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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: Custom Denon Prime4 Mapping/Jog Display
i have edit some things for the Jog display,
but i dont get work the time and bpm in the Jog diplay, change every 2 Seconds or 16beat.

Can anybody help please?

Is it possibile that the rotation point is reducing like actually point in the track?
i see this feature anyware and its maybe usefull.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mapper device="DNPRIME4RW" author="Atomix Productions" version="850" date="2023-02-24">
<map value="LCD_READY" action="set '$primeright_ready' 1" />
<map value="SLIP_POSITION_ENABLE" action="loaded ? slip_mode ? constant 1 : get_slip_active ? constant 1" />
<map value="ENGINELOGO_COLOR" action="color 'green'" />
<map value="SLIPRING_COLOR" action="color '# 000000' " />
<map value="SLIPPOS_COLOR" action="color 'darked'" />
<map value="PLATTER_POSITION" action="get_rotation" />
<map value="SLIP_POSITION" action="get_slip_active ? get_rotation_slip : slip_mode ? get_slip_active ? get_rotation_slip : get_rotation" />
<map value="SLIP_INDICATOR_ENABLE" action="loaded ? get_slip_active ? constant 1 : slip_mode ? constant 1" />
<map value="POSITIONRING_COLOR" action="loaded ? color '# FF2EA5' " />
<map value="LOOPTEXT_COLOR" action="var '$deckrightselect' ? deck 2 rightdeck ? color '# FF2EA5' : deck 4 rightdeck ? color 'orange' : color '# FF2EA5' : loop ? color '# FF2EA5' : color '# 101010' & get_bpm" />
<map value="ALBUMARTWORK_ENABLE" action="var '@$denonshowjogalbum' 0 ? constant 1 : constant 0" />
<map value="LOOPTEXT_ENABLE" action="loop ? constant 1.0 : is_using 'loopsize' inaudible ? constant 1.0 : var '$deckrightselect' ? constant 1.0 : constant 0.0" />
<map value="LOOPTEXT" action="var '$deckrightselect' ? deck 4 rightdeck ? constant 8 : constant 7 : loop ? loop_select 1 ? constant 6 : loop_select 2 ? constant 7 : loop_select 4 ? constant 8 : loop_select 8 ? constant 9 : loop_select 16 ? constant 10 : loop_select 32 ? constant 11 : loop_select 64 ? constant 12 : loop_select 0.5 ? constant 5 : loop_select 0.25 ? constant 4 : loop_select 0.125 ? constant 3 : loop_select 0.0625 ? constant 2 : loop_select 0.03125 ? constant 1 : loop_select 0.015625 ? constant 0 : constant 13 : is_using 'loopsize' inaudible ? loop_select 1 ? constant 6 : loop_select 2 ? constant 7 : loop_select 4 ? constant 8 : loop_select 8 ? constant 9 : loop_select 16 ? constant 10 : loop_select 32 ? constant 11 : loop_select 64 ? constant 12 : loop_select 0.5 ? constant 5 : loop_select 0.25 ? constant 4 : loop_select 0.125 ? constant 3 : loop_select 0.0625 ? constant 2 : loop_select 0.03125 ? constant 1 : loop_select 0.015625 ? constant 0 : constant 13" />
<map value="DENONLOGO_ENABLE" action="constant 0" />
<map value="ALBUM_INDEX" action="var '$primeright_ready' ? action_deck 2 ? constant 1.0 : action_deck 4 ? constant 2.0 : get_bpm ? constant 99.0" />
<map value="ALBUMART_ALPHA" action="var '$deckrightselect' ? constant 6.0 : loop ? constant 5.0 : is_using 'loopsize' inaudible ? constant 5.0 : constant 255" />
<map value="LCD_BRIGHTNESS" action="get_var '@$prime4_brightness' & param_multiply -12.7 & param_add 127" />
<map value="ENGINELOGO_ENABLE" action="constant 0" />
<map value="JOG_POSITION_ENABLE" action="loaded ? constant 1 : constant 0" />
<map value="LCD_ALBUM" action="var '$primeright_ready' ? deck 2 get_controller_image 'circle' 198" />
<map value="LCD_ALBUM2" action="var '$primeright_ready' ? deck 4 get_controller_image 'circle' 198" />

Here is my full edit for the moment.


Posted Sat 25 Feb 23 @ 3:42 pm
Tis is not possible.
The jog display values are hard coded in the Denon-Firmware. Virtual DJ sends MIDI values to the controller and the Denon write the saved textes from the Firmware.

On my LC6000 are 21 saved Textes in the DENON Firmware.
Only this Textes can show on the on jog display.

constant 0 Jog Display Denon 1/64
constant 1 Jog Display Denon 1/32
constant 2 Jog Display Denon 1/16
constant 3 Jog Display Denon 1/8
constant 4 Jog Display Denon 1/4
constant 5 Jog Display Denon 1/2
constant 6 Jog Display Denon 1
constant 7 Jog Display Denon 2
constant 8 Jog Display Denon 4
constant 9 Jog Display Denon 8
constant 10 Jog Display Denon 16
constant 11 Jog Display Denon 32
constant 12 Jog Display Denon 64
constant 13 Jog Display Denon --
constant 14 Jog Display Denon A
constant 15 Jog Display Denon B
constant 16 Jog Display Denon 3
constant 17 Jog Display Denon 6
constant 18 Jog Display Denon 12
constant 19 Jog Display Denon C
constant 20 Jog Display Denon D

Posted Sun 26 Feb 23 @ 7:22 am
Okay, ITS Look Like a Multiplikator,
But this a have ready See before, so maybe i get the Key displayed as a Option.

I Hope Denon will Update the firmeware to the jog from the sc Line.

But Nobody get a answer from inMusic for requests.

Posted Sun 26 Feb 23 @ 10:56 am
I think its will goes, but i dont know how in the Moment.

Because there ist a option, i have ASK the chatGPT:

Certainly, here are the MIDI messages for controlling the LED ring on the right jogwheel display of the Denon Prime 4:

Change LED Color (CC message):
Status Byte: 0xB
Data Byte 1: 0x7
Data Byte 2: LED Color Value (0-127)
Change LED Brightness (CC message):
Status Byte: 0xB
Data Byte 1: 0x17
Data Byte 2: LED Brightness Value (0-127)
Display Track Position (SysEx message):
SysEx Start Byte: 0xF0
Manufacturer ID Bytes: 0x00 0x20 0x6B (Denon DJ)
Model ID Bytes: 0x04
Data Bytes:
0x08 0x01 0x05 0x12: display deck number and position time
0x08 0x01 0x05 0x13: display deck number and remaining time
Clear LED Display (CC message):
Status Byte: 0xB
Data Byte 1: 0x7
Data Byte 2: 0x00
Note that the SysEx message is used to display track position information on the jogwheel display, and the LED color and brightness values can be adjusted as needed. Additionally, these MIDI messages are specific to the right jogwheel display on the Denon Prime 4, and may not be applicable to other devices or software. The MIDI output needs to be enabled in the Prime 4 settings for these messages to be sent.

Posted Sun 26 Feb 23 @ 5:03 pm