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Forum: Old versions


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Help please! I am new and mixed my first track, which sounded excellent while mixing. However, upon playback it skips like mad! Also, atomix won't recognize my serial number when i enter it sometimes. I can't e-mail atomix, it bounces the e-mail back as rejected--my biggest priority is figuring how to stop the scratching!

Posted Mon 07 Jul 03 @ 8:01 pm
Be sure to e-mail service@atomixmp3 from your registered e-mail address.

I am e-mailing from my registered address, but it says that atomix has detected my a-mail as spam and rejects it. I also can't modify my profile to registered user because it rejects the serial number they sent.

I know a little off topic but I have the same problem with my serial number being declined as invalid on the registration page. It worked to get the program running but is rejected here. I'm even taking it directly off the e-mail from Atomix.

I don't have any problems when mixing to mp3's or .wavs. My skipping and then program crashing occurs when I'm mixing on top of a mixed mp3. To clarify, I create a mix and then to mimic three turntables I play the mix and load another track on the opposite deck and mix. Many times...but not all times, VDJ starts skipping and then locks up. Can only get out by ending task. Is this common? I don't believe it was happening to me for the first few times I did it. Thanks for any guidance on this and the registration problem me and the other user mentioned about our serial numbers.

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