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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Upgrade some not so obvious thing to...

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After reading the forum anyone can tell that things like and EQ, Sampler/Loop, effects, resoulotion, multi-cue, etc. I think some easy and qualatative things go unmentioned that the development team probably would apreaciate knowing. Some of these things that I have noticed (and please add your own also):

* Inderpendent monitoring volume (I don't like minimizing out and turning up the windows volume when the house is really pumping!)

* A sub directory search in the scan harddrive/CD thing. I don't need to wait for ages when I've only added 1 file to a folder.

* A BPM list in the auto mix feature (although I don't really use it terribly much)

* I would like to be able to adjust volume from the keyboard or mouse wheel.

* Someone else mentioned something about a vertical scrolling cue bar/mark in the beats window, I liked the sound of that.

However ther id one thing that I do believe that you should not change. That is the way you can hold and drag the track in the beats window. Some perople are calling for a more scrath fell and I think that until a vinyl emulation hardware come out (and they are coming!) us MP3 nerds are going to have to wait. Software and a mouse are not going to be able to recreate real scratching. The curent track handling is similar to holding your thumb against the base of your turntable or cueing a track by spining the disc. Although I think you should be able to adjust the sensativity of howmuch your affetcing it. Maybe have it like the new touch break function on pioneers new CDJ 1000 (www.pioneerprodj.com). I think the development team should reduce the clicking/scrathing noise produced on mouse down, this would give it a more usably function in a mix perhaps.

Thanks guys for the invovative project and keep up the awesome work! Also, did you see that the new pioneer has something like YOUR beat window on there new top-notch CD player, way to keep ahead!


P.S. Plesae Yan don't pay out on me for the long post because you sometimes are are quick off the mark with the abuse when people are really trying to help.

Posted Sun 09 Sep 01 @ 2:04 pm
You wanted the following....

* Inderpendent monitoring volume (I don't like minimizing out and turning up the windows volume when the house is really pumping!) IT'S ALREADY THERE, LEARN TO USE THE PROGRAM!!!

* A sub directory search in the scan harddrive/CD thing. I don't need to wait for ages when I've only added 1 file to a folder. I DON'T HAVE THIS PROBLEM, TRY A FIREWIRE OR VERY FAST HARD DRIVE ALSO DEFRAG ONCE A WEEK!!!

* A BPM list in the auto mix feature (although I don't really use it terribly much) IT'S ALREADY THERE, EXPAND YOUR WINDOW TO THE RIGHT

* I would like to be able to adjust volume from the keyboard or mouse wheel. THIS FEATURE IS ON THE KEYBOARD....DO YOU HAVE AN ORIGINAL OR PIRATED VERSION???

Okay, thanks for your understanding replay, anonymous! It seems your an MP3 'DJ' expert so could you please tell me how I can adjust the monitoring volume on my second sound card within Atomix? You also surgest that I buy a new hard drive just becuase there is no recursive folder serach in the scan drives feature? My folder that my mp3 are in is named DANCE MUSIC, and then new tracks are in NEW TRACKS. SO when the auto scan start searching my 20gb hard drive it takes a little while to get from DNACE MUSIC all the way down to the NEW TRACKS folder. To buy a new drive is absurd! I didn't think I was SURGESTING to much with this simple request, but it is becoming obvious to me that people in this forum sometime are a little arrogant. There are enough self rightious people in the music scene already, so please don't surgest that I am anything less than a paying customer and a REGISTERED user! I do appreciate your comments and I will expand my window to try and find the BPM list in the auto mix & scan drive features. And after all, all I was trying to do was surgest somethings that I thought ALL Atomix users would benefit from, but this message will be my last and another persons input is lost.....

Nonetheless, thank you,



Please don't pay attention to the "tone of voice" used in anonymous posts. Unfortunately, this has become a "normal" phenomenon in these forums, which is very unfortunate as the AtomixMP3 users community ís at most occasions responsive and helpfull.

I personally hope that the Atomix Team will soon decide to bannish Anonymous posts from the Users Forum and eventually only allow anonymous posts in a seperate channel.

Now with regards to your suggestions:

* Independent monitoring volume:

I don't really get what you mean here. I'm sure you know that you can switch between the pitch and volume controls by either clicking on the "speaker" or "sandglass" buttons next to the track sections...
So if you could explain a bit more what it is you're after....

* A sub directory search in the scan harddrive/CD thing.

I agree on that one, you can only click on "On" or "Off" for a whole logical drive, whereas it would be nice to limit a search to a specific subdirectory (like for the purpose you refer to in your reply)

On the other hand why would you put new MP3s in a seperate directory ? You can easily flag "new" songs as such by using the "COMMENT" field, which allows an alphabetical sort. I personally use only one directory and use the comment field to indicate the musical genre. By first sorting on BPM and then on COMMENT I get all songs listed per genre, and within each genre they are sorted per BPM, an operation I use almost systematically when performing at a gig/party.

* A BPM list in the auto mix feature

It is true that the BPM column is already present, but it only becomes visible by dragging (resizing) some of the other columns. I only discovered this by accident myself.

* I would like to be able to adjust volume from the keyboard or mouse wheel.

I back you up on the need for extended shortcut keys for the seperate AtomixMP3 functions. The Mouse Wheel (although ergonomically fit for this kind of user action) would not allow to have straightforward seperate controls for both decks, consequently I would prefer to have keyboard keys for this function.
Referring to earlier posts in the various forums I think it is safe to assume that this request will be accounted fore in the next version (based on that information I've built an external controller which will facilitate the access to the different functions through a CD-player alike hardware interface - so I'm definitely longing for the new version, and to be honest for this reason only as the rest of the current features satisfy my needs as I use an external mixer which already provides an equalizer and kill functions)

* Someone else mentioned something about a vertical scrolling cue bar/mark in the beats window, I liked the sound of that.

Yep (no comment)

*...the development team should reduce the clicking/scrathing noise produced on mouse down, this would give it a more usably function in a mix perhaps.

I agree to the extent that it would improve the way things work. However, I personally prefer the use of the shortcut keys over the use of the mouse (and in that case clicking sounds are as good as absent).
I do use the mouse to position a track at a certain point (for exact cue point setting for example) but as that is always done while that track is on the monitoring channel the clicking/scratching sound is not annoying.

I hope to see you again in the forum, and would deeply regret that one individual (who seems to be an experienced Atomix user) made you decide to withhold from further participation.


DJ Corpse


By the way, I'm not a member of the Atomix Team and neither am I a moderator on this Forum, hence my reactions to your suggestions are personal.
As a consequence these should not be seen as an acceptance of any kind of your suggestions for future improvements/versions by the Atomix Development Team.

[ just to manage your expectations ;-) ]

I understand exactly what BoardaBoy meant by a separate volume control for monitoring. The volume control for the main output goes to one soundcard, the two volume controls for each deck only change the volume of the sound going to that soundcard. The monitoring output goes to a separate soundcard, the volume of the sound coming out of this card is only adjustable by using the windows volume control. That is to say that Atomix is sending out the monitoring sound at the level of the tune, if the tune being played is quiet, one might want to increase it's volume. To do this, one has to minimize Atomix and click on the volume control icon in the taskbar for that second soundcard and alter it there. BoardaBoy would like to see a volume control within Atomix that adjusts the monitoring output volume level to the second soundcard.

I think I have explained this, not too sure though... Tell me if it's a bit confusing. I'll try to explain it better.

No need for further clarification thanks, clear enough ;-)

I can imagine the value of such feature. As I use an external mixer, I personally don't need it (and therefore couldn't imagine its application).

I guess a point to be assessed by the Atomix Developper(s).

Thanks for enlightning the point made by BoardaBoy ;-)


DJ Corpse

Hey guys,

First off, thanks Corpse, you've restored my faith and I do agree that anon. posting should be stopped. Anyways, the volume comment. What I am talking about is best explianed in a "real life situation", so I'll try my best.

Okay, I'm mixing my tracks (on 2 soundcards) and the crossfader is about 80% accross. Now the place is real lound with club speakers, foldbacks, crowd etc. so how does one turn the que volume up on a track without the actual volume adjusting. For eg: when both volume sliders are at 0 you can't que! I think this is impossible to fix without a mixer (so that is why I'm using one tommorow!). All I'm saying is that there should be a seperate volume control for queing. And maybe a selector so you can listen to both deck and once (ie. in the mix). I don't know if that cleared ANYTHING up but....

Thanks guys,


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