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Topic: can you use midi?

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can i use my new djm 800 to controll vdj? if so can some one help. i have 2 cdj mk3 1000 comin they oon back order. been using herc controlller.but can i use herc controller with djm 800? if anybody has any help with this mucn appr.

Posted Sat 24 Jun 06 @ 8:03 am
I don't see why you shouldn't be able to ues it, but since DJM-800 is a new mixer and not many people have one, it's hard to say for sure.

pioneer djm 800 is a midi mixer and you have to mapp it to use with virtual dj. you can see the nuo4 shortcuts for suggestions; I think that it's like this ecler mixer...but I haven't got neither pioneer djm 800 nor ecler nuo4...I hope I help u!

djmilehighboy wrote :
can i use my new djm 800 to controll vdj? if so can some one help. i have 2 cdj mk3 1000 comin they oon back order. been using herc controlller.but can i use herc controller with djm 800? if anybody has any help with this mucn appr.

Yes... you can .. yes, on all questions... :)

Damn, I'm jealous... DJM 800 and CDJ 1000 mk3... wow.. My DREAM system... ;) hehe

You have several solutions :
- Use DJM 800 midi to control VDJ
- Use timecode cd in CDJs to control VDJ
- Use Hercules to control VDJ

- or.. ALL of above ... on the same time;)

So you sure have a lot of possibilities, and a dream setup;)


The DJM800 cannot be used with VDJ without a MIDI mapper for the same reason the BCD2000 can't. It uses both Note on and ControlChange events which VDJ cannot distinguish between.

ok now i'm trying to hook this up and havin issues wha mapper do i need? dj norway this was my dream system to . but i figure if you play with the big dogs in trance i have to step it up. i'm trying to hoo it up without my cdj's there not here yet so norway can you help?

and i want to use all the above normay i figure the herc controller on output my cdjs when get here on 1 and 2

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