Ok, well i have just ordered the Nuwmark DMCMp3 Controller from some where else not realising that i comes with the AtomixMP3 Professional Upgrade and now.... I am being told that the Nuwmark controller purchased seperatly will now need a chip (what chip and by who) installed to make it compatible with other software. And all this directly from Numark. So is there truely a differance from the Numark Mp3 controller from Atomix and getting it sererate? And if so how do i get this new chip, who make it and who do i contact to have it installed. Or maybe i am just stuck with a controller that wont work with Atomix...
What to do
What to do???????
What to do
What to do???????
Posted Thu 04 Jul 02 @ 11:26 pm
And yes i know that i spelled Numark wrong.
Posted Thu 04 Jul 02 @ 11:28 pm
Read the FAQ.
Posted Thu 04 Jul 02 @ 11:31 pm
I did read the FAQ and it does not answer my questions.
Posted Fri 05 Jul 02 @ 2:15 am
The PRO controller needs a chip to comunicate with AtomixMP3. I don´t think there´s any way to get this chip separately. Try to give the controller back.
Posted Fri 05 Jul 02 @ 11:37 pm
That "needs chip" thing is retarded. I have had a DMCMP3 controller for about a year now, it came with PCDJ. If I want to replace PCDJ with Atomixmp3 I apparently now have to buy ANOTHER DMCMP3 just because Atomixmp3 can't use the standard DMCMP3 serial interface? I'm glad the Atomixmp3 team doesn't make car tires.
Posted Thu 11 Jul 02 @ 3:30 pm
You must have the Atomix controller for the pro version. An another user have the same problem. :((
Posted Thu 11 Jul 02 @ 4:42 pm
Another good question is can you buy this chip through AtomixMp3. I did ask through E-mail and they still have not yet answered the question. So far I just sent back the controller that i had ordered with the PCDJ program (PCDJ sucks). Numark says i can get it though Atomix. So whats the deal man. After all this trouble, now the AtomixMp3 controller is now out of stock.
Posted Fri 12 Jul 02 @ 1:55 am
Yes, apparently it's true.... Those of us who hesitated are left in the cold.... I finally decided to get one, only to find out they are gone... I don't know how many they bought in that first batch, I would imagine at least a few dozen.... A bunch of lucky guys for sure. I am real suprised though that not many people who bought them have posted anything about them. Maybe they have their own super secret special forum. With the removal of the CD player from my console, I have an empty space in my heart that only an Atomix pro version controller will fill.
I guess when the next batch rolls out you'd better decide quickly!!
I guess when the next batch rolls out you'd better decide quickly!!
Posted Fri 12 Jul 02 @ 6:35 pm
So the controller from Atomix is not available at this time. Does anyone know how long before it will be available. Maybe I better not hold my breath.
Posted Sun 14 Jul 02 @ 3:12 am
Is there any chance of Atomix ever working with the American Dj controller? I have just replaced my numark cdn 23-s cd players, which are identical to the DMC mp3 controller, with the american dj pro-mix controller. the numark's are too basic for my needs. I love the pro-mix controller, but the software it comes with doesn't compare to the Atomix software.
Posted Fri 27 Sep 02 @ 9:28 pm
have u guys heard of the hercules dj consol? the box for it says it runs virtual dj. also the atomixmp3 company logo is on the box but no mention of atomix itself. this unit retails for bout 250.... anyone familiar with it? will it run atomix? thanx for any input ilove this program....
Posted Sun 25 Apr 04 @ 12:09 am