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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: Controller license issue, even though I have a license

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Heeeelp!!! PLEASE, VDJ support has failed me....I have a home plus license and have been satisfied for years but during the recent 2021 forced update I noticed an omnitronic pro trial in my license tab. Now my PAID FOR HOME PLUS LICENSE FOR MY GEMINI CNTRL 7 keeps stopping after 10 minutes??? My license tab SHOW YOU HAVE THIS LICENSE already. I have even been dumb enough to try and buy another license just to avoid the VDJ support headaches and failure to resolve my issue but it wont even let me buy another license. PLEASE help VDJ superstars out there

Posted Tue 16 Feb 21 @ 2:10 am
First of all there are no forced updates. That is always something you accept in a pop-up, and you can even disable the check for updates. And you can always go back a version. But I don't think that will make a difference though, if it's a licensing issue

Second of all it's a good thing that it doesn't let you buy a license you already have. If not it would just be taking your money for nothing

But we can't help you with license issues here - only support have access to that
There are however also support people in this forum, so maybe they will see your post
Clearly you have some kind of controller license - it's says so under your name
So it's basically a matter of figuring out why your license no longer matches the controller you are connecting

Posted Tue 16 Feb 21 @ 7:03 am
supertrooper252 wrote :
.I have a home plus license and have been satisfied for years
I noticed an omnitronic pro trial in my license tab. Now my PAID FOR HOME PLUS LICENSE FOR MY GEMINI

You have a single controller Home License for the Gemini controller. And that is still valid.
But its a cheaper license for home use and for that controller only.

So when you have a different controller you need to get a license for that new controller (Home use).
Alternatively a Pro license that includes any and all controllers, unlimited.

Posted Tue 16 Feb 21 @ 11:40 am
Thanks for the replies. Much appreciated. Thanks for the forced update clarification-just frustrated here... everything was working great with the home plus license then all of a sudden it starts showing I nee da license for the controller I have been using for 6 years. Again any guidance would be appreciated. THANKS VDJ Stars!

Posted Tue 16 Feb 21 @ 7:38 pm
I have the 99 dollar license.

Posted Tue 16 Feb 21 @ 7:39 pm
supertrooper252 wrote :
I noticed an omnitronic pro trial in my license tab.

supertrooper252 wrote :
everything was working great with the home plus license then all of a sudden it starts showing I nee da license for the controller

But per your original post you are not using same controller right?
The license you have is a cheaper home use license, for a single controller (you bought for Gemini). And the Gemini (if you still have) should work all good with the license you have.

Now you are using a different controller, from Omnitronic correct? if so that needs it own license. You can buy a cheaper Home license for that controller..

OR, alternatively, get a Pro license that includes that controller and any and all future controllers (unlimited use)


Posted Tue 16 Feb 21 @ 9:09 pm

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