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Topic: Support for slow processors

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i have a PII 233
and i cant mix for a long time
i can mix for about 20 seconds b4 the V.D goes outta sync
n e ideas?
i wanna mix fer longer
or could some 1 suggest overclocking tool?
been looking for overclocking tools for a long time now...

Posted Mon 26 Nov 01 @ 1:38 am
A P2 233 should do, dou you have ISA sound cards?
Because I've seen atomixmp3 running on a pentium 200mhz MMX with 64 MB of ram ... and atomixmp3's minimal sytem requirements are even lower ... P166 with 32ram i thought ...
Try downloading the latest drivers for your sound card and make shure you have directX 8 instaleed
Greetz, Dj T-Bone

DX 8.1 is indeed installed
i have a yamaha opl3-sax sound card
and a 233 with 96mb or ram
iss that enuff?
no progs runnin in the background neither...
still slow tho

should just about do it, which OS are you running? And are your sound drivers installed for the right OS ...?
Dj T-Bone

im KilldaDJ btw [cant be arsed to login]
win 98

currently basic computer is about 1ghz..

you might want to consider upgrading, as more features like EQ, sampler/looper flanger etc stuff is added, i'm sure the minimum requirement will be around 500mhz soon.

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