I'm a huge dance/trance music fan but am completely new to mixing. having practiced for several months with atomix with whjat I feel was a good level of success considering i'm a total novice. I then tried to mix a cd together of about 12/13 tracks. Firstly, i discovered this was very inefficient as you can only mix two tarcks at a time meant mixing the 1st two, then mixing the next rack with teh previosu mixed two etc...by the time I was to mix the 12th track i had to wait about an hour just to get to the 'point' where I would mix, and if i made a mistake i had to start over again. Is there a more efficient way of mixing? sorry if this sounds dumb but i relaly am a complete novice.
My 2nd question involves the sound quality. it appeared to me that after several recordings of trakcs the sound quality started to break down, tracks slightly skipping or getting distortions in the tracks. Has anyone else experienced this/know a remedy? Or is this down to the fact I had to keep coverting the .wav mixed files to .mp3 files? Many thanks any help appreciated.
My 2nd question involves the sound quality. it appeared to me that after several recordings of trakcs the sound quality started to break down, tracks slightly skipping or getting distortions in the tracks. Has anyone else experienced this/know a remedy? Or is this down to the fact I had to keep coverting the .wav mixed files to .mp3 files? Many thanks any help appreciated.
Posted Tue 28 Feb 06 @ 6:11 pm
First of all, Automix does not have a Demo that lasts for more than 20 days. Secondly I will add a link to a post that discussed all of this before., Thirdly for the sound distortion, you may want to stop using the version that you have and purchase the full version. Once you do, I will be more than happy to explain how to get the optimum sound quality...
http://www.virtualdj.com/forums/10070/General_Discussion/CREATING_THE_PERPECT_CD.html?highlight=how to make the perfect cd
http://www.virtualdj.com/forums/10070/General_Discussion/CREATING_THE_PERPECT_CD.html?highlight=how to make the perfect cd
Posted Tue 28 Feb 06 @ 7:02 pm