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Topic: Sound Configuration - Page: 1

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Hi guys, im fairly new to Atomix but I am excited to start using it correctly! I am trying to figure out how to have a song playing on the main output speakers and then another song playing in my head phones to monitor (for prelistening). I saw the the help page that this is possible with only one sound card, but it said i needed a Y splitter. What is that and where can i get it from? Also, say i wanted to use 2 sound cards... can they be of the same make and model? And if i did use 2 sounds cards, how would I set it up?


Posted Thu 09 Jan 03 @ 8:51 am

You can purchase the y splitter from any local stereo store. Although you will need the full version to have sound card capabilities. If you are intrested in learning more leave your questions below.

I see. So the demo does not support sound configuration of that time? And when i do purchase the full version, and do buy the Y splitter, do i just plug it into the sound card? How does it work exactly? What will I have to do?


Thanks man, thats a great help. And I will buy the prog!

Dams - You can send the commission to my PayPal account !

Hmm, i went out and baught the Y-Splitter and plugged it into my buddy's PC that had AtomixMP3 on it. We tried it out but it didnt seem to work the way i wanted it to. Thank god i didnt buy the prog right away. What happens is when i set it to one sound card and to a speaker and headphones, then when i try and pre-listen to the track i want to fade into it comes up on the main speakers too, and not only on the headphones. How do i fix this? or is this how AutomixMP3 does it?

1. well the program is called atomix
2. the splitters will only work with the full version

IF your "buddy" has the full version then you probably bought the wrong "y-splitter" some of them provide 2 identical signals to 2 outputs... and some of them split the stereo so that one channel comes out each side. Get the right one, and the full version, and IT WILL WORK!!

Well im not getting the full version untill i get it working on my bud's PC first. No point in wasting 50 semi bux on something I can't use correctly. And if the one i got is wrong, how about you be a pal and tell me which one to get? Is ther a specific model # or something of that sort i need to know?

for all of you that seem to "forget" or ignore this, my friend DOES HAVE the full version of the program. But its 2.1 and not 2.2 .

I showed you the one to get. All it is .. is a 1/8 inch stereo y splitter jack. The reason why it's not working is because you need the FULL version. Any dual output configuration will NOT work w/ the deamo of Atomix.

Make sure you BUDDY is not using a Cracked version. :)..... If you will not take the word of other people who have purchased this great software..... what can I tell you.... try CD's or records.

If your Buddy has the full version, then he's entitled to upgrade it to 2.2 since he hasn't then we'll assume that he's using a cracked demo. Now as you have been told a dozen or so times, the sound configuration WILL NOT WORK in a demo version... cracked or otherwise.

By the way, as you go through life looking for help from people who have absolutely nothing to gain by offering you advise, you may be well advised to not come of as such a jerk!
If you choose not to purchase the program based on failed attempt to use hacked, or cracked software, that is entirely your loss.

good luck man.


If you gain nothing from this then why bother with calling me a jerk? I never came off as a jerk until I got sick of people accusing me of using a cracked version of Atomix on my friends PC. Everyone assumed that he had a cracked version, and you guys still do. You, being the one accusing me of using hacked software shows that you act before you think. I didnt come here to fight or get accused of anything. But assholes like yourself always seem to wonder forums looking to start something. So yes, good luck to me in my journey in finding a working program, and good luck to you in becoming a nicer asshole in the future. Now there is one less person using atomix in the world. It's no bother, i know this, but keep it up and it will be :)

Moderator please close this thread.

Hi all,

Have to say Kronig, I had the same bother!! Not with being accused of having a cracked version cos I bought the software almost immediately after using the demo! I had difficulty obtaining the apppropraiate y-splitter but when I obtained a "stereo" y-splitter it stilll didn't work!!!!!

But, after a bit o' this n' a bit o' that, I found that it was my y-splitter which was faulty - I actually had to pull it out slightly from the socket and...............

Hey f***ing Presto! It works just like the guys say so - no lies here!! Thanks again to Dj Homeboy for his assisstance and patience - cheers chap!

Anyway, my idea for you is this: put on 2 tracks and put the x-fader all the way over to a deck but don't play that deck. Going by your description, if you start the other deck you will hear it - which you don't want! I had faith in the guys and the fact that everyone got this working so all I did was to start swapping around the plugs trying different ways, then I struck gold! I found that my y-splitter to the hi-fi needed to be pulled out slightly and I now have an even better program - I was quite happy even when it wasn't working!!!

my 2 cents!


well, I didn't say that you were a Jerk outright. I'm just suggesting that the way you phrased your comments about not being able to get your "buddies" version of Atomix working could be interpreted as coming off in a jerk like manner. As for you calling me an asshole, there was no question about that. Your comments just once again set you in a light that may be interpreted as you being a bit of a jerk.
OK, so I'm sorry if my comments offended you. I'll even offer you the benifit of the doubt and suggest that your "buddy" who is apparently according to you, (although why he doesn't just log in and upgrade his version, and ask these questions himself I can't understand) using a full registered version of Atomixmp3, and can't get the sound configuration working to his satisfaction. Since as per your statements, his version is a full purchased version, then perhaps he should e-mail to the providers of technical assistance that is offered for the valuable Atomixmp3 buying customers. Here is the e-mail address, perhaps you can provide it to your "buddy".

They will be more than happy to offer the help that your friend requires.

why close forums??????

censorship is crap!1!


I'll definitely try that Liam, and thanks for the help. Though, my Y-Splitty is a bit different. Intsead of it being a whole piece that looks like an upside down triangle, it is a piece that has 2 cords coming out of it. Basicly having extra cording for more flexibility. On the bag it says "Headphone Cable Y-Adapter" if that's even any help.

And btw Impressionsdj, the problem in this story is you dont know half of whats going on. For instance, did you know that my "buddy" (as u always quote it) never uses the program because he bought it out of ignorance? He thought it would be fun to play with for a while but later dropped it. I found out he had it and spilled myself all over it. As for him upgrading, he has the pet peeve of not wanting to add/update anything he is not going to use. Why would he email the guys at Atomix or even log on here if he doesnt use the program? I'm the one in need of information, not him friend.
