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Topic: From one problem to another with atomix...

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Ive had a problem with crackling sound in atomix for quite a while now and have finally found out thwe problem!! It is my sound card driver!! I updated!! The sound crackling went and i was extremely happy at long last!!!

Then, from totally out of the blue came another problem.... SKIPPING!! All i did was update the drivers and Atomix Skips now...i know its the drivers cause if i roll back my drivers to the previous lot atomix does no skipping but back comes the good ool CRACKLING again... You fix one problem with atomix and up comes another... Really Annoying...

Anybody else have this problem??

Please let me know if anybody knows how to fix this??

Dark Storm

P.S. Please dont tell me to get the full version as i explained b4 it only started skipping as i upgraded my drivers... not by the fact that i have the demo version...Thankz..

Posted Tue 11 Feb 03 @ 10:31 pm
What's your sound card ?

Sorry.... My sound card is a Sound Blaster PCI 128... Andd the new update uses compact drivers. The quality is much better over my other drivers, but i would rather have crackling than massive skips in sound??

Looks like ill ave to roll back drivers cause this is really annoying.... :((

Dark Storm

From where are these drivers you installed ? Sure that they are the most up-to date you can find ?

I don't know if I've just been very lucky or what. Over the past 2 years I have changed computers no less than 4 times, and updated several different components inside the box. In this time I've seen posts come and go about skipping (don't think I ever saw one abour crackling tho). Each time I do a computer upgrade, or build a machine, I wonder if Atomix will skip. Not once have I had a problem with skipping. (thank goodness) Since you found that the drivers were causing the crackling, (not Atomixmp3) That's a good thing. The only experience I have had with skipping, was with my brothers computer. (yes, I have bought Atomixmp3 2 times. Once for me, and again for my brother) We couldn't figure out what was causing it, or how to get rid of it. It worked fine on his laptop, but on his desktop which was a better machine he had skipping. One day he changed skins, guess what, not one skip since that day. He changed to the new generation skin. I don't know if that will help you or not, but I'd be curious if switching to a different skin helps. Try several and see if any skip less than the one you are using.

Good luck man, I hope you get it working good.

Ok thankz.... i will try swapping skins around but i dont see how that would help?? But thankz for the advice as i will try anything and everything to get this working....

Also i got my drivers from the official Sound Blaster site. And according to the site they are the latest drivers for my soundcard. What gets me tho is that when i play MP3's through winamp...guess what?? No SKIP!!

I guess i am unlucky as i have allways had something wrong with atomix.. :((

Dark Storm

Ok thankz.... i will try swapping skins around but i dont see how that would help?? But thankz for the advice as i will try anything and everything to get this working....

Also i got my drivers from the official Sound Blaster site. And according to the site they are the latest drivers for my soundcard. What gets me tho is that when i play MP3's through winamp...guess what?? No SKIP!!

I guess i am unlucky as i have allways had something wrong with atomix.. :((

Dark Storm


As for me... never hed any pb with atomix... just some bugs in old versions.. on every config I used.

I've got a SB 512 pci with a maxisound fortissimo and I just use the defaults XP drivers without bad experience. The RAM may cause pb if you don't have enough ?

Well i got 524DDR Ram...and it never skipped b4 using the new drivers. :((

Guess i will just ave to roll back.

Cheers for the help anywayz guys.

Dark Storm

Before you roll back, have you tried playing around with Hardware Acceleration? I dont know what Windoze version your using, but in 98 you goto Control Panel, Multimedia, And then Advanced Properties in the audio tab. I think you can also use the Run command and type in "dxdiag" to bring up the DirectX panel. There sould be a Hardware Acceleration slider in the audio tab.


When all else fails .... Just format your hard drive and start all over. LOL

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