What Shortcut settings do you use?
I've been searching the whole forum for a answer to that question and i have yet to find it. So I decided to register can get some feed back. I plan on getting Atomixmp3 in a couple of days and until then I've been working with the demo..just curious what shortcut settings work best for other people.
I've been searching the whole forum for a answer to that question and i have yet to find it. So I decided to register can get some feed back. I plan on getting Atomixmp3 in a couple of days and until then I've been working with the demo..just curious what shortcut settings work best for other people.
Posted Fri 20 Dec 02 @ 11:56 pm
I'm using the [delete] [end] and [pge down] keys for cutting the bass, mid and low tones... Works perfectly!
Posted Mon 23 Dec 02 @ 10:21 pm