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Topic: DAC-2 Mapper - Another One

This topic is old and might contain outdated or incorrect information.

OK, I know there are a couple of people working on mappers. But, like I have posted before if I could get things going then I can figure out the rest - some what? So, I got things going and now I would like any help that anyone is willing to provide. So, if you are willing to share code of any sort to help me get over the learning curve in a short window then it is greatly appreciated. Please post your insights into this thread - it will be greatly appreciated.

** BTW, I have already figured out the CUE button actions from daniels mapper and how the default is working with the play_stutter -- and the toggle to move between the different modes is in the effects sub-panel for the controller's dll. ** This eliminates the need for a button combination on the DAC -- but will look down the road to see if there is room with key combinations later. **

Again, any help anyone would like to provide that would be great.

Most needed help is the SLIDERs - Pitch and Jogs

Posted Sun 31 Dec 06 @ 8:16 pm
I will send you some info etc as soon as i get back from vacation...

pern wrote :
I will send you some info etc as soon as i get back from vacation...

PERN - I really appreciate it, I am having a hell of a time with the SLIDERs code - pitch and jogs

I will post a description of what I have so far so everyone can see what I've done.

OK, so here is the initial write up on what I have done so far. I know it looks like alot but I am sure there are others ( to include what pern will release ) that have alot more functionality. I am trying to blend a couple of features from what daniels, halo_djk and pern have done in the past.

I am still struggling with some code and once I get those items to function I will update this thread. But until then I will only mention what is working right now. Just to let you know what I am still working on is the SLIDER elements of the DAC (Jog Wheels and Pitch), it's not as simple as a button (ON / OFF) or modifying the LCD display. I have learned and achieved a much greater appreciation for what pern, halo_djk, djcel and others that I know are many have done to build mappers, sound effects and video effects. All should be very greatful for what they have done.

OK, so next post will have the meat .....


DAC-2 Mapper Plugin
VirtualDJ 4.1 and above

** Thanks to all who helping in building this. Some only by making there
code available and others by great dialogue on the forum - http://www.virtualdj.com/forums/ **
-- pern
-- halo_djk
-- djcel
-- DJ Marcel_1

This mapper uses controls found in the Effects tab of the skins. Once you install the driver and launch VirtualDJ, go to your skin's Effects section, click on the External Device button of the left pannel, then click an highlight the DAC2. The right pannel will change to show the various controls used with this mapper.
Each item is explained where appropriate below and this area is referred to as the 'mapper configuration dialog' in the text below.

--- Display ---
-left two (2) digits
-middle six (6) digits
-right three (3) digits
-Progress Bar
-BMP Dot

[Not available during ver 1.0]
-TIME Colon

The first two digits shown are used to display:
- the currently selected direct-cue point: 1->9 [Default]
- the loop length as it is being changed using the assigned button combination.

The next six digits show the current position in the song.
The ELAPSED and REMAIN indicators will reflect the type of time being displayed. The toggle for displaying ELAPSE vs. REMAIN can be found in the mapper configuration dialog.
Default is ON = REMAIN time.

The display's progress bar shows (using blocks) the current position in the song and starts to blink/flash during the last 30 seconds and every ten (10) seconds the blink/flash rate speeds up.

The last two/three digits display the current bpm of the song.
Value adjusts based on pitch changes to the track.
** Will not reflect Pitch_Bend changes. **

There are two (2) CUE modes.
1. CUE Navigation [Default]
- Use the CUE button to navigate the set CUEs of the track
2. CUE Play_Stutter
- Use the CUE button to perform the Play_Stutter from the
current CUE/PAUSE point.

The "Single" Symbol on the display shows you 'SINGLE' if you are in the default [CUE NAV] mode. Not displayed if you are in Play_Stutter mode. To toggle between the two (2) modes - go to the mapper configuration dialog and use the L-CUE NAV and R-CUE NAV Mode parameter buttons.
Default is ON = CUE Navigation [CUE NAV]

--- Buttons ---

-- PLAY / PAUSE --
In the mapper configuration dialog, you will find two (2) buttons to
toggle the way you can use the Play/Pause button.
The two (2) modes available:
1. Play/Pause (Traditional) [Default]
2. Play/Stutter
Default is ON = PLAY/PAUSE.

Play/Pause is the traditional press to Play a track if currently stopped/paused. Or, Pause a track if it is currently playing. If you toggle the mode to Play/Stutter then the track will Play if currently stopped/paused or go back to the last stopped/pause point and start playing again (stutter) if the track is already playing. When in the Play/Stutter mode you can use the CUE button to PAUSE the track.

-- CUE --
There are two (2) CUE modes.
1. CUE Navigation [Default]
- Use the CUE button to navigate the set CUEs of the track
2. CUE Play_Stutter
- Use the CUE button to perform the Play_Stutter from the
current CUE/PAUSE point.

The "Single" Symbol on the display shows you 'SINGLE' if you are in the default [CUE NAV] mode. Not displayed if you are in Play_Stutter mode. To toggle between the two (2) modes -
go to the mapper configuration dialog and use the L-CUE NAV and R-CUE NAV Mode parameter buttons.
Default is ON = CUE Navigation [CUE NAV]

To Set a CUE using the CUE button some things must occur.
First you must choose which CUE point you wish to set by using the << (left) and >> (right) buttons of the controller. The second to the left most digit of the display will change values from 0 - 9. Once you have chosen your CUE point value (1-9) Press play on the track and then Pause the track where you might want to set a CUE point. Use the JOG (inner) to fine adjust exactly to the spot for the CUE point. Then press the CUE button. This will set a CUE for you selected CUE point value. Once set the the CUE button will return to which ever mode you have your CUE button set for.
* Note you do not have to set the CUE point value before you navigate the track in finding
a CUE point.
* To Avoid accidental setting/changing of a CUE point set the value to 0.

For quick navigation to a CUE point - change the CUE Point value using the << (left) and >> (right)
buttons to your preferred CUE point, then hit the GROUP button to GOTO_CUE point selected.

-- MATCH --
MATCH button has two (2) modes controlled by a button from the mapper configuration dialog.
1. SYNC using real beats [Default]
2. SYNC using the Computer Base Grid (CBG)
Default OFF = SYNC using real beats

This button is self explanatory in that it when in the default mode is will adjust the track and SYNC to the opposite track using the down beat of the track. In the alternate mode of SYNC using the CBG, the track is SYNC'd to the opposite track based on the CBG of the two tracks.

For pitch resets the combination of the WAITLIST + MATCH buttons perform two (2) seperate actions.
WAITLIST + MATCH (HOLD) performs a 'smooth' pitch reset.
WAITLIST + MATCH (RELEASE) performs a pitch reset to zero (0).

-- MINUS (-) and PLUS (+) --
These two buttons control the Pitch Bend as labeled on the controller's faceplate.
A Pitch Bend value slider is provided in the mapper configuration dialog to control the amount of bend to be applied when pressing the (-) or (+) buttons. The slider labeled 'Pitch Bend Value' goes from 0-1024 (4096/4). Because there are no value markings for the slider, calculations are made based on positioning of the slider.
Far Left (0) - no bend is applied :: Far Right (1024 = 4096/4) - -/+1024 is applied
Move the slider and test where the best position is for you, closer to zero the smaller the bend curve.

-- LOOP/PREVIEW along with MINUS (-) and PLUS (+) --
When used with a down and hold of the LOOP/PREVIEW button the -/+ buttons change the LOOP default length value. Available values are 1/8,1/4,1/2,1,2,4,8,16,32,64 and 128 beat(s) and are displayed in the first two (2) digits of the display as -8,-4,-2,1,2,4,8,16,32,64, and 28 ; respectively.
The values are only displayed when changing the values.

Use the LOOP/PREVIEW button to Activate and Deactivate a loop using the set default loop value set as described above.

Loads the selected track in the browser's files pannel to the appropriate deck.

FX button is used to activate/deactivate the selected effect on the deck.
SHIFT + FX navigates forward (+1) through the available effects
WAITLIST + FX navigates backward (-1) through the available effects

The navigation is 'effect_select_multi' action. This allows you to navigate through the various effects and activate them ontop of each other. When you select the FX button to deactivate an effect, if multiple effect are running ; VirtualDJ will move you to the next active effect. This is an action of the VirtualDJ environment an not done by the mapper.

Used for toggles of different combination actions with other buttons.

A very Good Bit of work.

Way above my head

OK, anyone -- PRO USER and ABOVE ONLY --
If you would like to help test the mapper I have constructed, then please send me a PM if you are interested. If you are not a PRO USER please don't respond to this thread. Thanks.

**MODs feel free to bump this thread to an appropriate level.

Ok, the pitchLock is still sloppy. So don't get crazy in your pitch movement. Still need to work on refining it !

Also, the inner jog now should work in a browse mode without the Waitlist pushed. Here is how Browse mode works.

Waitlist + Load - can be used to go straight into browse mode OR If the Deck is not playing or empty then outer jog when moved will put you into browse mode. And once outer jog wheel is moved then inner jog is available. If you activate browse mode while a deck is playing (WAITLIST + LOAD) OR once you stop using the outer or inner jog wheel for browsing - approx 5 seconds later the browse mode will turn off. Also, once you LOAD a track with the LOAD button browse mode is off. Remember if the Track is not playing then you must hit play or CUE before you can use the inner jog wheel for fine tuning.

I hope to have a version for posting to the general public within the week. Once I can get this pitch lock crap working.

If you are a PRO User and interested in getting a sneak peek (test) the mapper, then let me know. Send me a PM.



many thanks for the good works....
i've my first result:
-pitch link is not working..are you working on?
-there is a little problem in the file ini...if you exit from virtual dj it is not saved the information about browse mode...

i go on to test.....see you soon....

Pitch - yes - still trying to get this one correct. Had to take a mental break from it because it was driving me crazy.

DAC2.ini - delete the file before opening VDJ. Set your settings and close VDJ. Re-open and see if the settings stayed.

Just a note on the INI file. I don't create it, it is done by VirtualDJ, so if it is not working properly then I need to know so I can give some feedback to the DevTeam.


Hey cstoll;

After a few nights of using your mapper I like it.

Sampler enable is great, and FX handling is good

And the rest of the functions are becomeing much more smooth with practice.

Very Good work!!

DJ Marcel
Purple Onion NightClub

I will have a new update to post shortly, need to test. I have solved the pitch lock issue - got to test it. The code works in my simulator - need to test it with the real thing.


Well I guess not - the real testing did work correctly. And don't have time to figure it out tonight - have to work club. Will work on it tomorrow.!!!

OK, DAC2 Mapper - Pitch Lock is fix for when not using the Master Pitch mode.

I have uploaded the latest release candidate. Once you see the Description changes to show todays date and the note that it was fixed - download it. If you want it earlier just send me a PM and I will get it to you.

Unless there are other suggestions to change anything this is the release. I will be submitting my Source Code to the Plugin Source code page once I do some documenting of the code and clean up a couple of things. So, for those in the future that want to modify it themselves and get a more customized mapper to your want and needs then you will have something to work with.


thank you for your submition it will be analized shortly :)

skyfxl wrote :
thank you for your submition it will be analized shortly :)

dude - chill out on the high and mighty - please don't reply -- if so do it through PM.

cstoll, I downloaded your latest mapper and noticed one little glitch. On the Dac2 display window it shows elapsed time and not remaining time. When you try to change it, nothing happens. Is there a way to change it?

Actually it's an initialization glitch - sometimes it's fine sometimes not. Just go to the Effects, Devices, Click on the DAC2 (if not showing) then click on the REMAIN button - twice - in the panel. This will change the display correctly.

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