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Topic: DRIVERUPDATE - New Windows® driver offers MIDI control - Page: 1

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Hercules DJ Console provides hands-on control of MIDI software

New Windows® driver offers MIDI control, enhancing Hercules DJ Console’s performance with music software

La Gacilly, May 18, 2004 – Hercules Technologies is pleased to announce the release of a Windows® driver providing MIDI control functionality for the popular Hercules® DJ Console. This new driver turns the DJ Console into a powerful MIDI controller, allowing users to send MIDI commands to their PC using the DJ Console’s many buttons, knobs and sliders, as well as its handy directional stick.

“We have developed this driver package to simplify the mapping of commands on Hercules DJ Console,” explains Bruno Ormel, Hercules Audio & Video Business Unit Director. “MIDI control is extremely useful when using DJ software and also for music looping, virtual synthesizer applications and music recording programs. Expanding the driver to include MIDI control enhances the DJ Console’s performance and boosts its level of customizable control, delivering the ultimate hands-on digital music experience.”

All music software incorporating MIDI control features a “learning” mode, allowing the user to assign specific functions to individual buttons and so on. MIDI control makes using music software much easier and far more enjoyable by giving users tactile control of all their favorite functions.

With the new driver, Hercules DJ Console can send the following MIDI commands:

28 fixed MIDI messages, via the DJ Console’s 28 buttons.
11 gradual MIDI commands, via the 6 finite rotary potentiometers (independent Treble, Medium and Bass frequency controls for each of the 2 decks), 3 sliders (2 pitch sliders and a crossfader) and the directional stick (2 MIDI commands via the X and Y axes).
4 MIDI velocity instructions, controlled by the rotation speed of the 2 infinite rotary potentiometers (independent volume controls) and 2 jog wheels.

Look out for further details on the new driver at www.hercules.com.

Posted Tue 18 May 04 @ 7:12 pm

Please tell us if anyone comes up with some great MIDI commands for VDJ.... :)

What about the Jogwheels... ? Will MIDI support make it possible to scratch ???

Love as always


Can you post the midi channelsaand respective controls in the herc console. you'll have to disable the herc inside of vdj and go to the short cuts menu and hit a key on the console then you can set the shortcut for what ever you want.

for example

when you hit play what midi channel is it, is it the same for both play buttons?

Why do you went to use the midi shortcut with the dj console ??

You have a mapper, and Virtualdj is the most powerfull software with Hercules dj console.


"28 fixed MIDI messages, via the DJ Console’s 28 buttons."

Cool we are safe there in omni mode

ops this isn't going to work very well

ignored by vdj

"11 gradual MIDI commands, via the 6 finite rotary potentiometers (independent Treble, Medium and Bass frequency controls for each of the 2 decks), 3 sliders (2 pitch sliders and a crossfader) and the directional stick (2 MIDI commands via the X and Y axes)."

ignored by vdj

"4 MIDI velocity instructions, controlled by the rotation speed of the 2 infinite rotary potentiometers (independent volume controls) and 2 jog wheels."

another reason midi needs to be fixed in vdj :)

I didn't know about the mapper, hummm can I get one for the dac? pleeeese :)

i created a input controller file for traktor dj studio, so you can use the hercules dj console to control parts of this dj software through the new midi interface.

download it at http://www.rulecam.net/herculesdjconsole.tks

"4 MIDI velocity instructions, controlled by the rotation speed of the 2 infinite rotary potentiometers (independent volume controls) and 2 jog wheels."

Wouldn't that enable some really good scratch etc???

I'm an idiot when it comes to MIDI :) LOL... but it just seems right that velocity and jogwheels would make hercules A HELL OF A LOT BETTER than today... :)
or - I might be wrong (?)


Dj in norway


you are right, but these modes are currently not supported by vdj :(


Please let us use the full midi possibilities for the concole!!! :)

There are a lot of us who bought that (damn..lol) thing, and would LOVE to see it work better with VDJ (it already got some midi support for other dj progs)..... :)

I WOULD REALLY LOVE TO SEE THE MIDI POSSIBILITIES FOR THE JOG WHEELS!!! ( and I really hope you can fix that, and not ONLY go for xp10, but also make Hercules better too...)

LOVE as always

dj in norway

Now he sees why I beg for full midi support in vdj. It really would let the devolopers do other things instead of having to write mapping programs.

I finaly got your point Cyderhouse...and its a very good and important point as well! :)
It will open for any midi concole and even more....

Hope your daily begging at "new features" helps out! :) LOL...
Will help u out begg for too :)

Dj in norway

Thanks for your support :) maybe they will make it happen. And you'll see a cyder mapping on the 2 controllers...

Cheers Rulecam for the Traktor controller file.
Is it possible to preview with the headphones using HDJ?
I can't seem to allocate all 4 channels. If you get more functionality with Traktor, could you keep us updated?



If this would be best over at the NI forums, sorry.
They have all been put off buying the Console so doubt they will support us.

Just going to set you straight. VDJ is fully compatible with midi controllers. We are always working to develop the software better so be patient and post with respect. Please do not bash the software because it doesn't do EVERYTHING YOU think it should. We add features (major features) every release due to users such as yourself.

Cyder you don't answer to my question:

Why do you want to use some MIDI shorcut with the dj console ?? once again, Hercules DJCONSOLE is full compatible with virtualdj, without any shortcut or something else.

No mapper for DAC2 or DMC1, are planned, stop asking for it, it's boring.

Hi Homeboy... :)

If anyone got the impression that the post was out of disrespect of VDJ, that’s wrong... :) completely wrong...

My heart goes to VDJ, starting to practise on it, getting to know the software better and so on.. and compared to other DJ software, I really like VDJ... :)

I think my (and the others) post regarding Hercules is more a wish for new features, and by no way disrespecting the GREAT work so far from the VDJ team in making a GREAT software! Really!! :)

And also a wish for the best use of a console that we have already bought... To be honest, its NOT VDJ fault that the console is not all I thought it would be, it sure is Hercules own "fault" that is not all there yet (heard a rumour that the Hercules team is going to make a more pro console later this year...)..

But then again, would love every effort from the VDJ team towards making this (and other) consoles work better, if there is any possibility for that…. :)

And to set the record strait (no pun intended… lol) – I totally, TOTALLY, respect all the work VDJ team has made so far! :) Its been a long way baby, been looking at their software improve from Atomix to VirtualDJ (a huge step for “DJ-kind”…hehe) – from a good mp3 sofware to a really pro DJ solution!

And I have NO reason to believe, seen the history of the software, that it will improve even more, and my heart says that even Hercules support will be further developed :)

So, all of my love, all of my respect…..

Dj In Norway

Dj Morris...

What I think Cyder is looking for is a FULL midi support for ANY midi device, so that we all can make mappers ourselves... And not omni, but full, so that different instructions can be directed to different “dj decks”/channels

And I got the impression that a midi/asio support from VDJ would make for example the jog-wheels work better....
The new Hercules midi driver says:
"4 MIDI velocity instructions, controlled by the rotation speed of the 2 infinite rotary potentiometers (independent volume controls) and 2 jog wheels."

Sounds a lot like the potential for better jogwheel :)
But then again, midi is kinda Greek to me, so I'm not sure


Dj in norway

Dj Morris...

Hopefully this will not come out wrong, but why not make VDJ a more "open" software, with FULL support for users to customize the way they want to use it....

"No mapper for DAC2 or DMC1, are planned, stop asking for it, it's boring"

Why? why not make VDJ open for ANY controller, make the users of the software have a full range of things they want to use with the software. DAC2 looks good, DMC1 looks good too.. If Cyder already got it, or anyone wants it, why not make that, and other midi controllers work with VDJ?

I know DAC2 is made from one of your competitors, so I can understand an argument about not making business for them, but then again, if u made a "open" software approach for all controllers, I think you would attract many of the already users of PCDJ and other software (because VDJ is really better.. and if u believe so to, no worries...lol)

Mixvibes support for example a range of controllers (including Mixman DM2 and PCDJ DAC2 from their competitors) - and it says on their homepage :"Other controllers coming soon..."

I really LOVE VDJ, but can't completely see the point of not making support for ANY controller, making a better range of hardware for customers.

And - when we are at it (lol...), why not open up for 3rd party plugins as well? (VST etc) That would make VDJ even more professional! :)
(if plugins are a way to make demo users buy the program, do something else, like have the demo work only in mono, work for only 30 days or something...)

just a few thoughts, from a fan of your software... :)

dj in norway

on the hercules there is also a Traktor Preset file.


I have checked the Preset from this thread and from the hercules site and my conclusion is that this Traktor support is still a bit beta (no light indication, no good jogdial control)

VDJ works for me the best,
although i must admit that i sometimes i have a program crash, and that is serious shit...

