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Topic: Cue point numbering change
DJ_OlzuHome userMember since 2021
Hello, is it possible to change the numbering of a large number of cue points in virtualdj. I have more than five hundred songs in the database, for which the numbering of the cue points would need to be changed. Cue 1--> cue 4, cue 2 --> cue 1, cue 3 --> cue 2 and cue 3 --> cue 2. Is there an automatic function for this.

Posted 7 days ago @ 6:12 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
No swap script but you can do it with set_cue delete_cue & goto_cue.

Posted 7 days ago @ 7:25 pm
2 Solutions:
1 Direct:
goto_cue 1 & set_cue 4 & goto_cue 2 & set_cue 1 & goto_cue 3 & set_cue 2
2 Safe (and most likely what you need since I think you made a typo)
(has_cue 1 ? goto_cue 1 & set_cue 11 & delete_cue 1) & (has_cue 2 ? goto_cue 2 & set_cue 12 & delete_cue 2) & (has_cue 3 ? goto_cue 3 & set_cue 13 & delete_cue 3) & (has_cue 4 ? goto_cue 4 & set_cue 14 & delete_cue 4) & (has_cue 11 ? goto_cue 11 & set_cue 4 & delete_cue 11) & (has_cue 12 ? goto_cue 12 & set_cue 1 & delete_cue 12) & (has_cue 13 ? goto_cue 13 & set_cue 2 & delete_cue 13) & (has_cue 14 ? goto_cue 14 & set_cue 3 & delete_cue 14)

PS: If ALL you want to do is to have the hotcues in progressing order then you can enable the "autoSortCues" setting. It will make all your hotcues reorder chronologically.

Posted 7 days ago @ 9:25 pm
DJ_OlzuHome userMember since 2021
I wrote cue numbering wrong. It should be cue 1--> cue 4, cue 2 --> cue 1, cue 3 --> cue 2 and cue 4 --> cue 3, but in that code it is right (if I understand it correctly)

(Stupid) Question: Where do I write that code?

Posted 6 days ago @ 2:27 pm

Posted 6 days ago @ 8:01 am
DJ_OlzuHome userMember since 2021
Ok. I tested the code and it worked fine loaded track.

Next question. Is it possible to do this for the entire playlist at once or does each track have to be loaded individually and thus change the cue numbering.

Posted 5 days ago @ 9:22 am
It is possible to modify the code so that it does a whole playlist.
However, it will have to load the tracks on a deck in order to fix them.

I'm not a big fan of such "bulk" automation scripts. I would prefer to do it manually on each track I need it.
However, here's the "automated" way:
repeat_start 'TraverseList' ? on & repeat_stop 'TraverseList' : off & browser_scroll 'top' & repeat_start_instant 'TraverseList' 400ms & load & wait 200ms & (has_cue 1 ? goto_cue 1 & set_cue 11 & delete_cue 1) & (has_cue 2 ? goto_cue 2 & set_cue 12 & delete_cue 2) & (has_cue 3 ? goto_cue 3 & set_cue 13 & delete_cue 3) & (has_cue 4 ? goto_cue 4 & set_cue 14 & delete_cue 4) & (has_cue 11 ? goto_cue 11 & set_cue 4 & delete_cue 11) & (has_cue 12 ? goto_cue 12 & set_cue 1 & delete_cue 12) & (has_cue 13 ? goto_cue 13 & set_cue 2 & delete_cue 13) & (has_cue 14 ? goto_cue 14 & set_cue 3 & delete_cue 14) & browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'TraverseList' : browser_scroll +1

This code will do the entire browser window (from top to bottom).
It will use either the main (songs) window, or the sideview (playlist/sidelist) depending on where the focus is when you start it.

Use with caution, and if I were you, I would definately take a backup of my database before running the batch..

Posted 5 days ago @ 10:10 am