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Topic: Atomixmp3 sound quality. - Page: 1

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During live gigs I always have my computer connected to the mixer along with two turntables. After a few hours of playing sometimes another DJ comes on to spin on turntables and I notice that the sound quality sounds way better then Atomix. I noticed the same thing when still using Atomix, I popped in an original CD and played some tracks from it. The sound quality is much clearer and the lows are more stable. I do have a pro soundcard (Terratec DMX 6Fire). I try to keep my MP3s at high bitrates, 192kbps and higher. I didn't excpect the difference to be so dramatic. I am wondering if it's the actual MP3 quality that suffers or the Atomix's MP3 decoder. I will do more experiments, but I'd like to see if anyone has any inputs on this. Thanks!

Posted Fri 03 Jan 03 @ 12:33 am
i usually have great quality , most of the times better and more clear then cd tracks....
I encode my MP3's at 192 kb/sec bitrate with the LAME codec
It comes with the program Easy CD-DA extractor

give it a try... and let me know

does it make a difference ?

Atomix makes MP3's sound better than CD's ?

It's not a good idea to lace pine cleanser with your joints ? I personally feel the quality is not up to par. The quality is fine when the pitch is at 0% ... however you adjust that .. you get that gargled, anyoning hiss.

I think improving sound quality should be an absolute priority for the Atomix Team. You just have to play the same track on Winamp and on Atomix and man, you will NOTICE the difference.

Please, solve this in future upgrades... I'd be more thankful than having wma support, gain shortcuts or whatever :D

*** DJ Konzept ***
Valencia (Spain)

Speaking of Winamp, can't you run the DSP plugin for winamp together with Atomix??? That would be great because that way you can really enhance the sound quality of atomix. Since you can run the visuals of winamp, why not the DSP plugin????
Let me know what you think about it.


Speaking of Winamp, can't you run the DSP plugin for winamp together with Atomix??? That would be great because that way you can really enhance the sound quality of atomix. Since you can run the visuals of winamp, why not the DSP plugin????
Let me know what you think about it.


yes you can use the dsp plugin in winamp together with atomix! just like you were broadcasting using an external mixer understand me?

Can you give me some more information about that??? Is it worth it?
Do you need an external mixer for that???


Does winamp really sound better then Atomix with unchanged pitch? It's hard to tell with home speakers, but at the club there was a big difference when playing MP3s and playing from a CD (through Atomix). Now I am thinking that playing CDs from Atomix doesn't require a decoder but MP3s do use Atomix's decoder which might be the problem. Either that or the quality of 192kbps MP3s is really that much different on a club sound system.

Well, I work 4-5 times every week with Atomix. More of a bar/restaurant environment than a club, but we try to set a club type pace with the music. I carry my laptop, a mixer, an Amp, a DENON 2600 CD player, and a set of decent Speakers. Occassionally it happens that I have to, or decide to drop a CD into the DENON, and mix from Atomix to the CD player. Guess what people???.... There is neither a drop nor an increase in sound quality, one sounds about as good as the other. The laptop is plugged into the mixer through the standard on board sound device, no expensive add ons, no filtering, no processing. Just the laptop to the mixer, through the EQ (which is usually set fairly flat) to the amp, to the speakers.
I don't know what to say to those that complain about bad sound. Your sound card is really just a pre amp, it has to pass through some type of amplification before it gets to the speakers. Your problems may be somewhere in between the sound card, and the speakers. Not with the software.

I don't know about that, even when I listen to Atomix with my headphones (professional SennHeiser) I can hear the difference between Atomix and Winamp. You can't deny the that there's is a difference. Then we have the soundcard, I must admit that I don't have a perfect soundcard but I don't see how it could cause the difference.
Maybe we could do the final test and use the DSP plugin for winamp to see if it helps???? (Don't know how so if someone would like to explain it to me ....)


I do not hear a difference between winamp, and atomix. Either with the desktop and computer speakers, or with the laptop and the full sound system.... be sure if you're testing to flatten the EQ on winamp, and turn off all automatic everything in Atomix.
It sounds the same, and it produced the same volume level.

I'm not just trying to be contrary, I'm just conveying my personal experience. Since I'm using the basic default onboard sound card with the laptop, I'm not thinking that your sound card is a problem either. I'm suggesting the issues may lie somewhere between the sound card and the speakers, and whatever amplification equipment or cables is in between.
I'm using this software with some pretty decent equipment. I don't think the equipment would hide the shortcomings of a software product, I think it would multiply them.

dj_walkers, I get a plug-in error when I choose the .DLL file for MAD DSP in Winamp folder for broadcast plug-in.

I don't notice a difference between winamp and atomix (when the pitch is at 0%).

It's when you start screwing around with the pitch ... that causes the crappy sound quality. Its not the xaudio encoder, its the algorithm used for the pitch. But I don't want to get into any more details about this.

you can only select the broadcasting dsp plugin if you select it using atomix!

trip, you are absolutly right!

That's what I did. MAD DSP doesn't seem to work with Atomix.

There is a very clear difference in sound quality between the codec being used by Atomix (XAudio?) and the Fraunhofer codec used by WinAmp. Even with a cheap soundcard and speakers, the difference can be clearly heard, especially when the pitch is changed.

I too believe that sound quality sould be the #1 priority for Atomix. Its because of this that I dont make any CDs from Atomix. But instead, from the original rips or high quality mp3s, and then master it in a separate program like Cool Edit.


once again... I can hear no difference between the two programs. I for one have no issues at all with the sound quality of Atomix.

the same song, with no adjustments being made, sound identical.

if you boost the gain with either program, the sound deteriorates in both by about the same degree.

I guess you're one of the few lucky guys who can't hear the hiss??
