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Topic: Script School - Page: 32.90
Countdown script went live between xmas & nye, I didn't have time to explain then so I'll do it now, I don't think it needs much explanation, read & try the examples

examples of countdown as a string

repeat_start 'count' ? repeat_stop 'count' : repeat_start 'count' 1000ms & countdown '2022/12/13 00:00' '%HH:%MM:%SS' & param_cast & deck master effect_string 'text' 2

repeat_start 'count' ? repeat_stop 'count' : repeat_start 'count' 1000ms & countdown '2022/12/13 00:00' '%HH:%MM' & param_cast & deck master effect_string 'text' 2

repeat_start 'count' ? repeat_stop 'count' : repeat_start 'count' 1000ms & countdown '2022/12/13 00:00' '%MM|%SS ----' & param_cast & deck master effect_string 'text' 2

repeat_start 'count' ? repeat_stop 'count' : repeat_start 'count' 1000ms & countdown '2022/12/13 00:00' '%full extra Words' & param_cast & deck master effect_string 'text' 2

querying countdown as an int
[note I have text effect profiles, called bignumber & message]
deck master repeat_start Count ? on & effect_active text off & repeat_stop Count : off & effect_active text on & repeat_start Count 50ms &
param_smaller `countdown '2022/12/09 13:59:00'` 10 ?
countdown '2022/12/09 13:59:00' %full & param_cast & effect_string 'text' 2 :
param_equal `countdown '2022/12/09 13:59:00' %SS` "00" !?
effect_string text 3 bigNumber & countdown '2022/12/09 13:59:00' %SS & param_cast & effect_string 'text' 2 :
effect_string text 3 messageBox & effect_string text 2 "it happened" & repeat_stop Count

set_var_dialog $date

fill it with this
2023/01/02 01:00

use a string variable as the date param
repeat_start 'count' ? repeat_stop 'count' : repeat_start 'count' 1000ms & countdown `get_var $date` '%full past' & param_cast & deck master effect_string 'text' 2

Tell me how to write the script correctly: (deck right filter_selectcolorfx 'noise' smart_pressed)
it should work like this: when you turn the filter knob and hold the button with this script, the noise effect sounds, if you release the button, the noise effect does not sound.

locodog wrote :
Look at filter_activate

with "filter_activate" works, but then all filter_selectcolorfx stop working.

in this pad, as in the photo, everything works, but I do not need all these functions, I only need "noise", and I want to assign NOISE to one pad to control this function in the "PUSH ON" mode.

I don't know what you're asking.

locodog wrote :
I don't know what you're asking.

you need to activate the filter_selectcolorfx "Noise" effect when the button is pressed, when we release the button, the effect should turn off.
P.S. thank you for your time

then finish up with

Here's one for you locodog:

I have a video sample (with dialogue) on a pad which I use on a regular basis. When I hit the pad, I manually lower the fader of whichever deck is playing, then return it once the sample has played.

I'd like to automate this process and script it to a custom button so I can use other pad pages and still trigger the sample when required.

So: Play named sample, reduce volume of live deck while it plays, then return volume to full.

Cheers and Happy New Year!

@groovin it's asked for that often, I have that on a button
set $volManip 0 & deck master repeat_start volManip 25ms -1 & var $volManip 0 ? param_smaller 0.5 `deck 1 level` ? sampler_play 1 & set $volManip 1 : deck all level -2% : var $volManip 1 ? sampler_used ? : set $volManip 2 : var $volManip 2 ? param_equal 1.0 `deck 1 level` ? deck master repeat_stop volManip & set $volManip 0 : deck all level +2%

Thanks but that's not quite doing the right thing.

It's lowering the volume before the sample plays, then playing it, then raising the volume of both decks. Also it needs to play a specific named sample rather than just the first one in whichever bank is selected.

[edit] It only seems to work correctly on one side. With the left deck playing, it does the above, but if I try it with the right deck playing, it behaves differently (doesn't lower the playing deck, oplays the sample right away, then raises the level of the non-playing deck).

I don't know your path "¯\_(ツ)_/¯"

sampler_play FILEPATH & set $volManip 0 & deck master repeat_start volManip 25ms -1 & var $volManip 0 ? action_deck 1 ? param_smaller 0.5 `deck 1 level` ? set $volManip 1 : deck 1 level -2% : param_smaller 0.5 `deck 2 level` ? set $volManip 1 : deck 2 level -2% : var $volManip 1 ? sampler_used ? : set $volManip 2 : var $volManip 2 ? action_deck 1 ? param_equal 1.0 `deck 1 level` ? deck master repeat_stop volManip & set $volManip 0 : deck 1 level +2% : param_equal 1.0 `deck 2 level` ? deck master repeat_stop volManip & set $volManip 0 : deck 2 level +2%

sampler_play FILEPATH & set $volManip 0 & deck master repeat_start volManip 25ms -1 & var $volManip 0 ? param_smaller 0.5 `deck active level` ? set $volManip 1 : deck active level -2% : var $volManip 1 ? sampler_used ? : set $volManip 2 : var $volManip 2 ? param_equal 1.0 `deck active level` ? deck master repeat_stop volManip & set $volManip 0 : deck active level +2%

I can put the path in :-)

Second one works correctly, thanks.


i think i understand what you want. I see on your screenshot my "COLORFX" Padpage ;)

check this script. This is the part that you whant. The Problem is. The Color fx whers turn off by using this script. You need an second button to reactivate color fx again or you can not use any other Color FX.

filter_selectcolorfx 'noise' & filter_activate off & filter_activate on while_pressed

Vocal FX Pad Mode Editing :

Hi Guys, I need your help editing a pad page that i find very useful in vdj. Its the Vocal FX pad mode by Rune(DJ In Norway). i want help editing the pad modes so they can be toggled on and off instead of pushed down and release action. and if possible also with LED feedback so you know its on. The pad i am most interested in editing is the LOOPCHOP. Thanks in advance .
P.S : I sent this message initially as a DM to @locodog but it seems he is a bit occupied so decided to put it on here. Thanks

FYI : Just In Case Anyone on here is willing to convert/write scripts for a VDJ Add-on called Sticky for Mac Users, please let me know so i can contact you for help. Thanks

After bring it up to date

down ? 
on & set 'VoxFXcount' `var 'VoxFXcount' ?
get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add 1 : get_text '1' & param_cast val` & set 'voxLoopCycle' 0 & effect_stems 'vocal' on & repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' & quantize_loop on & padfx 'loop roll' 0.9 0.75 & wait 1bt 1 & repeat_start 'voxRoller' 1bt & effect_slider 'loop roll' 2 -20% & cycle 'voxLoopCounter' 2 & var 'voxLoopCounter' 0 ?
repeat_stop 'voxRoller'& repeat_start 'voxRoller2' 1bt & effect_slider 'loop roll' 1 -15% & cycle 'voxLoopCycle' 6 & var 'voxLoopCycle' 0 ?
repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' :
nothing :
nothing :
off & repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' & effect_active 'loop roll' off & get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_equal 1 ?
effect_stems 'vocal' off & set 'VoxFXcount' `get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add -1` :
set 'VoxFXcount' `get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add -1`

then change down query to a var query and include 2 toggles of the var

var voiceThing 0 ? 
on & toggle voiceThing & set 'VoxFXcount' `var 'VoxFXcount' ?
get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add 1 :
get_text '1' & param_cast val` & set 'voxLoopCycle' 0 & effect_stems 'vocal' on & repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' & quantize_loop on & padfx 'loop roll' 0.9 0.75 & wait 1bt 1 & repeat_start 'voxRoller' 1bt & effect_slider 'loop roll' 2 -20% & cycle 'voxLoopCounter' 2 & var 'voxLoopCounter' 0 ?
repeat_stop 'voxRoller'& repeat_start 'voxRoller2' 1bt & effect_slider 'loop roll' 1 -15% & cycle 'voxLoopCycle' 6 & var 'voxLoopCycle' 0 ?
repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' :
nothing :
nothing :
off & toggle voiceThing & repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' & effect_active 'loop roll' off & get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_equal 1 ?
effect_stems 'vocal' off & set 'VoxFXcount' `get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add -1` : set 'VoxFXcount' `get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add -1`

I'm going to have to start charging for this


I remember the code now to approximate sticky just with script, but I just don't like it, I don't want to introduce it because it's backwards to how sticky actually works and it would cause problems if sticky ever did get a port to mac.

locodog wrote :

I remember the code now to approximate sticky just with script, but I just don't like it, I don't want to introduce it because it's backwards to how sticky actually works and it would cause problems if sticky ever did get a port to mac.
Ok I do understand. I just Hope it gets ported sooner than later.


locodog wrote :
After bring it up to date

down ? 
on & set 'VoxFXcount' `var 'VoxFXcount' ?
get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add 1 : get_text '1' & param_cast val` & set 'voxLoopCycle' 0 & effect_stems 'vocal' on & repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' & quantize_loop on & padfx 'loop roll' 0.9 0.75 & wait 1bt 1 & repeat_start 'voxRoller' 1bt & effect_slider 'loop roll' 2 -20% & cycle 'voxLoopCounter' 2 & var 'voxLoopCounter' 0 ?
repeat_stop 'voxRoller'& repeat_start 'voxRoller2' 1bt & effect_slider 'loop roll' 1 -15% & cycle 'voxLoopCycle' 6 & var 'voxLoopCycle' 0 ?
repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' :
nothing :
nothing :
off & repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' & effect_active 'loop roll' off & get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_equal 1 ?
effect_stems 'vocal' off & set 'VoxFXcount' `get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add -1` :
set 'VoxFXcount' `get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add -1`

then change down query to a var query and include 2 toggles of the var

var voiceThing 0 ? 
on & toggle voiceThing & set 'VoxFXcount' `var 'VoxFXcount' ?
get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add 1 :
get_text '1' & param_cast val` & set 'voxLoopCycle' 0 & effect_stems 'vocal' on & repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' & quantize_loop on & padfx 'loop roll' 0.9 0.75 & wait 1bt 1 & repeat_start 'voxRoller' 1bt & effect_slider 'loop roll' 2 -20% & cycle 'voxLoopCounter' 2 & var 'voxLoopCounter' 0 ?
repeat_stop 'voxRoller'& repeat_start 'voxRoller2' 1bt & effect_slider 'loop roll' 1 -15% & cycle 'voxLoopCycle' 6 & var 'voxLoopCycle' 0 ?
repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' :
nothing :
nothing :
off & toggle voiceThing & repeat_stop 'voxRoller2' & effect_active 'loop roll' off & get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_equal 1 ?
effect_stems 'vocal' off & set 'VoxFXcount' `get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add -1` : set 'VoxFXcount' `get_var "VoxFXcount" & param_add -1`

I'm going to have to start charging for this

Thank you for your help again. I will input it and give you feedback. As for charging for it, please check your dm. i am willing to offer something for your help always. I just don't have paypal. If you happen to get another means where i can support,please let me know. Thanks


Here a little Script to add a manually input Dialog for set Pitch to a specific BPM Value. :)

set set_bpm `get_bpm` & set_var_dialog set_bpm BPM &
repeat_start 'bpm_change' 250ms 240 &
param_equal '`get_var set_bpm`' '`get_bpm`' ? nothing :
get_var set_bpm & param_cast 'beats' & pitch & repeat_stop 'bpm_change'

@DennYo Beats nice, I really like set_var_dialog from a makers perspective.
it's like a little command line

the part the calls the dialog is just waiting for the var change, all the user has to do is press the button and the dialog can give hand holding instructions

Hey Script-Pros,
is it possible to have "controllerTakeoverMode"="gradual" for gain knob only. Is it possible to read the controller knob position of a knob or slider using VDJ script, when it isn't synchronous with the software position. All the scripts seam to report the software-position.

Thx in advance!

@EGR if every dial command changed the setting and changed back, maybe.

setting controllerTakeoverMode "instant" & level & setting controllerTakeoverMode "gradual"

