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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: 2 small wishes for....List Shortcuts (& Lists)
First wanted to say.. I so love the new List Shortcuts (left most of Browser)..
Don't know how I lived without them... brilliant ! !

2 small wishes

1) add a "move up", and "move down", option to the R-click menus of the List Shortcuts.
(or drag them up or down)
Currently the only way to rearrange order is to delete all and create them again, as one would like.

2) The next wish applies to both the List Shortcuts and to the Lists themselves.
Wish that there was more control and distinction, between selecting a List (folder) and viewing the subfolders (lists within the List)
Currently clicking a List both selects the List (displaying contents in browser) AND showing the subfolders that are in the top folder (list).
For example, if one, would like to work, with only the top level folders, and only drill down to subfolders occasionally..
I one needs to double click, the list to JUST have results shown in browser. The double click is easy, but still not ingrained, since there are few double click needed in browser.
(the needed double click, applies to both shortcuts and actual lists)

one solution, clicking the Words(letters) open only the containing tracks in the browser..
and clicking the Icon shows both the subfolders, and the tracks in the browser.
(currently, clicking the (+) always just shows just the subfolders. (works well)

Another possibility, is if a "List Shortcut" is saved with subfolders showing, then subfolders show when clicking it. AND if only top level folder is saved as list shortcut, then it does NOT display the subfolders.
(ie the List Shortcut remembers the state, when the list was created)
could address the issue when using "List Shortcuts"

Hope the explanation is understandable, (let me know if pics or video is needed)

would love to have more control over what occurs, when selecting a list.
(I would be very happy with the subfolders never being displayed on first click, and either a second click to view subfolders OR, the click on the (+) to view subfolders.

This only causes issues when the there 15 or so subfolders that were meant to be viewed only on rare occasions, but opens with every click of the parent folder.

win 10

behavior of clicking a list or list shortcut is the same after once clicking a list. ie the second click on another list (list shortcut) always opens the subfolders.

behavior is different for first click (say after clicking a track in browser, or the play button). In the case of the first click in the "folders" panel, the click on a list, does NOT open its subfolders..
which is different behavior, for the first click of a "List shortcut". The first click on a list shortcut will always open subfolder.
Its as if when coming to the folders window (yes the panel is still called "folders") the first click on a list, is somehow also selecting the folders panel.. and then, once the folders panel is active, the all subsequent clicks of lists, opens their subfolders.


Posted Mon 15 Apr 24 @ 6:37 am
Have you actually tried to drag shortcuts up/down ?
Because dragging them to re-arrange is part of their functionality and works fine here!

As for wish number 2:
While I understand your point, you're a minority on how you use, and want your subfolders to behave.
Options are great, but too many options make everything more complex than it actually is.
So, an option for the behavior you want may come later (or may not).
But generally speaking when subfolders exist, people need/want to see them.
In fact a lot of users don't have both files and subfolders inside a folder. Not that there's something wrong with it. But users usually don't organize their library like that. This means that if they create a shortcut on a "parent" folder with no files and click on it, the function would look like as if it was broken if the subs didn't expand. Not only that, but you could very easily loose track of where you are on the browser tree, if there are no visible clues to make your current location distinct from your previous one.
A decision had to be made, (whether or not the folder should expand if it has subs) and it was found that the desired operation on 95% of usage case was to expand, for the reasons mentioned above.
Therefore, to avoid confusion (there are enough small changes already) this behavior is universal at the moment.

Posted Mon 15 Apr 24 @ 9:06 am
thanks for the quick reply Phantom...

1) wow .. didnt realize that dragging worked.. maybe I tried in an earlier build.. and it didn't work.. don't know where I got the idea they couldn't be moved.

Love the List Shortcuts and .. that they can be easily arranged .. woot !

2) Understand.. the reasoning ... and the need to not create complexity..
as I mentioned .. would be very happy with an option, that could be user set, to NOT expand subfolders on first click .. (and expand on the 2nd click)

Guess will have to keep training myself to double click, to select a folder (list).
Double clicking has not become part of muscle memory yet, even with some work at it.

What makes the double click learning difficult.. is the inconsistency of the behavior depending on where the previous click was. see sidenote from above:
behavior of clicking a list or list shortcut is the same after once clicking a list. ie the second click on another list (list shortcut) always opens the subfolders.

behavior is different for first click (say after clicking a track in browser, or the play button). In the case of the first click in the "folders" panel, the click on a list, does NOT open its subfolders..
which is different behavior, for the first click of a "List shortcut". The first click on a list shortcut will always open subfolder.
Its as if when coming to the folders window (yes the panel is still called "folders") the first click on a list, is somehow also selecting the folders panel.. and then, once the folders panel is active, the all subsequent clicks of lists, opens their subfolders.

so if the previous click the was in the browser, then a double click on a list opens the subfolders.
But if the previous click was in the folder panel then the double click, does not open, (actually opens and closes) the subfolder view.
If the first click behavior could be consistent.. then that would be help very helpful.
Since then one, could easily, develop the correct habit, without a lot of thinking.

Note: first click behavior, is consistent with "List Shortcut"

Again thanks for the awesome explanation..

Love Virtual DJ !

Maybe will rethink the organizational method, for the folders.. (suggestions welcome)

The thinking was that there are only about 20 folders that can be visible without scrolling (scrolling is slow) so the Top level folder is transformed from just being a table, to a tool cabinet, with drawers created in the space under the table for storage (the drawers of the cabinet, are used for the less used lists, allowing for quicker access with 2 clicks vs slower scrolling).

And with this analogy .. I cannot keep the drawers closed.. lol

Windows OS uses, a double click to open a folder, single click to select a folder.
and understand your thought, that some may not put any items on the table/workbench, so thus need not open all the drawers...

Again would be great if it could be an user defined behavior, since all use VDJ in different ways.

Would be awesome to have constant first click behavior. (supporting your explanation)
some method to differentiate behavior.. as with Win OS..
or user a option to determine action.

Posted Mon 15 Apr 24 @ 10:24 am
Hopefully you can understand, that all wishes are in an effort to make Virtual DJ even more amazing...

and only ask/wish in those cases legitimate cases of no workarounds.

Love Virtual DJ..
Absolutely the Best DJ software... bar none.

Again, big thanks to the Virtual DJ Team ! !


Posted Mon 15 Apr 24 @ 11:12 am
I do understand.
I have personally (quite a few times actually) pushed ideas "up the ladder" for development/implementation even though I didn't personally found them useful.

However, on all those cases, a) there would have been a reasoning behind them that made sense, and b) it would be something that it's target audience would not have been too much of a "niche"

As I said, options are good, but too many options can get you lost (and VirtualDJ already has TONS of options).
I'm not arguing against your wish. I just explained why it is as it is, and you had your chance to make your points.
Now, whether or not this will lead somewhere (e.g. an extra option) or not, is not up to me personally.
The team at some point will revise the suggestions it has received, and will plan accordingly :)

Posted Mon 15 Apr 24 @ 8:38 pm
I have found a workaround: to keep the folder tree from opening, when attempting to select the top folder to display in the browser.

clicking with a Middle mouse click, will "Select" the folder/list, and NOT open the any sub-folders, if they exist.


Posted Mon 15 Jul 24 @ 10:33 am