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Topic: Background player???

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Now that Atomixmp3 is a perfect Dj mixing tool, do you guy's think by any chance that the team would work further to make Atomixmp3 also a powerfull background player??.

p.s. vote for good dynamics!!

Posted Sat 12 Oct 02 @ 10:20 am
Why bother? Plenty of progs available to do that already. Let them work more on tweaking and improving anything that currently needs work in the code.


I was wondering if it would be possible for the Multiinstance-feature of atomixmp3 to have a Master-slave-setup.

If you for example start two instances of atomix. the first instance works as a "master", sending information on pitch and Beatmatching to the second instance, the "slave". When hitting the left sync-button on the "slave"-atomixmp3, it syncronizes with the left desk on the "master"-atomixmp3. And the same ofr the right desks.

Is this possible?

-Jim Nordic

All great ideas ! Will be sure to forward them to the development team : )

.:DJ Homeboy:.

quote"Why bother? Plenty of progs available to do that already"quote

Why use two when it is possible to use one who can do it all.
And i tryed a lotta of software i still didn't found the perfect one!.
And really it cant be so hard to create a perfect Mp3 player.
For me Atomixmp3 is a great dj tool and sinds version 2.1, it's perfect to mix with.
Oké some people would like loops till 32, 64 etc..
But i really think when the wanne expand the should work on, the autoplay function to, then it would be also possible for pubs and other public places to use it.
And most Dj's are music lovers, and sometimes i love to listen to a good playlist or when i have a party at home i wanne use atomixmp3 as a background player to.
I really think that atomixmp3 is a perfect Dj mixing tool as it is right now!.


p.s. vote for good dynamics!

try this (probably a bit of an effort, but here goes)...

1, select "atomix start" to start of record (on options tab)

2, select "atomix end" to end of record (i think, fiddle around with these two options)

3, select atomix mix time to 0 seconds

4, load all your song into the playlist window

5, you songs will now play like they are in winamp. (should do) (try playing around with settings etc)

Remember though, this is DJ software. Designed and written for the function of DJing. You have made it clear that you want it to work on it's own for extended periods. Thus taking the DJ out of the mix. I think the priority would be to make it a more effective DJ mixing tool. Before making it something that would allow a bar can use for hours on end without a DJ. It's still much better than using a multi disc CD player for your needs. So you have to adjust the volume every now and then. What you are trying to accomplish can be done just about as easily with winamp, or even the windows media player, or any number of media players that can be downloaded and set up with a play list.
At least that's the conclusion I am drawing from what you have said over these past months.


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