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Topic: DAC 3 ---dumb questions..

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I have NuMark Cue & a DAC 3 controller. I like that it works right out of the box, but I do have some dislikes.

if the song is playin and I hit the jog wheel by mistake it will scratch the song, is there a way to disable that. in PCDJ it was a seach wheel.

also I loaded 10 efx and I would like to set the 10 bottons so I can switch from efx and to cue points. can that be done???

I looked at the download mapper in this board, but i didnt know if this is what I need. I dont know if Cue is set up with that already...

Any help is good help.
Thank you

Posted Mon 02 Apr 07 @ 6:18 am
also I loaded 10 efx and I would like to set the 10 bottons so I can switch from efx and to cue points. can that be done???

ok, This one I found out on my own. if you hold the --Shift--- botton on the Dac3 and press 1 -10 you will have your EFX.


Posted Mon 02 Apr 07 @ 7:02 am
Any help here?

Posted Mon 02 Apr 07 @ 6:59 pm

Yeh, the DAC-3 works really nicely, but it's even better if you download the jpboggis mapper. That will let you alter the function of the jogwheels, their sensitivity and a whole load of other things like effects, samples, etc.

Just go to the download section of the website and look in "external tools".

The trick is to print out the .txt (the instructions) file and go through it pressing all the buttons and setting things up the way you want them. I'd go as far as to say the software wouldn't be half as good without it!

If you need any more help, just ask. JPBoggis, the guy who made the mapper is often around on the forums or you're more than free to PM me.

Good luck. :)

Posted Mon 02 Apr 07 @ 7:16 pm
Oh, just read your last sentence, all of the skins, tools, video effects, etc that you can download from the website aren't included with the original VDJ/CUE as far as i know because they're mostly made by users. :)

Posted Mon 02 Apr 07 @ 7:21 pm
Have you tried the jp mapper? It works with VDJ, and Cue is a clone, so I don't see why it won't work. Try this.

Posted Mon 02 Apr 07 @ 7:23 pm
listen mon........ jpboggis.... mapper for the dac3 is the way to go.... so many additional features to your dac3 player... u will not believe it....

bet you have.... already gotten his mapper...... if not u wasting time

I know....bcuz ..dat is what i use

Posted Tue 03 Apr 07 @ 3:12 pm
also make sure that you read... the file that comes with it so.. you dont have to be guessing what does what............. everything is listed

Posted Tue 03 Apr 07 @ 3:13 pm

welcome to the dark side, you will not regret the move!


Posted Tue 03 Apr 07 @ 7:01 pm

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