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Topic: new plugins - Page: 1

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Will be great to see what Plugins will be created :D

Posted Tue 01 Jul 03 @ 12:59 am
I'd like to see a flanger lite :D i find that the flager effect doesnt go "light" enough :)

the flanger is fully adjustable.... think it needs more "lightness" reducing the volume on it doesn't help?

Personally, I'll miss flipping doubles :-)

no, the volume doesnt effect it...its still doesnt have the more "hissyness" of the flanger lite

yes i agree i miss flanger lite! :)

I think the team needs to give dj corpse a holler. He made mad plugins for atomix.


Phatty! i know DJ Corpse and he is no longer a DJ he says hes too old lol
But he isnt on the internet these days so i think we are looking for a new "PLUGIN MASTER"

What do u think about having an adjustable echo hallway or else effect?

there is still no pan in vdj, it is a good way to introduce music using pan specialy with pan effects going all around :

this would make the following effect Pan + adjustable "moving left to right" depending to speed and strengh of the effect

Talking about plugins and pan effects, the online manual still shows the old effects logos from atomix with pan shown in the documentation ...

And i can't see a pan effect available in the downloads yet

Think you might need to amend that page guys



First of all i advise to download the source files of flanger etc. (developers pages)
Then open by example the flanger code, CTRL+F , and search for the following string of code:

int delta=(int)(DELAYMIN+((DELAYMAX-DELAYMIN)/8192.0)*Depth*(1.0-cos((M_PI/4.0)*(pos+i-StartPos)/Bpm)));

then start changing things like :
(M_PI/4.0) to (M_PI/3.0) or (M_PI-3.0) you will find some real kickin' possibilities when you experiment like this.

Some other values you can change :
(pos+i-StartPos)/Bpm) change this in:
(pos+i-StartPos)/(Bpm*2) or:

You can create Every Cool effect only using the sample files.
The only thing you have to do is experiment!


I post some effects soon
(when i have my own legal and full version of VTDJ)

i get 2 efect realy cool!

to bad that we cant use atomix effect's...
it woud been so easy...

Thx for the info.

I was wondering how to manipulate the music with scratching ?
How does the C code look like for ex. backspin or some other scratch effect ? I mean what is the code like when I scratch with my mouse on the disc ?

thx in advance,


I also really miss flippin doubles. That was truly a magnificant effect! Can anyone transfer that? However the VJD has been quite awsome so I can't really complain! I have almost totally switched over on 3 systems.

how does flippin doubles sound ?


it just repeats the desk sounds like an echo in a way

I agree... Flippin doubles was/is perhaps the single effect that I actually used the most.

As much as I miss that one effect, VDJ still rules!


hummm... do you really talk about the Flippin doubles effect that can be found in ATOMIXMP3?

thanx a lot! great plug in!:) thanx kaleo
