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Forum: Old versions

Topic: Soundlbaster Live Platinum 5.1

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Hi! Im actually an atomixmp3 user. My soundcard works fine with a korg mixer... it separate the sound from the decks on each channel, right deck on the rioght chan and left deck on the left chan, that also works with the past demo versions of virtualdj... i just downloaded the demo of virtualdj 2.0 and i tried several configurations for my soundcard, but nothing work.. I sent both left and right decks to the front, rear, center and bass channels (I already used the 4 speakers configuration on HQ CFG program, also the 2 speakers and 5.1 configuration) but it just dont work, it dont even play the music. I also tried with all the simple configurations but they just play the two decks on one channel at same time or the 2 decks on both channels... Since I want to mix the music on the mixer, like I do on atomix, what configuration should I use? Im planning to buy this new version of atomix, but i wonder if my soundcard is supported... thanks in advance.

Posted Sat 19 Jun 04 @ 11:33 am
multi channel output is only avaliable in the full version just like in atomixmp3. if it works in atomix it will work better in VDJ i've tried it and i own a SB live aswell as a few others...
VDJ is 1000% more powerful than atomixmp3 and it is well worth the money.
dont hesitate to upgrade...
you can also try the kx project drivers for extra conrtol on what comes out of it. i surgest you try these they work wonders with the sb live series

"..... i just downloaded the demo of virtualdj 2.0...."

Just curious... Is there a demo of VDJ 2.0 out?


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