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Topic: sample engine volume/gain - Page: 1

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Been playing with VDJ 2 the whole nite :) lol..

And the sample engine is one of my favorites..

I got one dilemma!
It seems like the samples will play at a volume regardless of what gain/autogain is set at the "decks".

What I mean is this:
- If I play my VDJ "decks" at say gain (-4).. with autogain on, the volume of the mp3 files will stay almost in same volume because of the autogain.
But the samples play regardless of that, and come out ALOT louder than the music.

I know I could turn down volume of one and one sample, but would it be possible with auto-gain that also includes samples?
Because I loved samples soo much I might load a sample during a gig, not knowing how much up or down I should turn the sample-volume slider to fit volume of the music I play. The result could be a sample that gets out really loud....
(can't test volume under a live gig)

And another thing I have notised: -The gain info when recording the sample seems to stay with the sample. Nice enough. But if I record a sample at my settings (say gain -4), and upload to VDJ site, and another user download that sample, having his gain setting set to +1, could not use my sample in the right way, because the volum would be too low, even when sample-volum slider is set to full at his VDJ.

hard to explain, but does anyone see this? Could be a whole range of volumes of uploaded samples when gain info sticks with it...

AND, I think I would tend to play live with gain lowered at VDJ - when connected to external mixer, so that gain on mixer would not have to be to low (because some mixer the volume of heatset in the mixer is related to how much gain is on line-in, and to low gain would be too low volume at headset).

Any feedback or tips?
Or auto-gain on samples too in update version?

Or is it just me who got problems with different levels of volume on samples :)

Dj In NOrway

Posted Tue 15 Jun 04 @ 6:20 am
Maybe even both auto-gain and time strech for samples? :)

Because the default samples seems to be made for people who play music at say 125+bmp (house, techno, clubbing, disco)

I tend to stay more around 90-115bmp (pop,r'n'b,hiphop etc) first hours of the night, maybe building up to 125 at the end to make dancefloor "take off" more...

You see, I'm not a techno/house dj mostly (although I sometimes play clubbing kinda music, even funky house at some nites) - so I don't tend to work at 120-140BMP's range much

And if I use samples (for example the default) for music at say 110bmp the "vokal" is not time streched, and can therefore sound a bit funny ;) If u see what I mean... (when using beatlock in samples)

Just a few thoughts.... hehe :)

No big problem, could always make my own samples at my own gain level & my own bmp preferences :) but would be fun every now and then to test others samples too... :)

But anyway - THE SAMPLER ENGINE IS A KILLER!!! is soooo great and amazing to use.... Makes my DJ job to something completely different! Don't get me wrong! I LOVE the new sampler engine, and it's such a nice new feature.... Just had a few questions regarding it's use and functionality :)

Dj in Norway

dj-in-norway, I agree with your points. I've had to make volume adjustments to my samples even depending on the venue. I may go to one club plug into their equipment and have to turn up my samples becuase of the acoustics of the place and then turn the sample volumes down when I use my mobile wedding reception setup. So, not sure if autogain on the sample will help in this, case but I see the issue. You should use something like Normalize or Hard Limiting in something like Cool Edit to make your samples all have around the same volume. It may help.

Also agree on the genre point. One thing you'll notice is that many vDJ (and compititors) features are designed for and most effective for BPM friendly music. For example, you will notice that the LOOP action and even the Sample Engine you mention won't work properly unless vDJ has an accurate BPM value for the track.

I feel your pain [:o)

Hi digijoc-Mele...

Good to see that its not only me who sees the issue with samples... Hardlimiter could work, I guess. Still auto-gain & time-stretch for samples would be cool :)

I see your point on BMP. Dj programs works best for music with a steady beat, easy calculated BMP... like techno, house, clubbing, disco kinda music. Loops and other things work like a charm then :)
BUT, digijoc-Mele, I play mosty "off-beat" kinda music, where bmp is not always found automaticly in VDJ (or any other dj program), like hiphop, rap, r'nb, new chart popmusic (like Britney's Toxic for example). VDJ will not find BMP correct for all these songs (many it will though)...For those that are calculated wrong, there is a way to make VDJ work like a charm for these songs as well. The point is that you must find the correct BMP for them. And when u do, loops, beatmix and other functions of VDJ works like a charm too :)

I have found that you can use VDJ for ALL kinds of music, even beatmix ALL kinds of music! And it works really great, its amazing to almost make mass-up mix live with VDJ, like mixing Toxic with a cool hiphop or rock song... no problems at all.

So, having right BMP is the clue for everything :)
I know it some work to fix "wrong" calculated songs, but its so definitively worth it!! :)
You can beat-tap manualy, or read Fruit's EXCELENT guide on finding the right BMP, or even use a program that in 90% of the cases finds the BMP automaticly!! (an amazing little program called autoBMP, that "listen" to what u are playing in VDJ, finds the RIGHT bmp, and u can copy that into song in VDJ - and u got it going just fine!)

So, fixing my tunes, VDJ works like a charm :) hehe... but then again, having a right calulated r'n'b song going at say 110BMP sound great when looping or other stuff.. but when using samples that seems to be good for 120bmp, it sounds kinda strange :) hehe.... the pitch and lack of time-stretch for samples makes u clearly hear that samples are not made for that kinda bmp :) But then again, u can always make your own samples for that kinda bmp, like my 110bmp song running :)

just a few more thoughts :)

Dj in norway

"The point is that you must find the correct BMP for them. And when u do, loops, beatmix and other functions of VDJ works like a charm"

This was exactly my point. And the reason I feel your pain is becuase I primarily spin unfriendly auto BPM genres too (All variances of Reggae, Hip Hop, R&B, R&B Love Songs, Jazz Fusion, Disco, etc.) I beat mix all these genres.

So I am real lazy, and I just can't bring myself to this business of manually calc'ing BPMs for hundreds of tracks. Maybe there is a service out there that sells an archive of accurate track BPM listings... may be worth it... although I doubt I will find one for all my genres [:o/

I'm sooo lazy too :) LOL

and there is some kind of "service" that does it for you :)

Try this little program, that will find the correct BMP for odd songs (hiphop etc) in 90% of the cases:
www.pyramidedata.dk (autobmp program)

This little program finds the right BMP :) REALLY!!!
enter that into your song at VDJ, and do a little adjust of CBG so that it fits the beats.

Fruit got an excelent post here:

There is even a little trick that does it in many cases too for odd songs:
- Try to multiply the bpm by 1,5 it sometimes works.

Beeing lazy to, the autobmp program is my solution :)
It's running in the background, when playing my favorite songs in VDJ - and it finds the correct BMP for me :)

I know it's a lot of work correcting BMP, but I found it to be sooooo worth it, because my mixes go sky-high and sound GREAT when I have the right BMP, because VDJ works sooooo much better then :)

Do like me, have a little "hobby" when spare time, correcting BMP.. took me a little while, but the bonus is great :) LOL

dj in norway


yeah he's right it does get the right bpm for any type of song in about 90% of cases andfor those where it is wrong i've fouind it to only be +- 0.2% so if your looking for a shortcut for your incorrect bpms this is the trick

sometimes a little ajustment for about 0.02% +/- is needed..

but still it beats the h... out of manual tapping :) LOL.. hehe

Thanx to FRUIT by the way, for finding this great little program :)

Dj In Norway

i must agree, i usually have 2 instances of it setup in the background. one for each deck so you can see exactly whats goin on.

how can u make autobmp listen to each deck? one for each deck.... I WOULD LOVE THAT!!!!!!
Can even correct bmp live - on the "pre-listen" deck then?

TELL ME! :) Lol

dj in norway

In fact I didn't discover the software, a french user posted it for a while now I don't remember his name. I found the software soooo great so I now make it as known as possible as it is very helpfull for me!

See ya!


to set up 2 instances of AutoBPM running at the same time listining to different decks you need first to have 2 sterio inputs. they can either be from multiple soundcards or else if you have front pannel audio slots plug the connectors into the aux and cd in on the actual pcb of your soundcard (these are where you usually plug in the links from your cd drives) this will pretty much give any user an extra 2-3 sterio inputs. it can save alot of money). then you need to split the audio sources that is going to your mixer and feed one set into your mixer and the other back into your line ins. this should also work with the dj console but havn't tested it as i do not own one. to get it working on the software side you need to load one instance of Auto BPM and then go into the multimedia properties and change your recording source to the other line input. once this is done load another instance of auto BPM and your away. two live inputs!!! works like a dream especially if you make yourself alittle mixing box so you can change between sources (for example external cds or vinyl). one feature that i'd like to see from atomix is for each soundcard in the line input section to have multiple routing options. ie being able to select your 2 line in sources from the one soundcard. that way you can both have the vdj visualisation for each deck aswell as the AutoBPM values at the same time. (i currently do this by using 2 soundcards and it gives you awsome flexability, it is a ultimate feature)

i'm going to try and have a talk to the makers of Auto BPM and see if they can inbuild the function to switch monitoring sources aswell

Dear Digijoc-mele and Dj-in-norway,

it is BPM in-stead-of BMP (LOL ;)
Beatz Per Minute... not Beatz Minute Per! (still LOL;)

it's just a small thing nothing to worry about. continue the conversation :-p

lol cant believe i diddn't pick that up. such an easy mistake tho

have another beer.. hehehe (and bring 1 for me;) cheers

I didn't make that typo, dj-in-norway did... I simply quoted him LOL ! Why are we wasting time on this ? LOL ! U can probably find 2 or 3 typos and just plain bad spehelling in this post 2.

I'm drinking Guiness [:o)

hehe.... :)

did not see that before now...
Well, its BMP from now on :) hehe... oh..sorry..BPM :)

think the error comes from me being a designer, and BMP is a picture-format... LOL.. So I usually deal with BMP, and not BPM... :) think my brain and writing went into somekinda auto-pilot, not seeing the spelling error... lol

Well, U owe me a beer Cannonball! :) LOL


I think you owe hime a beer !

hehe.... :) maybe...hehe

But u said you owe me a beer for finding the DirectX emualtor :) hehe...

but anyway... Beers on me! :) LOL
