

Might be easier, but I'm not a programmer

DJ Marcel_1 wrote :
I wonder what's up with the Midi portion of VDJ.

I always thought that MIDI was an open source generic thing.
Perhaps VDJ should just put in generic MIDI support , MIDI learn, and then people can really go nuts with they're home projects, new kit from manufacturers, AD nausium.

Last Year it was the Beheringer unit this yearit's the Vestax, and a couple of other new modules coming down the line.

How much you want to bet that when the M-Audio Xponent comes out, people will be yelling for support with that unit?

VDJ supports more controllers than any other software that I have every come into contact with.

But it takes so long to design a mapper and support mode for every new product, and might just keep people from shouting" This software sucks, Where is the Support???"
or the ever popular..... "I want a refund", or "I'm going to use something else"

Might be easier, but I'm not a programmer


DJ Marcel_1 - U have absolutely right, but I think make nu midi maper file for nu equipment is nececery if producer (software) want to keep users. I don't say about nu interface, panel etc - only one file which can be loaded manualy by user. If Atomix maded great software like VDJ - made one file supporting nu interface is a nut :)

Just gonna throw me on here, and support it. It kinda seems strange that neither of the "big" developers of equipment like vestax, and Behringer, m-audio, A&H etc, aren`t doing any kind of support, and makes sure that everything works flawlessy, and vice versa.
Sure, the best would be that atomix had the money and the balls to develop its own kick-ass gear, and made sure that the gear it just second to none in every aspect.

mastahk wrote :
Just gonna throw me on here, and support it. It kinda seems strange that neither of the "big" developers of equipment like vestax, and Behringer, m-audio, A&H etc, aren`t doing any kind of support, and makes sure that everything works flawlessy, and vice versa.
Sure, the best would be that atomix had the money and the balls to develop its own kick-ass gear, and made sure that the gear it just second to none in every aspect.

the above units all conform to normal midi standards. Its vdj that is the problem thats why the above units work with almost every other programme.

Ive spoken to a&h and they have told me that atomix have not even contacted them to get a demo 3d to map vdj onto.Its up to atomix to make vdj midi compliant or else map the hardware.

I love vdj, infact right now im going about getting prototypes overlays printed up for my 3d by the same company that a&h used for their ableton & traktor overlays, Im investing time in money in these in the hope that atomix WILL PLEASE PLEASE get their wct together and fix the midi issue or at least release some sort of statement to that effect.


Did you try this to map the jogs ?

1) Select the function scratchwheel() in the list
2) Select the mode "relative"
3) Set a scale of 32 768
(so it will be 32 768 / 4096 = 8 )
[for 4 (scratch more sensitive), set a scale of 16384 ]
[for 16 (scratch less sensitive), set a scale of 65 536]
[for x, set a scale of x*4096]

Sorry for not having answered before :-(

And which signal do i use!? Note 58/59 or Note 48 or Control 16!?!???!??

Thanx DJCel for replying. I'll try it over the weekend and then update the mapper.

