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Topic: Script School - Page: 31.35
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
fast video work :),

yeah I'll make a change or two, one to make on/off on button press & two I'll add a message for Happy new year or whatever,

because we've got everything as variables now, it's a 2nd event scheduler of sorts.

little changes made, I could go mad with this but for actual midnight you want to use the real event scheduler, too many variables of user workflows to have something off the peg suit everybody.
but it can do stuff at any second, the countdown runs in the back ground.

Posted Mon 05 Dec 22 @ 10:47 am
So it will say Happy new year?
... and if I want something more spectacular, I should use the Event scheduler

Posted Mon 05 Dec 22 @ 12:49 pm
Hmmm The new script doesn't seem to work.
The text isn't changing

Posted Mon 05 Dec 22 @ 12:53 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
sorry. I'll check it

*edit, found it an errant quote and used a local var instead of a global var.
I added a place near the start so when it is running you can change between countdown showing and a generic message,
plus at the end I left a space to have a message after happy new year, [but the effect is turned off then and text effect use is back to normal].

when it's initialising it takes a couple of seconds to brute force the time [it's garbled for a few seconds], so it just says "COUNTDOWN" until it's ready to run smoothly.

I could add stuff to this for days but really it's a case by case, for what people need

Posted Mon 05 Dec 22 @ 1:09 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
just consider this a visual count down, it can do stuff for automation like show the counter for a minute every 15 minutes, probably some radio applications too, but the real event scheduler is a bit easier.

Posted Mon 05 Dec 22 @ 2:24 pm
True, and thank you
I've now replaced the downloadable script in the video

Posted Mon 05 Dec 22 @ 2:49 pm
I've updated the script linked in the video

Posted Mon 05 Dec 22 @ 4:17 pm
djkrysrPRO InfinityMember since 2010
I have always used the "comment" field for remix info because originally VDJ didn't have a 'remix' field to use & I was happy to continue in that vein, however now I am using online content I need the remix field visible.

I have worked out that
browsed_song 'remix' `get_browsed_song 'comment'`
will successfully copy the comment over to the remix field but this only works 1 file at a time.

Is there a quick way I can change, either selected files or all files in a folder, in 1 go.

Basically I need a script to recurse through the list of files & copy the comment field to the remix field.
Any pointers would be appreciated. If this has been covered elsewhere I apologise.

Posted Mon 05 Dec 22 @ 7:20 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
That would be a repeat_start script [a.k.a. rsi, repeat_start_instant]

probably best if you start out of a filter [advanced] to get all files, something like
Length > 60 and Comment is not ""

button script
browser_scroll 'top' & repeat_start_instant scroller 25ms & browsed_song 'remix' `get_browsed_song 'comment'` & browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop scroller : browser_scroll +1 

or this to also clear the comment field after it copies over

browser_scroll 'top' & repeat_start_instant scroller 25ms & browsed_song 'remix' `get_browsed_song 'comment'` & browsed_song 'comment' "" & browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop scroller : browser_scroll +1 

either will take a little while, it processes about 2000 tracks a minute

Posted Tue 06 Dec 22 @ 4:57 am
There are some people saying it just stays on COUNTDOWN when they try the script
Not sure why...

Posted Tue 06 Dec 22 @ 5:27 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Found it, 12 hour clock users. I'll make the changes needed, and post here when changed

*edit changed*

Posted Tue 06 Dec 22 @ 5:41 am
Hi, is there a simpler way to create save Stems with a custom Button.

The Stems should be save from the loaded Song in the deck and not from the browser.

browser_window 'songs' & wait 150ms & search_add `deck left get_filepath` & browser_scroll +1 & browser_scroll -1 & wait 150ms & virtualfolder_add 'stems' & wait 150ms & search_delete & goto_last_folder

The second. Is there a way to visible "has prepared Stems" like Browser Color Rules, for the loaded Song?

Posted Wed 07 Dec 22 @ 10:41 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
has_stems "2.0"
isn't a filter yet, but they are all filtered in the the prep'd folder.
not sure about adding.

Posted Wed 07 Dec 22 @ 1:20 pm
has_stems '2.0' is always true when RealtimeSeperation enabled.

I need a true when a prepared stem is saved.


Posted Wed 07 Dec 22 @ 2:11 pm
how to assign a button so that when it is activated, the filter works as filter_selectcolorfx 'pitch', but only for voice?

Posted Wed 07 Dec 22 @ 5:52 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
effect_stems 'vocal' on ? effect_stems 'vocal' off : effect_stems 'vocal' on & filter_selectcolorfx 'pitch'

something like that

Posted Wed 07 Dec 22 @ 6:34 pm
DennYo Beats wrote :
The second. Is there a way to visible "has prepared Stems" like Browser Color Rules, for the loaded Song?

If you are asking if it is possible to change/set a color for tracks, that have prepared stems?

This can be done with a color rule: Prepared Stems = 1

Posted Wed 07 Dec 22 @ 7:19 pm
djkrysrPRO InfinityMember since 2010
locodog wrote :
That would be a repeat_start script [a.k.a. rsi, repeat_start_instant]

button script
browser_scroll 'top' & repeat_start_instant scroller 25ms & browsed_song 'remix' `get_browsed_song 'comment'` & browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop scroller : browser_scroll +1 

either will take a little while, it processes about 2000 tracks a minute

Thanks for that. I figured to either us a filter or just smaller folders to make it easier, also going to disable automatic writing of mp3 tags before hand otherwise my backups will take forever.
I'm still trying to get my head around repeat from your previous lessons but this example seems really straight forward and easy to understand & edit if I needed something similar.

PS. also added ' browser_window "songs" & ' to the beginning of the script cause I will forget to click in the songs windows 1st due to being hopeless.


Posted Fri 09 Dec 22 @ 7:40 pm
We decided here whether the script can count the number of characters in the string.
It took me a while, but I understood him.

param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 1` ? SIZE OF 1 : 
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 2` ? SIZE OF 2 : ......

Can the script be modified to detect if the string is longer, shorter than 25 characters? Nothing comes to my mind.


Can't write in a shorter script?
set_var 'a' "12345678901234567890123456" &
(param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 1` ? set 'length' 1 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 2` ? set 'length' 2 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 3` ? set 'length' 3 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 4` ? set 'length' 4 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 5` ? set 'length' 5 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 6` ? set 'length' 6 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 7` ? set 'length' 7 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 8` ? set 'length' 8 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 9` ? set 'length' 9 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 10` ? set 'length' 10 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 11` ? set 'length' 11 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 12` ? set 'length' 12 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 13` ? set 'length' 13 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 14` ? set 'length' 14 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 15` ? set 'length' 15 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 16` ? set 'length' 16 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 17` ? set 'length' 17 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 18` ? set 'length' 18 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 19` ? set 'length' 19 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 20` ? set 'length' 20 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 21` ? set 'length' 21 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 22` ? set 'length' 22 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 23` ? set 'length' 23 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 24` ? set 'length' 24 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 25` ? set 'length' 25 :
set 'length' 26) &
var_smaller 'length' 25 ? set_var 'copmp' "smaller" :
var_equal 'length' 25 ? set_var 'copmp' "equal" :
var_greater 'length' 25 ? set_var 'copmp' "greater"

Posted Fri 09 Dec 22 @ 10:47 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
start at 24 if thats all you need.

Posted Sat 10 Dec 22 @ 7:30 am