I recently acquired a Pioneer DDJ SR2. I have the platters set to Vinyl / Scratch, sides are nudge of the controller. I would like to adjust the "nudge" action parameters of the side platter to be more sensitive, (less rotation to sync), but have been unable to find anything within the Settings of VDJ to make the adjustment. Only thing I did see is "JogSensitivityBend", which is defaulted to the value of 0.20. I altered the 0.05 ~ 0.01 values, thinking each would significantly be noticeable upon "nudging" the wheel side, but made no difference. Any regard, hope someone has some insight for me.
Posted Fri 23 Dec 22 @ 2:49 am
I'm an idiot! Turns out "JogSensitivityBend" is correct. I don't know why I didn't try a "higher" value (D'OH!), rather than only adjusting to lower values. Setting it to 0.35 ~ 0.4 did the trick. Now, just to refine it a bit to my liking......... hopefully someone else can learn from my posting as well.
Posted Fri 23 Dec 22 @ 3:05 am