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Topic: mc6000mk2 waspi setup

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ewitlesPRO InfinityMember since 2006
gang -

had this in my possession since spring of 2015 but never used it live (wanting to learn it for starts). but looks like i'm going to evaluate making it part of my kit this year and need some help. in fact, have not connected it since v 8.1 was released.

asio i heard is not very friendly but use waspi. that said, what is the latest best sound setup for waspi? i don't use time codes and would like to record my mixes live.

windows based pc - not a mac.

thanks gang!

Posted Sun 03 Feb 19 @ 3:13 am
Dj-RFTDPRO InfinityMember since 2018
ASIO only ....

Posted Mon 04 Feb 19 @ 9:08 am
Of course you can use WASAPI with the 6000mk2.
Just select WASAPI in the audio config instead of ASIO

Posted Mon 04 Feb 19 @ 9:31 am
My suggestion would be to try the 6000 with its ASIO driver first. You may not have any issues.

It's best to use the driver supplied with/for the product. It should give the best performance.

If you do get problems (even after adjusting the buffer to a sensible size) then switch to WASAPI which is Microsoft's own take on a low latency driver - but obviously it's generic, not designed specifically for a particular audio interface.

Posted Mon 04 Feb 19 @ 6:00 pm

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