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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: can i suggest?

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well i have an idea alot off ppl will like,let me correct that everybody will like,how about a forum or a place on this website for people to trade samples,synths,acapella's,vocals,loops,scratches,sound effects,beats...etc am sure everybody will pitch in,as for me ill be the first to submit stuff i assure you its gonna great and i know everybody would agree!right people

Posted Fri 26 Apr 02 @ 2:23 am
And the person providing the web space would be ........ ? !!!!

well you got me there

"And the person providing the web space would be ........ ? !!!!"

hehe... damn..I just gotta do it.. *assumes a VERY rock'ish pose and starts headbanging*


Nah.. seriously, it's a great idea as long as you can warrant that all the samples are absolutely free to use.. no copyright-enfringement etc...
If not here then perhaps there *points to an empty lot on the internet*..

Starting a free samples-forum/site with quality stuff would seriously piss off those who are trying to sell CD's with samples but it would still be cool to accomplish that in a legally correct way... not pissing them off but providing quality samples to the masses.
Perhaps it could be like some of the legit MP3-sites where the creators are presented and can publish their material(samples).

NaDeR: start looking for sponsors and ask your local lawyer for advice on the copyright-bits ;)


yo tommy you wanna do this together?

i'd love to join you with your project guys.
I program in many languages (PHP, c++, Java, JS, html...)

I got my own server at home, but it has not enough bandwidth. But it definetly would last for the page. But the samples would have to be outsourced. (And then we wouldn't have the problems with the legal issues - my father is a lawyer...)

Just mail me: Project-Mp3-samples@n-dream.com



It's ALIVE!!! ALIVE I tell ya.. ALIIIIVEEEE!!!
*extended silence*

I've created a monster.. *hmmm*" ;)

Count me in guys.. if this bird flies I want in on the ride :)

ive got alot of samples beats synths and acapellas etc all we have to do is open up the page,so tell me what you all think and ill be happy to share whenever


forgot to logon again

whenever you guys wanna do it am ready

how about emailing loops, mp3s etc...... ??

we can but i think a large scale is better for everybody

if we can do it why not

hi nader wot is ur email and do u know anyone called pete his email address is peteyoung79@hotmail.com

he is a guy on this forum,my email is princeofdarknnes@hotmail.com

what happend guys nobody interested anymore?

I still am interested.. sounds like a great idea..
Been busy boozing all weekend though ;0)

ok lets get online me you and n-dream and talk about it or actually do it ok?

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