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Topic: Script School - Page: 6.45

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May as well copy this in, [nothing to do with yours Zvook]
new casting types
param_cast 'relative'
param_cast 'absolute'

it fixes a bit of a script maths blindspot, limitations for casting that existed when actions could accept either a relative or an absolute value, like goto can.
before a positive number variable was always seen as an absolute, and a negative was always seen as relative and not much could be done without some serious script gymnastics. now you can tell the script, relative or absolute.
absolute has most uses when the number you are dealing with is negative
relative has most uses when the number you are dealing with is positive
get_constant 1 & param_cast 'absolute' & goto
this will go to beat 1 [the one after the zero/first beat]

get_constant 1 & param_cast 'relative' & goto
this will go just one beat forward where ever you are at the time

other useful things it opens up, incrementing things

set 'a' 0.1 & get_var 'a' & param_cast 'absolute' & level
will set the level at 0.1, [because a==0.1 is absolute already you don't need to really include it, same result as set 'a' 0.1 & get_var 'a' & param_cast & level]
set 'a' 0.1 & get_var 'a' & param_cast 'relative' & level
will increase the level by, 0.1

I don't know how to start for this script : I want to map my 16pad controller (with rgb led) to sampler. I easily find the way to assign the color to sampler_pad.It works perfectly but now I want to say to VDJ "if this pad is playing change color of the pad AND also if it is trigger "hold" stay with this color and if trigger is "stutter" just make a momentary change of color...I don't know how to start with this....i started with a "while_pressed" on my button but it act like stutter and don't stay if it is hold :)
thanks in advance

break it into a bunch of queries

sampler_play 1 ? sampler_mode 1 'hold' ? COLOUR FOR HOLD : sampler_mode 1 'stutter' ? COLOUR FOR STUTTER : QUERIES FOR OTHER MODES : NOT PLAYING COLOUR

thanks again locodog ;) i see clearer with this :)

I hope I am in the right section to post this.
I am using the Virtual Dj 8 official PRO Layout (Skin) with the 3 different Effects on each deck.
I am also usind a DDj SX 3 Controller.
I managed to use the FX buttons on the top left (top right) of my controller to turn the Effects On and Off, also using the knob on the controller to use the effect slider for the Strength of the effect.

The DDj SX3 has then another Knob for Pushing and spinning (FX Beats / FX BeatsPush) which I am using now for the Effect Slider 1.2 (length).
My plan is, to use the FX Beats knob to toggle between Effect slider 1.2 , 2.2, 2.3 (while pushing it) and then be able to use the Effect slider for length by turning /spinning the knob.

I hope I made myself clear, English is not my first language.
I tried all day, but I gave up now. I just switched from Serato to Virtual DJ ( also tried Traktor but it didnt work well). So far, I really really like VDJ.


cycle 'beatPush' 3

var 'beatPush' 0 ? effect_slider 1 2 : var 'beatPush' 1 ? effect_slider 2 2 : var 'beatPush' 2 ? effect_slider 3 2 : nothing

That just did it!
Thanks so much.

PS: Do you know, if its possible, to make a Turntable visible as same as in the starter or Essentials layout? I Played around with it but it gave me only errors.

I am going to buy Pro soon I think ( I have to with ddj sx - No Home Plus) and then I will choose " The thing I guess....but till then would cool to see some spinning vinyls)

user21540659 wrote :
to make a Turntable visible as same as in the starter or Essentials layout?

Currently thats only in Starter/Essential...
But will be some updates coming with extended options for those who want this and that ;-)

Thank you. Sounds good to me. Its actually useless, but I really like seeing it. :)


THanks to Locodog for pointing me here. I've done a bunch of reading but I'm not understanding the syntax

I'm trying to do something simple- One button to do an Echo at a certain % strength and length
I thought effect_active "echo 60%" would do it as I've tried to copy something I saw but that didn't work. Again not understanding the logic here

Help Please

effect and prameters can't be set the same time
echo : have 4 sliders : strench, length, lowpass, highpass
and 2 buttons : Mute source, trailing stop

set them individually :
effect_slider "echo" 1 60%
length : 3/4 beat
effect_slider "echo" 2 0.60
(its not user friendly, its effect internal) but it's a beat slider so
effect_beats "echo" 0.75
effect_beats "echo" 75%
will set 3/4 beat as well

hear source:
effect_button "echo" 1 off

... and activate effect
effect_active "echo" on

final command:
effect_slider "echo" 1 60% & effect_beats "echo" 0.75 & effect_button "echo" 1 off & effect_active "echo" on


Thanks- will need to process this- quick quest which I still don't get- whats the "1" for- or the 2 as I've seen in other posts?


these are the index of the "button" or the slider "slider" as they appear in the gui

without effect
effect_slider 1 0.60

with active effect and slider 1 0.60
effect_active 1 echo & effect_slider 1 0.60

full script
effect_active 1 echo & effect_slider 1 60% & effect_slider 2 0.75 & effect_slider 3 0.75 & effect_slider 4 0.75

effect_active 1 echo & effect_slider 1 60% & effect_slider 2 75% & effect_slider 3 75% & effect_slider 4 75%

this one loads the effect in slot 1 and activates it after what it sets slider #1 of the default effect in the default slot to 60%


I've never done any scripting before and tried something which I think should be quite simple.
Background: there is a bug in the FreeStyler8 plugin where it will send POI macros to FreeStyler whether the POI macro is triggered in the active deck playing out on the speakers or the other deck(s) not playing out to the speakers at that point in time. So for example if you are playing a song on the left deck with the crossfader moved to the left, any macro commands configured on the POIs of another song playing on any of the other decks will trigger and will be sent to FreeStyler - that does not happen on VDJ7 with the FreeStyler 7 plugin.

Now I want to change the current POI macro commands to only trigger the FreeStyler commands when the track is playing on the speakers (master output).

I'm trying to get the "active playing deck"...
I've tried all of the following, but the POI macro commands are always triggered, no matter if the deck is playing on the speakers or not:
masterdeck ? set $fsvalue 1 & set $fscommand 275 : nothing
deck master play ? set $fsvalue 1 & set $fscommand 275 : nothing
deck active ? set $fsvalue 1 & set $fscommand 275 : nothing

So I've created the following POI macro command script to ONLY trigger the FreeStyler commands if the crossfader is < 25% and the left deck(s) are playing and if the crossfader is > 75% and the right deck(s) are playing.

leftdeck ? param_bigger crossfader 25% ? set $fsvalue 1 & set $fscommand 275 : nothing : param_smaller crossfader 75% ? set $fsvalue 1 & set $fscommand 275 : nothing

Is there a simpler script to achieve the same? "deck playing on speakers" ? "send command to FreeStyler" : "do nothing"

this works here, so long as you keep masterdeck setting to the default auto
masterdeck ? set $fsvalue 1 & set $fscommand 275 : nothing

to workaround the same issue (not freestyler plugin but unreleased artnet one) we used to use "is_audible ?"

locodog wrote :
this works here, so long as you keep masterdeck setting to the default auto
masterdeck ? set $fsvalue 1 & set $fscommand 275 : nothing

Hi locodog, I'm not sure what you mean by "keep masterdeck setting to the default auto". I've filtered for "master" on the settings page as well and cannot find "masterdeck" or anything similar.

I've just tried the script now again (not sure if my masterdeck setting is set to auto), but the FreeStyler command is fired regardless if the POI action of the "active" deck (crossfader moved to active deck) or "inactive" deck (crossfader moved away from deck) is triggered.


Nicotux wrote :
to workaround the same issue (not freestyler plugin but unreleased artnet one) we used to use "is_audible ?"

Hi Nicotux. That was what I was looking for! Thank you.
