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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Hey , Iron Lunatic.......

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cool topic acoustics and hearing .......lets just kick it around at a new location so we don't interfere with the new guys thread .....

i think it would be cool we could talk about real specific things like speakers and headphones and how more general things the science of it relates ...........

Posted Thu 12 Apr 07 @ 10:07 pm
or not .... i mean i can just watch napoleon dynamite again and learn the dance moves , what was that , jamiroquai

Would be cool =:-)

Whaddaya think dear moderator bagpuss? :-)


dear moderator ?! happy happy lol

how's about this ........the last time i had my hearing checked they said they only turned up the tone to i think it was only 6khz ? it was a free check at a Rite Aid drugstore ...... 6 khz was as high as they could go ?? they said something like most mid frequencies were 2 to 6 khz and that was good enough to hear conversation ???

Well the classic medical tests are something for 2-6 khz.
The thing is that you need tha 2-6khz if you want to understand people.
If you're interested dig up the internet for hear impearing and stuff like this.
Science articles can be find at pubmed, just google.

Ok well that's as far as i wanna go on this forum so don't expect me to reply further on this topic.


Yeah it was Jamiroquai. The song is called get this Canned Heat. Love that movie, you can do the dance...lucky..l

LOL i knew somebody here would know that ! vote for Pedro !

Know it!?! It is a 129 bpm and mixes great 70's disco! Sweet

flippin' awesome ! ..... i like how he never swears

bow to your sensei ! lol

Yeah Chuck, I switched to 1% because I thought I was fat(yeah like thats ever going to be a problem). Well I have to go feed Tina.....COME GET YOUR FLIPPIN' DINER GOSH!

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