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Topic: Color FX - Page: 1

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I've seen a few, fairly technical posts around Color FX. However there is nothing in the manual or a post by the VDJ team explaining how to use them. Is there a post I am not seeing, or can someone please give a high level overview of how to use them within VDJ?!


Posted Mon 28 Jan 19 @ 4:06 pm
dj5826 wrote :
I've seen a few, fairly technical posts around Color FX. However there is nothing in the manual or a post by the VDJ team explaining how to use them. Is there a post I am not seeing, or can someone please give a high level overview of how to use them within VDJ?!

The latest version ( b4742) place them directly in the skin for easy access, and the selected effect will then also be the one controlled by the filter knob on a controller

Here is a video showing them used in the skin using just the mouse:

And here is one showing a bit more on how you can add the selection of them as a pad page for easy acces from a controller:

Posted Mon 28 Jan 19 @ 4:22 pm
freppaPRO InfinityMember since 2002
Hey Klaus.

How do you get to chose effects on the knob?
I can only activate them from pad section.

It would be nice if you could get the "VFilter" to work with the original filter at the same time, when I try I get errors and the program shuts down.

Posted Tue 29 Jan 19 @ 3:10 pm
freppa wrote :
Hey Klaus.
How do you get to chose effects on the knob?
I can only activate them from pad section..

I don't do anything with the knob
Starting with the current b4742 the filter function itself knows about the colorfx, so it automatically works when a colorfx is activated like in the video

freppa wrote :
It would be nice if you could get the "VFilter" to work with the original filter at the same time, when I try I get errors and the program shuts down.

I'm not sure what that is, but if you get a crash you should certainly report it, so it can get fixed

Posted Tue 29 Jan 19 @ 5:27 pm
freppa wrote :
Hey Klaus.

How do you get to chose effects on the knob?
I can only activate them from pad section.

It would be nice if you could get the "VFilter" to work with the original filter at the same time, when I try I get errors and the program shuts down.

VFilter is a VST FX?
Or a FX from 7?
In the ColorFX that integrated by Virtual DJ You can only select this FX that are prepared for the ColorFX , this FX these You can see in the List.
This List are Effect tha tested by the Programmers for the ColorFX.
I have Make an own Skin where I have make an second Funktion in Color , there You can Toggle from Color to Mixer FX , in Mixer FX you now use all Effects with Color Slider when You need , the Slider have the same Funktion as in the Color FX , You must test there which Effect good works for this ;-)
Have make it because I now many Effect from 7 I have and many VSTs works also fine as Color...
And I have also mapped the Buttons on my Controller to activate and select Color and the Mixer Effects , and with one Button I can toggle to Color or Mixer FX Funktion..
This works fine and better as the standart Skin ;-)
There are more possibilities and it is more practical.
I wait now for the Update where it fixed that I Virtual DJ find ColorFxs also in Subfolders ;-)
Than it works perfect.
Greatings Dani

Posted Wed 30 Jan 19 @ 2:51 pm
freppaPRO InfinityMember since 2002

Posted Wed 30 Jan 19 @ 8:25 pm
freppaPRO InfinityMember since 2002
klausmogensen wrote :
freppa wrote :
Hey Klaus.
How do you get to chose effects on the knob?
I can only activate them from pad section..

I don't do anything with the knob
Starting with the current b4742 the filter function itself knows about the colorfx, so it automatically works when a colorfx is activated like in the video

When you select filter 7 seconds in the first video, you get a small window to select from. How do you get that?
I see that you click on the text, but this doesnt work for me..


Posted Thu 31 Jan 19 @ 6:20 pm
Click at the Text under the Filter Slider (The Filer Label) ;-)
When you clich this Dropdown open , and you can select any colorfx or Filter ;-)

Posted Thu 31 Jan 19 @ 8:17 pm
freppaPRO InfinityMember since 2002
Ahh, now I see that its not working on Fruits skin only default one.

Is this easy to fix in xml. on any skin ?

Posted Sat 02 Feb 19 @ 2:24 pm
Yes - if your filter knob code looks something like this:

<slider action="filter" dblclick="filter 50%" rightclick="temporary" tooltip="FILTER"/>
<slider action="filter" dblclick="filter 50%" rightclick="temporary" tooltip="FILTER" frommiddle="true"/>
<textzone><text action="filter_label"/></textzone>

....then you need to add a button like this:
<button action="filter_selectcolorfx" query="filter_activate" ></button>

This is from the default skin:
<slider action="filter" dblclick="filter 50%" rightclick="temporary" frommiddle="true" disabledquery="not filter_activate"/>
<button action="filter_selectcolorfx" query="filter_activate" ><tooltip></tooltip>
<text color="#717171" action="filter_label"/>
<textselected color="#E1E1E1" action="filter_label" />

Posted Sat 02 Feb 19 @ 2:32 pm
Too late to edit the above post now, so:

I've just modified an old skin of mine to add the colorfx to the filter knob, and besides the above code, I also had to modify the define class of the knob. The new skin now uses knobk which has a few extra bits in the definition.

Posted Sat 02 Feb 19 @ 3:54 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
For the record could we have the before and after for the define ?

Posted Sat 02 Feb 19 @ 4:37 pm
I basically copied the new knobk class from the current default skin, and copied it into my old skin below the existing knob definition.

Then I changed the panel class of the actual filter knob from <panel class="knob"> to <panel class="knobk"> so it refers to the knobk code.

Posted Sat 02 Feb 19 @ 4:47 pm
I have create it so.
I think thats better ;-)
You can activate and deactivate the Color or Filter with left clik , and You can select the ColorFx with rigt click ;-)

<slider action="filter" dblclick="temporary" rightclick="filter 50%" />
<slider action="filter" dblclick="temporary" rightclick="filter 50%" frommiddle="true" />
<button action="effect_active 'colorfx' & filter 50% & effect_show_gui 'colorfx'" rightclick="filter_selectcolorfx">
<text color="#ffffff" action="filter_label" />
<textselected color="#ff5500" action="filter_label" />

I think thats better for use than the default script.
Nice Weekend

Posted Sat 02 Feb 19 @ 5:17 pm
freppaPRO InfinityMember since 2002
This is from my xml file, how should it be edited?

<define class="knob_filter">

<panel class="knob" visibility="var '@$v8bf_mixer_filter' 0 && var 'v8bf_Fres' 0">
<slider action="filter" dblclick="filter 50%" rightclick="set 'v8bf_Fres' 1" tooltip="FILTER\nRightclick to set resonance"/>
<slider action="filter" dblclick="filter 50%" rightclick="set 'v8bf_Fres' 1" tooltip="FILTER\nRightclick to set resonance" frommiddle="true"/>
<textzone><text action="filter_label"/><text action="filter_label"/></textzone>
<panel class="knob" visibility="var '@$v8bf_mixer_filter' 0 && var 'v8bf_Fres' 1">
<slider action="filter_resonance" dblclick="filter_resonance 50%" dblclick="filter 50%" rightclick="set 'v8bf_Fres' 0" tooltip="FILTER RESONANCE\nRightclick to set filter"/>
<slider action="filter_resonance" dblclick="filter_resonance 50%" rightclick="set 'v8bf_Fres' 0" tooltip="FILTER RESONANCE\nRightclick to set filter"/>
<textzone><text action="get_text 'RES'"/><text action="get_text 'RES'"/></textzone>


Posted Sun 03 Feb 19 @ 8:19 am
From the FRUiT skin? Yes, he's coded things a little bit differently from the default skin.

He doesn't just have knob and knobk definitions, he has separate ones for each type of knob! Same technique though, just slightly different layout.


Posted Sun 03 Feb 19 @ 8:47 am
freppaPRO InfinityMember since 2002
Thank you for the information Groovein, but how should it be done to work ;)

I have treid to replace the code in different ways from above but nothing works..

Posted Sun 03 Feb 19 @ 10:06 am
I tried it too, but only succeeded in making the filter knobs disappear!

FRUiT's code is not so easy to follow, compared to the default skin. Maybe time for you to send him a message.

Posted Sun 03 Feb 19 @ 11:27 am
One way around the issue is to just put this on a custom button:


That then changes the behaviour of the filter knob.

Posted Sun 03 Feb 19 @ 12:38 pm
freppaPRO InfinityMember since 2002
I get the same result with no text under the knob.
I did send him a mail, will see if he will help us.

Posted Sun 03 Feb 19 @ 2:46 pm