search for "nearlyasgoodassoulwax" on Kazaa if you want to hear a nescafelive finalist mix. I will leave my computer on all night and leave maximum bandwidth to outgoing transfers. Should take one hour 50mb or Username is also ------ Also look for some of my remixes
Dirty Idioteque
Try again felix
Video killed the spaced invader
blue revolution
cafe del belfast
or email me on ------ for any exclusive remixes.
Dirty Idioteque
Try again felix
Video killed the spaced invader
blue revolution
cafe del belfast
or email me on ------ for any exclusive remixes.
Posted Fri 13 Dec 02 @ 11:00 pm
sorry. you have to excuse the sound quality. I need a decent mp3 recorder, and my kaoss pad is playing up. Sounds much better live. Some of these tracks have lost quality due to re-recording. If you want the track listing email me there is at least 20 tracks in this mix.
Posted Sat 14 Dec 02 @ 2:39 am
Are you recording the mix to a .wav in Atomixmp3 and then converting the resultant .wav to .mp3? If so, you will have taken an already compressed format and recompressed it, thus losing a lot of quality, as you say.
One way round it would be to play .wavs when you are mixing, rather than .mp3's. Another idea would be to compress the .wav using a lossless compression program such as Monkey's Audio which will allow listeners to decompress back to .wav without losing any quality.
Are your mixes still available anywhere? I'd be interested in hearing them.
One way round it would be to play .wavs when you are mixing, rather than .mp3's. Another idea would be to compress the .wav using a lossless compression program such as Monkey's Audio which will allow listeners to decompress back to .wav without losing any quality.
Are your mixes still available anywhere? I'd be interested in hearing them.
Posted Tue 17 Dec 02 @ 1:32 pm
no, im using the record out of my crossfader and routing it back to the laptop. But, there is no line in only a mic in so sensitivity is a bit iffy
Posted Tue 17 Dec 02 @ 3:14 pm
So you're using an external mixer? I'm probably having a blonde moment, but if you are routing it back in to your laptop, in what format are you recording the signal?
Anywhere I can still hear it?
Anywhere I can still hear it?
Posted Tue 17 Dec 02 @ 3:58 pm
recording using musicmatch mp3 format at 128kb/s. Unforteanatley my i've lost my broadband connection until January 13th. So you wont be able to upload it from kazaa until then. Sorry. You could also check out my radioshows on wednesdays 10pm to 11pm live webcast as of January again.
Posted Wed 18 Dec 02 @ 5:37 pm
Thanks jukesy,
Using the mic in to record a line level signal will sound a bit nasty as you say.
Where are these live broadcasts available?
Using the mic in to record a line level signal will sound a bit nasty as you say.
Where are these live broadcasts available?
Posted Thu 19 Dec 02 @ 11:10 am