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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: Bug found in v8.3 b4675

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WWDJdkPRO InfinityMember since 2008
found a bug for the ONINIT script

master_volume 23% & sampler_volume_master 10% & deck 1 volume 4% & deck 2 volume 4% & deck 3 volume 4% & deck 4 volume 4%

deck 3 & 4 is not affected at all
not even when order of the script is changed around


Posted Wed 05 Dec 18 @ 3:47 pm
Confirmed for ONINIT script
It doesn't work with "level" either, and the order doesn't matter - But the build no does matter

deck 1 level 10% & deck 2 level 10% & deck 3 level 10% & deck 4 level 10%
deck 4 level 10% & deck 3 level 10% & deck 2 level 10% & deck 1 level 10%
work for build b4514 (or current build)
It only changes the level on deck 1 and deck 2

But they do work for b4420

They also do work when placed somewhere else besides ONINIT, like on a keyboard key

Posted Wed 05 Dec 18 @ 3:54 pm
The problem still exists in latest EA build 4719

Posted Mon 10 Dec 18 @ 7:28 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Fixed for next build :)

Posted Fri 14 Dec 18 @ 11:05 am

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