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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: POI Editor - can't get track to (1) stop AND (2) mix_next when it gets to my exit point.
The automix type is set to "Smart (cut)".

I tried
action: automix_skip
action: mix_now
action: mix_next
automix: Mix "Cut"
These all started the next track but did not stop the playing track.

action: stop - succeeded at stopping the playing track, but not at starting the next track.

I created 2 points at the same time: stop + mix_next.
Didn't work, just stopped.

How can I get VDJ to both stop the current track + start the next track?

Posted Wed 12 Jun 24 @ 10:06 am
Also, inside the POI Editor, I want playback to stop when it gets to my exit point, so I can hear if the point is exactly what I want, or needs to be nudged forward or backward, but the playback continues right past my exit point.

Posted Wed 12 Jun 24 @ 3:20 pm