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Forum: Old versions

Topic: Bass overemphasized in VDJ

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Anyone else experienced the overemphasizing of the bass with VDJ (EQ sliders set to neutral position of course) ?
Is there a way to eliminate this ?

Posted Sun 04 Apr 04 @ 12:07 pm
there are things you could try:

1) update to 1.09
2) update your direct-x to the latest version.
3) get all the hotfixes/patches for windows you can get. especially the USB-hotfix.
4) try to disable Hyperhtreading and Speedstep in the bios (if you have these features)

these tips helped me a lot to solve all little issues i had. VDj is running like lightning on my system. I hope it will solve your issues too :]

Hi DjCannonball!

Maybe i wasnt precise enough with my question, but my problem isnt the speed of VDJ. I also got all the fixes and latest versions you recommended.

What i meant is that VDJ emphasizes low frequencies in neutral equalizer position tremendously, so when you want to record a mix it afterwards sounds almost distorted.

I haven't found this to be the case at all. I don't recall anyone ever reporting a problem like this.

that will be because you are feeding a line input back into your soundcard and the signal level (db) is too high and it is clipping. try turning down the volume of your recording source.
the dj console line input also does not have a very high level control on the unit thus you cannot record a sound very loud without it being distorted

hi dj zero,

i dont quite understand what you mean by a "line-input" going from the Console to my soundcard? as far as i know the only possibility to plug the Console into the computer is via using usb? and - correct me when i'm wrong please - the DJ Console uses its own built in soundcard for recording, isnt that so??
i also tried recording using different volumes, still it sounds like VDJ is acting like a bass booster ... (no clipping sound though, just emphasizing lower frequencies)

the console i got now is the 2nd from hercules, the 1st one acted exactly the same way concerning lower frequencies, so it must be something in VDJ that causes this effect. when i use the Console only as a soundcard it sounds absolutely fine, no problem at all.

greetz -S-

i feel stupid that didn't come up with that, it's the first thing to check ;)

djzero has the right idea. The distortion you hear of the lower frequencies is the overmodulated sound of too much gain....... or clipping [:o)

I run vDJ gain @ -3db. So turn the gain down in vDJ itself or try turning on the limiter in the config settings.


the line input on the herculies dj console has no adjustment as such from the software side. you need to lower the level of the signal that is going directly into the the console. the console cannot convert the signal properly if it is "clipping" (this is due to the signal being too loud). the console also can only take a realitivly low input level compared to many other soundards, this means it will clip earlier and distort your sound that you are recording. lower this input level and your problems will be fixed

Thx everybody!! Guess i could fix that problem now :)


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