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Topic: Non Alcoholic Clubs.. success? - Page: 1

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Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Hi Guys,
I'm thinking of opening up a non-alcoholic club, I'm not talking about one of those charge to get in/play harcore all night and only sell red bull affairs! (aka the druggy market).

I'm talking about a more easy going club, playing house and club music, and serving only non alcoholic beverages, I know many exist but can't say i've seen any around.

If anyones had any experience with such a club could you please tell me if you've seen it succeed?, under what conditions?, and the possible side-effects of such a club?..

I really don't want to poison my customers! :).

Thanks for reading, hope you have something you can share with me ;).


Posted Tue 09 Aug 05 @ 8:08 pm
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005

Glad to here this one... I think that a long time ago... I share with you what I known now.

You maybe success if you could get some people to want a great place with great music (and dancing) and this people does not an alcohol consumer. If you want to go for some young people (who doesn't drink alcohol) and have money to pay the entrance to your club, you have business man!

The place most be so cool and give the best. You most be more great than your competitors in a way that the alcohol is not an issue for your customers.

Think, What kind of thing is going to put a full and successful club?

Posted Tue 09 Aug 05 @ 8:32 pm
I think that if you're gonna want to that then you're gonna have to think carefully about how are you gonna make profit from the club, I don't go clubbing much, (only once a month, when I get paid!!) purely because of the neandeathal element which unfortunatly infect each club, wherever you go. Where I live here in England we have an area which is known as the Gaza Strip (with good reasons) purely because of the thug element who come 2am closing time (really early I know, but that the politicians for you) are at it with the Old Bill and then all hell breaks loose, I was with an group of mates from another town, who got verbal, purely for that, I interfered and that was that. Going back onto the main subject though, I think that you might have to widen your clientéle, in that you might need to think about having like an bar in the day-time and an night-club in the night-time, but yeah, if I was someone where you was, then I'd consider going there, and not just once an month.

Posted Tue 09 Aug 05 @ 9:57 pm
Wow, that would really be tough in my opinion since alcohol is a clubs' main source of profit. I think you would have some other element at work that makes your club unique. Something that draws people in, like comedy, poetry, etc.

Even the comedy clubs I know have at least a beer license... Something unique that brings people in... I live in south Florida and dont know of any non-alcoholic clubs down here, but then again I dont hang out as much lately. What area do you plan on doing this in?

Good luck.


Posted Tue 09 Aug 05 @ 11:23 pm
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Well, thanks for the responses so far..

A few different views their.., it is quite subject to the country your in.., in England, the alcohol scene is massive, it's really gone too far, the streets are very unsafe as said earlier, lots of alcohol-related crime. I would love nothing more than England solve it's social problems, i'd be more tempted to return if that was getting done, but i've always managed to escape trouble luckily.

I left England not long ago, and would never advocate such a project their, although I believe their are such clubs with success, America has a big drinking culture too, but I don't think they drink as heavy as the Brits.

Well, I'm now living in Sarajevo, and their is no addiction to alcohol here (thank God), the addiction here is actually coffe, yes it's coffe culture here!, and the streets are as safe as houses, their is very little trouble, and thoses that drink alcohol are actually out numbered by the police anyway!.

So i'm very delighted to be living in this culture, their are alot of coffe shops in the city centre, and a few of them are bigger, and have the addition of a club, have DJ's nightly and sell alcohol, but the majority of the drinkers are moderate and not binge drinkers.

I plane to open up a coffe lounge/club and take away the element of alcohol, people can drink elsewhere close if they wish, but I intend to make my money from the coffe, juices and non-alcoholic coktails..

Some drinkers may see it as an ideal warm-up bar, but non drinkers (I think) would be able to socialise in a nice place, with nice music, and not have negative side effects of alcohol ruin their night!, of course not all drinkers go to far, but we all know enough do to spoil the atmosphere..

It might also be worth noting that this country is European first, Muslim secound (I say that for the youth), so their is a balance between eastern and western culture here, and I think my idea is in accordance to both..

I just wish to get a bit more feedback, views and peoples opinions on the project before I preceed :).

Thanks, and please do continue to post!.

Posted Tue 09 Aug 05 @ 11:45 pm
I hate to sound negative, because I really like your idea but I honestly don't think it would work where I live (Southern California, US). Serving alcohol is almost necessary where I live, in almost any ADULT venue. I don't care if it's bowling, dinner, lounge, club or whatever.

The first guy that opens a bowling alley that doesn't serve alcohol will be the first guy that goes out of business.

The majority of adults go out to for a few reasons and a few reasons only, to have fun and be social and get away from their boring lives and problems. A drink or two helps people overcome their shyness so they can be social and it also helps them escape their boring lives. Take note that the majority of adults tend to enjoy a drink when they are being social.

This makes me question how solid the business model would be and how you would make a profit with no alcohol sales. Other than that, it's a good idea.

Posted Tue 09 Aug 05 @ 11:57 pm
They tried a no alcohol here. The owner was arested for selling drugs. He had to make up the lost profit's somewhere.

Posted Wed 10 Aug 05 @ 12:56 am

Non-Alcohol venues do work, especially if you have live entertainment. The more underground the scene, the more creative, the better the crowd who doesn't drink will be. As somone whose been around both worlds the non and the druggy, and who doesn't use drugs, I find that the non-alcoholic venues are the better one. Actually, its better to be sober so that you can laugh at the inebriated folks and their foolishness. LOL!

Okay, bro, open up a tea and coffee spot. Now the coffee should be international and you should do chai's and smoothies too.

Entertainment can be poetry slams, house and underground nights, Brazilian and Tropicana Nights, as well as laptop battles. Both regular laptop battles and Virtual Dj battles. You can even offer artists in the area space to do art shows as well as workshops. It should be a place where the underground feels comfortable. The best examples I can think of are the Nuyorican Poets Cafe and the Bowery Poetry Club except imagine them without the alcohol. They are world famous poetry venues and most people go there for the entertainment and the music, the alcohol is secondary. Actually, I think that Bowery venue might actually sell more coffee, tea, and vegetarian sandwiches then anything else along with the small entrance fee. They charge a little more when its someone famous in the venue. You can even do afterhours where "house heads" can go to unwind in the night. House and B-boy dancers can get in at a discount, this will create free entertainment for others watching the dancers bust their moves. This is how Nueva Yol use to do it back in the day to build a crowd.

To learn about Poetry hosting and Slams you can go to http://www.poetryslam.com/. Europe has a huge poetry community that supports each other, there's even a venue in France. If you have a poetry venue that is PSI certified, then Slam poets who are famous will usually stop by to perform for a small fee.

The laptop battles is another thing you can try. I see this as being the future... Check it out at http://www.laptopbattle.org/. This would be a great way for you to organize music lovers while showcasing their talents. Your venue should be a place where these artists can gather and collaborate. Would be nice if something develops where your spot would eventually be a place where people create music maybe even create an underground MP3/CD record label. Something that Virtual Dj might eventually do... Virtual Dj records... Maybeeeeeeee.....

If you need any advice or more help, just holler at your Virtual Dj bro's!!!

VDJ "Cohelo Con Take It Easy" Batibiri

Posted Wed 10 Aug 05 @ 2:08 am
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005

you have a very good idea. Be sure to make the club ambience strong and good enough to be there to have a nice time.

I Live in México, in here (like many other places) are clubs with alcohol but there's one that is a dance club without it. They have live music and it's free from alcohol from more than 50 years now. The people who goes here is TO DANCE and to have a nice time. In the other hand, we don't have (or don't known) a modern club without alcohol.

You have the people and what the like. Here was a promotion from Nescafe to drink cold coffee. Maybe this is what you may need.

And the profits isn't all from alcohol, are from the number of people who pay the cover and the consume (a coke may cost you same as a beer), you have to balance how much cost to work this club, and how much are going to be able to spend your clients. In the middle you have the answer for how much have to charge to your costumers in order to do business.

Posted Wed 10 Aug 05 @ 2:17 am
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I have to thank you all for your great insight so far, it's very helpful and causing me to think a little deeper.., thanks shaggy for your long post, your a great guy with alot of ideas.

Part of the selling process will definately need to involve some unique features, and no alcohol will automatically deture some, but on the other hand it would get some off their sofas!.

I'm thinking about the following things:
Screen + Video mixing
Musical Theme nights
House Chart rundown (maybe other genres)
Pool table
Interesting drinks + Coktails
Non alcoholic drink deals
Club policy to support the rights of non drinkers and 0 torlerance on drug abusers
Medium sized crib with atmosphere
Now and then special events.

And possibly more.., the list is sounding costly, but i'm NOT aiming to put together a larged open spaced venue and not serve alcohol, that wouldn't sell, i'm thinking more small-medium sized with amusement and high quality music, and nice enjoyable drinks, to attract a nice crowd of people, and finally put all that complaining about this and that club (which i'm known for) and put my own ideas into practice.

I definately believe in the concept, but implementation is where the difficulty lies.

What opening hours would you think are right for such a venue?, It would have to close before 2:00am else it would bring in alot of drunk people from up the road who've just had to leave the closed-alcohol selling clubs.

The daytime side of things would have to be a money maker too, that's where the coffe shop/clubs are very smart, simple but smart, to keep this kind of business open all day and into the night is very lucrative.

The city here is very busy from afternoon to perhaps midnight, it is also busy in town everyday of the week, but the club culture is simular to the west, big on Fridays, massive on saturdays.

I want to get this up and running while the country is still cheap, because the country is expected to boom (even further) touristicaly in a few years, and it's heading closer to the EU, so the timeing is right..

Thanks again for your contributions :), and please add if you wish..


Posted Wed 10 Aug 05 @ 3:46 am
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
To further add: whether you think this would be a success or not.. could depend on how you look at it, is it a club with something missing?, or is it a super coffe shop?.

That's the point here, it's meant to sell as something unique and new, with something added, not a classic club with something taken away..

This is a very interesting discussion.., the topic could divert to social science if we're not careful ;).

Posted Wed 10 Aug 05 @ 4:13 am
Wow, am I ever glad I saw this. Bagpuss, I have a direct connection with a non-alcoholic club. Its called " The Area Social Club " and its open from 10 a.m. till about 2 a.m. depending on the day and/or the staff situation. They sell inexpensive but good food,coffee,tea,sodas of all types,water,juices,candy and chips.

They have a room set off to the side with 4 8 ball tables and about 10 tables that seat 4 people. In the main area where they hold the dance they have seating for about 250 people plus a dance floor and DJ booth.

The kitchen is set up in the middle so you can order from either the dance club or the pool lounge.

You can have a really good burger and fries with a soda (that will not leave you hungry) for about 5 bucks. Water,coffee and sodas are all one buck. Juices are $1.50.

On nights when you are going to have dances, (thur.fri.sat.sun.) they charge 2 bucks at the door per person.
The joint is packed on dance nights.

If you think drunks can have fun wait till you see the none drinking crowd let their hair down. Its awesome. The only thing you may have to do is on a Saturday night make it an all ages thing and play everything from the 50's up till now. Make it a good mixture. I think you will be very happy with the results.

Thursday,Friday and Sunday can be your Theme nights.

By the way, where are you going to do this?
The club that I know about has been running for over 20 years now, so they are doing something right.
Its also set up in a basement with no windows, but it works.

Posted Wed 10 Aug 05 @ 5:02 am
After re-reading some of the posts here I would also like to add something more. This club I am talking about can legally hold 350 people. On Friday and Saturday nights there is a line up to get in. Absolutly no drugs or alcohol is allowed. If the doormen smell booze on some one they are refused entry. If a person is found using drugs or drinking they are kicked out.

350 x $2.00 cover = $700.00 x 2 nights = $1400.00 min. for Friday and Saturday night.

Each person comming in will have a soda,coffee,water or juice. Thats another min. of $1400.00 for Friday and Saturday nights.

You should pay no more than 20 cents per soda in a can and sell them for 1 dollar. Thats a 400 percent profit. What you charge at the door is about a 99 percent profit as you have to have some type of ticket showing proof of entry being paid.

If you want a detailed plan showing how it is set up and the cost of everything, e-mail me at robert_6@sympatico.ca and I will send it to you.
If you decide to go ahead with this I wish you luck.
Advertise...Advertise...Advertise...Advertise...and then Advertise some more. you will succeed.

Posted Wed 10 Aug 05 @ 5:22 am

Yeah, they are all very right. Especially on the food end. If you have a small kitchen, you can make a lot of money. Especially if its something that is not normal for that area. If you don't have a kitchen, you can get a local restaurant to cater special days or just on the weekends. Just make sure the food is unique.

Here's another idea:

Open up at 6 or 7 am. (This way you catch the coffee drinkers on their way to work). If you implement that kitchen idea, make cuban morning sandwhiches. Imagine Cuban bread - half a loaf size(Or "Pan De Agua" as we Boricuas call it), Cheese, Egg and a meat grilled almost like a grilled cheese to perfection. So soft that the cheese melts just right. Believe me, In philly, in Conn, In NYC, In MA, I have seen whole barrio bread bakeries make their profits from folks buying just those morning sandwiches on their way to work never mind also buying cafe. Even when people didn't buy their other goods, those sandwiches sell. Food, wether its small finger foods, or something more exotic like West Indian Cuisine with a good cup of coffee or fruit smoothie is a way to make loot.

Look at the model of the world famous "loft" started by Mancuso as a way to keep a venue running just from the power of good music and socializing. I definitely think that having the theme nights, as well as poetry slams, B-Boy Battles/Workshops, and just hooking up with more underground artists will be the key to making money and supporting the venue.

Sell T-shirts and merchandise that support the coffee house/club. Now the name of this venue has to be unique or marketable. Call it something like "Alhambra", "Alegria", "Casa De Paz", "Cubop", "Bugaloos" or something crazy. Just make sure that its something that sticks in people's minds and you create a unique logo or visual that accompanies the name. The more cultural the better. If the meaning can translate to other languages, even better.

Sell Mixed CD's of the Dj's sets. Especially when you have someone famous stop by to spin. You will be surprised how many artists will stop by to jam if your venue gets enough coverage as the place to chill and socialize. Selling the Cd's helps the Dj's as well as helps you make a profit.

Having a professional looking website should be the first thing you do before you launch on your first day. Its the fastests way to spread the word about your venue. A really good site usually means that the venue is serious about what they are doing.

The earlier mentioned CD's will sell because good house music is always hard to find in mixed CD form. Yeah, they sell mixed CD's in record stores but I'm talking about "good" CD's with that underground "murder" style music that no one has, etc... The CD's will help support your venue while also spreading the word about the legendary music being spun there. Just think of your venue as a miniture "Paradise Garage" that sells coffee and tea and good vibes. Don't forget to set up an Ebay store to also sell the CD's through your site. If the music is good and the place builds a rep, people from other parts of the world will buy a CD online.

Art exhibits where people of all walks of life and class can socialize are great, especially if you do underground graffity artists or someone who is about to blow up in the art world.

Find out what other art institutions are having opera, jazz, or other entertainment concerts in your area. I mean places where people with loot usually socialize. Believe it or not, just handing out really nice glossy "hand flyers" advertising your venue on a special night as people leave these places will get you more customers. Everyone is always looking for the hot place to unwind and chill without the drama, even the folks with lots of money to spend. Your venue should be open to all except those that are high or close minded.

Last, sell books and hard to find items in a small section of the spot. Things that are difficult to find but needed. It could be from cultural literature, to other folks music, to old school posters, buttons, t-shirts, and more.

Yes, you start off small at first but if done right this could be a full time job. Look at Thievery Corporation and their famous club in DC as a sample or what Snowboy in England is doing with House and Latin music. They accomplished this just by spinning their own styles of music and putting in the effort to make it happen.

You will have your share of "haters" but in the end, surrounding yourself with two or five folks who you can call a true "crew" that watch your back will help you make it a reality.

Hope to see it become a reality. Maybe it will become a home for more European VDJ's to gather or have a future conference... Que sera...

VDJ Batibiri

Posted Thu 11 Aug 05 @ 12:08 am
chabonkPRO InfinityMember since 2004
In Downey, CA (USA) I remember a feeble attempt being made at running a non-alcoholic dance club, "Club Jump". It was primarly visited by >21 crowd... The promoters ran a show on public broadcast to build up traffic (they'd film and interview club goers), but eventually had to close the doors. A non-alcoholic bar, at least here in SoCal, has too much to compete with. Starbucks, or any other large coffe shop chain, and even restaurants (some are big hang-out scenes at night) like The Yard House, TGIF, and BJ's. Don't know if it's like that in other parts of the world, but here it's really tough (we need that juice to put some stank in our hang-lows).

Posted Thu 11 Aug 05 @ 1:29 am

Lots of great ideas being thrown in by all. Like most of the guys said, location can make it much harder or impossible. And having something unique is what will make it work. Honestly, I wish there was something like that in my area. Usually non alcoholic clubs cater to teenagers, so that would not appeal to me.

Your location sounds like a good candidate. In the USA, I think it would have to revolve around a city that gives an old school or underground vive. That's not really happening im Miami with all the different nationalities here. Good luck with your venture. I really hope it takes off.


Posted Thu 11 Aug 05 @ 4:14 am
Thinking of serving some sort of lighter food dishes? I know lots of people from Bosnia and other parts from that region (croatia, albania). Nice, friendly and peaceful people was my impression.. can't belive that there's been a war there.. :/ I think your idea of a non-alcohol bar will work. Focus on things you may offer, that not the other places are focusing on. Work hard and it might pay off in the end. Remember, there was a time when no one could ever imagine a place for selling burgers..! And look at the world today! :)

Posted Thu 11 Aug 05 @ 3:17 pm
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
Great Messages. Bagpuss, you're dream is going to make it a reality. Glad for you. Best wishes!

Posted Thu 11 Aug 05 @ 6:30 pm
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Thank you all again, I really appreciate everyones input and your wishes for my success!, thanx ;).

Their are alot of ideas, and i'm thinking about this alot, the club will have to be everything but standard, and their is nothing truely like this here yet, so I will try and make my move as soon as possible.

I think the true beauty of the idea would be the new clientel that would never normally go to a club, and the 'converting' alot of people to a new way of clubbing, at the same time have my influence in the local music scene, sounds to be awsome.

I am looking forward to the challenge :).

p.s all members of this forum would be welcome to come and down and visit, it could possibly be a meeting place for the community one year ;), and we could have a VDJ laptop battle.

Thanks again.

Posted Thu 11 Aug 05 @ 7:59 pm
Cool stuff man! Hey, here in India, people dont drink as much as they dance! The scene is more into dance than alcohol, and if you were here in a metro city like Bangalore, You would be da man!!
Anyways, Best wishes dude!
I'll be visiting u sometime i hope!

Posted Fri 12 Aug 05 @ 10:51 am