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Topic: Vitual DJ 3.4 with Windows VISTA 5342 BETA2

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Just have to say that virtual DJ 3.4 sound very good with Windows VISTA 5342 BETA2 and the new core audio of Vista :

_incredible low latency without asio
_good results with new Vista Directsound low latency at 24 bits/ 44khz / 192 Khz or Waveout (old MME)
_great dynamic / _warm sound

Good work Virtual DJ TEAM.

Good work Microsoft !

more informations about Vista here from Garritan developper :

From the various sessions there are salient features I gleaned regarding audio in Vista:
Glitch-Resilient Audio - Vista provides better audio stability and manages audio in much more efficient ways. Audio app crashes and blue screens may be a thing of the past. The kernel of the Vista OS has been rewritten in order to prevent a software problem with drivers from bringing down the whole system.
Arif from Microsoft gave a demo comparing XP to Vista, stressing the CPU with maximum loads and trying to bring both to their knees. XP crashed early on but Vista kept going and going and going...and no glitching during the stress test. Very impressive.
Prioritization of Audio - The entire OS has a priority structure so that you can specify what apps get priority. You can prioritize audio to make sure any other program (like a virus program or AIM) doesn't get in the way and cause a glitch.
Per Application Volume Control - Vista has a new audio control panel that allows separate volume control per application. Did you ever get that sudden instant-messaging soundblast that's ten times louder than your other sounds? This won't happen in Vista and this feature is a welcome addition.
Improved Audio Performance -There are various other audio enhancements in Vista such as:
Better memory management & CPU performance
Support for up to 144 dB signal to noise ratio
Reduced latency
16bit integer to 32 floating point to improve audio fidelity.
And 64-bit version of Vista that will make 64-bit computing a reality under windows."

(from http://www.northernsounds.com/forum/showthread.php?t=43407 )

Vista is only in Beta stage for some beta testers and will be out in december 2006/ January 2007.

Virtual DJ is already compatible with this beta version of Vista.

Posted Thu 30 Mar 06 @ 2:20 am
U115PRO InfinityMember since 2005
What is it ce truc Windows vista?

Posted Thu 30 Mar 06 @ 2:31 am
mUd-VPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Le Prochain Windows de Microsoft
Le Successeur de Windows XP

un de ses avantage , c'est qu'il sera 64Bit Natif

Posted Thu 30 Mar 06 @ 2:36 am
Ceci est un forum Français. Oliverbergman pourquoi postez vous ce message en anglais alors qu'à la base vous êtes français?

Posted Thu 30 Mar 06 @ 8:19 am
JIPI69PRO InfinityMember since 2005
Boh c'est quand même pas mal d'être informés !!!
En gros ça dit que VDJ 3.4 fonctionne hyper bien avec vista et que les taux de latence sont plus réduits que sur XP (tant mieux pour mes cd timecodés).

Par contre un conseil : n'essayez pas les versions bétas de vista sur un ordi qui a une partition étendue... celle ci sera annulée par l'install par défaut de vista béta (bonjour pour récupérer les données après....)


Posted Thu 30 Mar 06 @ 1:14 pm
JeremKPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
merci pour le conseil JIPI69, ça la ferai mal de perdre tous mes mp3 qui sont sur ma partition d:

Posted Thu 30 Mar 06 @ 1:58 pm

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