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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: i need help plz

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how can i register atomixmp3 .. .. i mean where exactly can i write the code on the program .. plz help me as soon as possible .. thank you :)

Posted Tue 02 Apr 02 @ 12:15 am
if u were a register user that bought the program this question would not be asked

DJ Homeboy

hi i would like you to show me or learn me how to scratch the music i know how to enabled it by the help options but dont know how to use it

so what u means you cant help me well i bought the program but my lil sista lost the book the manual

how can i write the code and where i can i write the code fo this program i need to know plz

Whats with all these f*cking dumb@sses asking for cracks ? You got to be a pretty big retard to ask for those kinds of things in the software's forum.

Email bill gates - ask where you can get a pirated copy of XP !

LMAO @ trip......I bought Atomix "poor hacker" never recieved a manual therefore a manual does not exsist unless the downloaded one has serials :P . Keep trying, hey trip it kinda makes me feel good that these llama's keep trying to get the codes to hack the prog as desperate as they may be getting they must have done some research on Atomix and realized how AMAZING the software is. LOL @ all you poor hackers.

DJ Homeboy

Trip, you took the words right out of my mouth. I was also going to suggest that these morons email Bill Gates and ask him where they can download a pirated version of Windows XP. How ignorant and moronic can these people get?? Who in their right mind comes onto a forum run by the company making the program and then asks in the said forum for cracks or serial codes?!?!

Hey, morons, before saying you lost the serial and all the other crap excuses your feeble minds can create, why not study the website first? You would then realise that your serial number can be obtained - if you are a registered user - by sending an email from the address that you used when purchasing the product to the Atomix technical help address. If all is well, then they will send you your serial code. Ergo, no registered user needs to come in here saying his sister has lost some book with the serial and then beg people to give him/her THEIR unique serial number in an open forum, MORONS.

Just give this a rest, Christ. Getting very old very fast, no serials will ever be printed in these forums however much you request, beg and grovel. Get your bank card out and buy the program.

how hard is it to come up with that sort of scratch??
buy the software, it wont kill you....

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