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Topic: DJM Video Switcher for VDJ with an Idea of how to!!!

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FAO: Anyone who can help

My idea is to emulate the Pioneer VSW-1 video switcher. This unit uses controller cables from the DJM mixer aswell as the component video ins from the DVJ's...

I had the the idea of tying the 2 x 3.5 mm mono Jacks (from the DJM left and right controller outs) into one 3.5 mm stereo jack into the line on the second sound card on my desktop (the built in one as im using the herc with timecode and the DJM as external mixer). See Picture below

You can make this cable your self or buy a 3.5mm stereo jack to 2x6.3 mono jack and use 6.3mm to 3.5mm convertors on the end...

My idea is this...
If you set the record device to the line in where you have pluged in the stereo jack that comes from the 2 outs on the controller. As you move the crossfader (with fader start on both sides on) the cross fader sends a signal through the cable. As the fader moves from right to left the mixer sends a signal to the left and as you move the fader from left to right the mixer sends a signal to the right channel.

This is me moving the crossfader back and forth and as you can see it sends a prominant signal to the left and right channels respectively.

What I need now is a program / plugin that when the fader is actived the video fader will jump from side to side accordingly.

I do feel this would benifit scratch DJ's Jugglers especially as they would then not have to worry about fading video aswell and it would all be done on the DJM's crossfader

Hit Me with some feedback or give me some pointers on how would go about developing my own plugin that would detect the left and right channel signals and how it would tell VDJ to crossfade left and right accordingly.

I am willing to put some time into this and I have dummied up a working left right video switcher in flash but as far as flash activating a the video crossfader (Im not sure that thats possible) and with my limited programing knowledge I'm having difficulty devloping this...

Can anyone help me on this project PLEASE!!!

Posted Mon 12 Feb 07 @ 12:08 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
to use such a plugin you would need to use virtual dj 4.2 (pro) for external tool support

Posted Mon 12 Feb 07 @ 1:18 am
TexZKPRO InfinityMember since 2005
That picture doesn't clarify anything... there are just some spices... (the timecode timestamp is clearer than that oscilloscope image). I think messages are given in serial mode - try to zoom in the spice. Anyway, I think that 192 samples per second are too few to recognise the signal, as serial messages with new deivices are very fast. I dunno how that protocol works, but I can say we can't understan anything from some spices.

Posted Mon 12 Feb 07 @ 4:28 pm
Your not looking at timecode... your looking at a pulse which is sent from the control out (3.5mm jack) on a pioneer DJM when the crossfader is moved left and right. which I have rigged into another sound card on my system as I use the herc for VDJ.

The idea in a nut shell is this when audio is recieved on each corresponding channel the video is cut as the cross fader is moved left and right. Very simple but could be very useful for purist tablists who do a lot of cutting and scratching and also takes away the added stress of making sure you switch or fade vid channels!


Posted Tue 13 Feb 07 @ 8:56 pm
TexZKPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Ok but... what does a single pulse mean? How is the pattern made? The protocol? I can't test it at home, so I can do nothing if you don't tell us.
Anyway, you won't be able to use such a plugin with the Home User license.

Posted Wed 14 Feb 07 @ 8:52 am
I use 2 x DVJ's 1000 and a V4 Vid mixer for my live setup and home edition to test video with single timecode mode before burning to DVD's. I do like the idea of being able to tour with a single laptop which is far safer and cheaper than lugging aload of kit to my gigs. I would be more than happy to upgrade to VDJ if I could replicate my current setup better for my AV sets (plus whats 250 euros to the price I have already shelled out for kit)...

Basically my big bug with VDJ is there is no way I can hook up my 909 with VDJ (suppose u could use the midi on the 800 but I like the easier dual channel effects on the 909 for faster stuff). I do like to do alot of juggling with av material but I need the video to change as the audio does, same with scratching (basically need to emulate the VSW-1 switcher in VDJ).

So i thought most comps have their onboard soundcards with a line in record (which is stereo so my mod at the top could work with most comps and DJM mixers and all you have to do is buy existing cables)...

The plugin needs to monitor the stereo line in left & right channels using windows MCI or somthing similair (my programming is rusty so you guys probably have a better idea). When monitoring the plugin needs to gate check VU of left and right channel on the spare line if each channel goes over a certain level (when the pulse signal from the DJM is triggered) the video crossfader is switched to the opposite side... The audio is automatically swithed by the DJM fader as you scratch

The Protocol is as follows

A Pulse on the right channel triggers video crossfader to the left -2048
A pulse on the left channel triggers video crossfader to the right +2048

I know the second part is quite simple and I would be cable of compilling a DLL of this if it were possible but even as a pet project outside of VDJ would anyone know how I go about making a prog that would listen to left and right channels and trigger and action as the levels exceed a certain amount...?

Posted Wed 14 Feb 07 @ 2:28 pm
TexZKPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Once upgraded, it would be possible to sync the 909 with my MIDI SDK... Just tell me the messages to be sent and I'll try to program it ;) Anyway, perfect phase sync isn't available yet, but frequency sync is.

Posted Wed 14 Feb 07 @ 11:02 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
TexZK wrote :
Once upgraded, it would be possible to sync the 909 with my MIDI SDK... Just tell me the messages to be sent and I'll try to program it ;) Anyway, perfect phase sync isn't available yet, but frequency sync is.

It's not a MIDI message just a pulse: it's the autostart function on Pionner hardware.
The idea is interesting. Do you have an idea of the level of the pulse?

Posted Thu 15 Feb 07 @ 4:47 pm
I havnt tested it on a voltage meter but I think the screen shot of the waveform shows quite well that it is within the regions of most sound cards. I recorded it using an audigy 2 onboard card with record level at about 25%. I'm guessing its just a matter of making a simple gate at around -12 to -15 dB and whenever that is exceeded per channel the video switch takes place. Hope this is some help

Posted Fri 16 Feb 07 @ 10:33 am
TexZKPRO InfinityMember since 2005
djcel wrote :
TexZK wrote :
Once upgraded, it would be possible to sync the 909 with my MIDI SDK... Just tell me the messages to be sent and I'll try to program it ;) Anyway, perfect phase sync isn't available yet, but frequency sync is.

It's not a MIDI message just a pulse: it's the autostart function on Pionner hardware.
The idea is interesting. Do you have an idea of the level of the pulse?

D'Oh! I was thinking about the TR-909 then writing :(

Posted Fri 16 Feb 07 @ 10:38 am
I too thought of that potential of an external box like the switcher to use in conjunction with the software before. The fact you can just about any modern DJ mixer out there to switch videos while mixing. Denon, Rane, Pioneer all have fader starts on most of their mixers. It would be a major plus if someone comes up with a plug in or device to support such a feature. Imagine all the more people we could turn onto this product if it was that easy to just hook up and mix videos. Serato will not have a chance to compete with such feature and ease of compatibility.

I would pay someone to do this one!!

Posted Tue 27 Feb 07 @ 9:52 am
pernPRO InfinityMember since 2004
As i see it it can be done in 2 different ways. With Software or Hardware:

Software Approach:
Monitoring Line in and detecting pulses on the left or right channel and sending a MIDI message when one arrives isn't very hard to do. You can detect it by Signal Level and/or frequency ( by using a software BP-filter)

Hardware Approach:
Here you just do a simple level detection circuit with a Schmitt-trigger etc to clean up the pulse. Then you interface that signal to a button on a KBD/Keypad or a Joystick Button and use my Joystick 2 MIDI Mapper to generate a MIDI message to VDJ.


Posted Tue 27 Feb 07 @ 10:53 am
pernPRO InfinityMember since 2004
How many volt is the trigger pulse ?

Posted Wed 28 Mar 07 @ 9:18 am

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