Went looking for some short usb and 90 degree cables to enable an idle usb buss on my shuttle and found this gem of a company.
You can get 6" usb cables and eliminate the miles of excess wire in your gig boxes.
Check it out.
You can get 6" usb cables and eliminate the miles of excess wire in your gig boxes.
Check it out.
Posted Sun 12 Nov 06 @ 2:05 pm
that's unusual, thanx again rick for all your contributions. I use a box from staples office store called a latch topper by rubbermaid........ I drilled holes in the top and sides. the holes are for ventilation and exit points for wires. I put my presonus firebox in it's original foam from it's box inside with the 3 stereo pairs all connected the 3 channels exit the sides via the holes I drilled. The firewire connection exits out the other side. The presonus ac is connected to an extension cord that exits out the side also. Next to the presonus and standing up in it's stand is a maxtor external hd; it's plugged into the extension cord also. A piece of foam keeps it from moving also. It's usb wire exits out the same hole as the firewire.In front of all of the aforementioned is a small 3 or 4 inch fan which is plugged into the ext also. When the 3 channels exit the box they are inside black plastic tubing you can buy at radio shack or home depot. Same for the firewire and usb connections.Nothing gets tangled. The stereo pairs are color coded blue is left ,red is the other left and white is preview. At a party the box goes on the floor out of sight under the table and behind my banner, on the top of the table is the wireless mic box the mixer and laptop, looks neat and professional.When I arrive at the gig I hook up 3 channels to the mixer, plug in the ac,connect the firewire and usb and boot up.All that's left is plug in the self powered jbls and connect to mixer. Takes longer to unload than it does to set up.
Posted Sun 12 Nov 06 @ 2:37 pm
lol nice
Posted Sun 12 Nov 06 @ 3:32 pm