Okay so here's the tale of woe !!
Shutdown my computer last Sunday eve after checking my mail..nothing unusual showed when shutting down..
The mext morning I pressed the power on button and nothing ! Not a pop or bang just nothing !!! So I checked fuese etc.. the problem appeared to be the computer power supply.. Dam ! so of i go and get a new one ..Still nothing !!! although the fans did twitch when i tried... So its a new motherboard then so again a trip to the store and i return home thinking is that it !!! or has the cpu also fried !!!
Okay still nothing....computer starts but no picture.. Graphics card is buggered !! as well... once again a trip to the store for a new graphics card... And at last i succeed in getting the power on self test up but it can't see either of my hard drives or my cd writer....Yep you guessed it ..They got fried too along with my extigy sound card and the usb card it was plugged into...
okay so i am now 600 sterling out of pocket but i have a working computer with nothing on it ...
Only seven days earlier I had transfered all my Mp3's to an external hard drive (about 30gb's worth!) but alas i lost lots of other important data which i had backed up on the second hard drive...assuming both drives would never fail together !!
Doe !!!!!
So the moral of this story is BACKUP onto a removable media and isolate from your system... Even things connected via the usb ports like my extigy got fried by the failing power supply..
Shit happens !! Just when you least expect it !
Posted Wed 25 Sep 02 @ 12:31 am
Even your exity got fried ??? That rough !! You must have been pissed !! I gotta start backing up my stuff, but I am just too lazy.
Posted Wed 25 Sep 02 @ 1:59 am
Sounds like your computer got hit with a big power surge from the electric company. Because of the ATX standard, there is *always* power going to your computer, unless it has manual off switch (not the front case switch, a REAL switch), or you unplug the computer from the outlet. If a big surge comes and theres no protection, it will get to your computer. The PSU is designed to take a little bit of voltage drift, but anything really big or for a long duration will kill it and and possibly anything else its connected to, which is what happend to your computer.
I'd invest in a good surge protector while your buying stuff. And if the power is really dirty (never constant 110 [220?]), then I would also invest in a line conditioner. The surge protector I would say is a must, even if you dont live in an area prone to surges. You just never know. The line conditioner I would get only if your sure the power is dirty, since they tend to be expensive.
And now that the Creative crap Extigy is fried, you can invest in a REAL sound card. :) Look at www.terratec.com for some good cards.
I'd invest in a good surge protector while your buying stuff. And if the power is really dirty (never constant 110 [220?]), then I would also invest in a line conditioner. The surge protector I would say is a must, even if you dont live in an area prone to surges. You just never know. The line conditioner I would get only if your sure the power is dirty, since they tend to be expensive.
And now that the Creative crap Extigy is fried, you can invest in a REAL sound card. :) Look at www.terratec.com for some good cards.
Posted Wed 25 Sep 02 @ 11:34 am
A surge arrestor plug only works if the spike is produced before the power supply ( I had one on !!!!)
I can only assume it was the power supply itself that failed and there is no protection for this event
I can only assume it was the power supply itself that failed and there is no protection for this event
Posted Wed 25 Sep 02 @ 11:42 am
Ahhh... then the PSU comitted suicide and took everything else with it... ouch.
I've heard that happen to a couple of other ppl, but never taking out everything like your system. Maybe one or two items, or like one memeroy slot, or PCI slot will no longer work or things like that.
Personally, I dont have a ATX psu without a power switch. When I turn off my computer, I turn it completely off.
I've heard that happen to a couple of other ppl, but never taking out everything like your system. Maybe one or two items, or like one memeroy slot, or PCI slot will no longer work or things like that.
Personally, I dont have a ATX psu without a power switch. When I turn off my computer, I turn it completely off.
Posted Wed 25 Sep 02 @ 11:56 am
Dear brother soul.I had the same story as you my computer was fried with 2 hd 2 sb 256ram motherbord 2cd ( 1rw) everything is fried and the most important 3.5years collecting only good music on pc.The solution.
i buy a new computer with a tower swich off/on for power supply also you can buy i dont know the name one box that serves like a batery in cases of power of suply to havw time to switch off normaly your pc.
you will see that the new computer is not like your old one sniff:)
i buy a new computer with a tower swich off/on for power supply also you can buy i dont know the name one box that serves like a batery in cases of power of suply to havw time to switch off normaly your pc.
you will see that the new computer is not like your old one sniff:)
Posted Wed 25 Sep 02 @ 4:03 pm
Oh man, what a horror story! I have about 19,000 songs (14 years worth of DJ archives) which take up about 80 gigs of space. I have them located on a 120 gig external hard drive, which attaches to my laptop for gigs, and I have them duplicated on an internal 100 gig hard drive on my desktop computer. Plus I have them backed up on an ecternal 80 gig drive (that one is almost out of space) that is kept 20 miles away at my brothers house, plus he has it backed up on a 100 gig internal drive. Imqagine the horror story I could tell if all 4 of these drives fried on the same day.
It took over a year to encode my archives. I decided to be very careful about making sure it was adequately backed up.
It took over a year to encode my archives. I decided to be very careful about making sure it was adequately backed up.
Posted Wed 25 Sep 02 @ 4:36 pm
I would cry if I lost that amount of data ! I guess the only solution to backing up files like that is though external hardware .... that or getting a DVD burner ... anyone have those yet ? I think they suck since they only hold 4.7 gb max.
Posted Wed 25 Sep 02 @ 8:09 pm