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Topic: Sampler Quantize Pads Questions (Hercules InPulse 200)

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xylumePRO InfinityMember since 2015
VirtualDJ8.3 v5186 and have both the 32 and 64-bit versions. It looks like the Sampler doesn't have a beat grid and can't quantize a 1 shot drop.

What do you guys/gals do when you have all 4 decks loaded with tracks and you want to play a 1 Shot (drop mode or loop) from your Sampler that you've recorded from other tracks (4 bar or 8 bar intro 1 shot to fill a gap that doesn't have vocals) and you want it to quantize it to the beat grid? And I suppose viewing the waveform isn't possible to verify it's synced.

I can get it on the beat with my ears and my click, but was hoping to have it quantized for me. I guess I could try to load a track and a sample onto their own deck ahead of time before mixing, then have the beat grid set, cue point set, play it quantized to a track and record it, then use that version in the mix? Are there any script options for this?

My other question: When I record a Loop and place it in the Sampler and load it up on my Pad Page (where the Hot Cues are) it creates a duplicate. Is this because of my Hercules InPulse 200 Controller?

It lists the Sample as:

[Hercules DjControl Inpulse 200 PAD_ROLL_1]
[Hercules DjControl Inpulse 200 PAD_SAMPLER_1

It has a duplicate on top of the other: Pad 1 and 5, 2 and 6, 3 and 7 and so on. If I hit the pad they both play and it sounds twice as loud. I can lower the volume in the Sampler, but is this the normal function? I don't remember this happening when I use to be a Home User.

I've tried the SIX DECKS mode and although I can load the sample onto its own additional deck (5) and (6), I can't see the waveform to verify I'm really 100% quantized. Probably, not a huge deal, but I was hoping someone could shed some light.

I've also tried the VirtualProducer 8 Decks, but it didn't seem to be any better for this situation.

I do use the Custom Save Deck/Load Deck Set which's been very valuable lately.

I'm not using the Remote for Android yet. Would the Remote be helpful in this situation or would it be the same thing? Thanks for your time!

Posted Fri 06 Sep 19 @ 5:16 am
xylumePRO InfinityMember since 2015
I was just thinking, perhaps I could use my Laptop and PC with Ableton Link enabled to play 1 shots and loops and sync them in just fine that way? If so, would I be able to see the waveform and beatgrid from the PC to the Laptop as it's playing through the network?

Posted Fri 06 Sep 19 @ 5:28 am
xylumePRO InfinityMember since 2015
Custom mapping

ALT+A (Plays up to 4 decks) - deck 1 play_pause & deck 2 play_pause & deck 3 play_pause & deck 4 play_pause


I could map this to a key or button and add deck 5 play_pause or deck 6 play_pause to any of the decks listed above.

Posted Fri 06 Sep 19 @ 6:32 am
Sampler Quantizes automatically with Master Deck, but only for loop mode.
Also for "drop" samples you must them to pitched if you want them to sync their BPM with master deck. Otherwise (flat mode) they play on original speed at the moment you start them (useful for samples without BPM like an air ride siren FX)

Posted Fri 06 Sep 19 @ 6:48 am
xylumePRO InfinityMember since 2015
Thanks, PhantomDeejay. That's awesome! I originally had them as Loops, but then I wanted them to stop automatically. I've given it a try and it works and the cool thing is the sampler illuminated to the beat which's very helpful, then all I have to do is hit it again to make it stop.

Posted Fri 06 Sep 19 @ 7:14 am

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