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Topic: Script School - Page: 3.20

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Shader stuff

How do, has been awhile but this I think shader scripts need to be written down.
klausMogenson, I has a video on this subject, his focus is his workflow (shaders as audioonlyvisualisation)

That's his workflow, below is mine (shaders on decks)

Selecting specific shaders
effect_string "shader" 1 "shaderName"

So we want to set a string on a effect
the effect we want to set the string on is the "shader" fx
the string number (some fx have several effect_stings) is number 1
the string we want to send is "shaderName"
Now "shaderName" can be either the shader's name as given by it's creator or it can be the address the shader can be found at the shadertoy site something like
"GdAFMK" (best guess is some sort of base64 filing system that means very little to us humans)

To display the current shader name (and I'll assume you want the given name because you're not a computer) use
get_effect_string "shader" 2
string 2 because while the machine is smart enough to set the shader by either given or indexed name on string 1, if you get string 1 it always returns the indexed name, (must be under the hood stuff) string 2 is the "pretty name"

Ok a specific shader at a specific time, great, what else can we do?
Well how about the next or previous (in the list) shader, do that like this..
effect_string "shader" 1 +1
effect_string "shader" 1 -1

What about shader folders, yep we got that covered, with effect_string 3
effect_string "shader" 3 "B&W"

(I have a folder called "B&W" for black & white shaders)

okey cokey, how about the buttons "auto-change" & "beatMove"
They're just fx buttons and are toggled like so
effect_button "shader" 2 (change)
effect_button "shader" 3 (move)

I've covered buttons earlier, what with fxslots, no slot, on, off , toggle so I'll avoid repeating myself.

effect_button "shader" 1 opens the shader position box if you were wondering. (well done for wondering)

Ok just a few sliders to cover
effect_slider "shader" 1

this one picks the shader, but I'm honestly not sure how useful it is (difficult to use with precision), I suppose time will tell.
I suppose it might be better if it obeyed the folder, but currently it just picks from the "all" folder.

effect_slider "shader" 2
this one does transparency.

I think that's it for shader scripts to date.
Any topics you'd like covered just ask.
I might cover the setting action next as it's one that users need quite often.

*post script*
This post lead to quite a bit of head scratching, partly my fault for focusing on my personal work flow (this instance a shader on a deck)

So some clarification
In instances of audioOnlyVisualisation or videoOverlay

* For the video source for audio tracks:
effect_string "audioonlyvisualisation" 1 +1
Since the slot is specified, you don't specify the effect as well, so it depends on shader already selected as audio only visualisation.

* For video effect overlay
deck master effect_string "video" 1 +1
If shader is selected in the video slot
deck master effect_string "shader" 1 +1
Independent of which slot it is currently selected in (or none at all)


I missed your msg mitchmasha, yeah they'll get added.

Right the real reason I'm posting, New action in 4909 mic ducking.

mic_talkover 20% 1000ms
this will gradually drop all decks and the sampler to 20% volume over 1000ms.
if you call the script without params (so just 'mic_talkover') it defaults to 30% over 400ms.
for differing speeds
mic_talkover ? mic_talkover 19% 30ms & repeat_start 'wait' 40ms 1 & mic_talkover 100% 600ms & mic_talkover off : mic_talkover 30% 300ms

down to 30% in .3 seconds up to return level in .6 seconds
That's all for now but I'm sure some of you will welcome this.

Locodog would you help with a script to activate a master effect like tellyvisuals. I might be being a little lazy but this could help a lot of people. I used "deck master..." but I don't think that activates a proper master effect?
Second thoughts if I have the effect in the correct slot just "master.." might now work.
Hm the extra buttons are on the decks..tellyvisuals does not work with a deck effect.
I'm gonna have to try again. Maybe a sub controller button script. I'm a little confused.

Not sure what you're really after but here's my best guess
video_source_select 'TellyVisualsV' ? video_output off : video_source_select 'TellyVisualsV' & video_output on

I copied that directly onto an F1 button but it did nothing. I've updated to 2018. The skin button works fine with a mouse click. Tellyvisuals will only run properly as a master effect and not a deck effect. I can control it with "deck master.." but that might be a deck effect.
This is pre and after mixer stuff.

What I want is it on all the time and overlaying the videos as a master effect. It should be easy? If I feel the need I also want to turn it off. I can do this using the laptop gui but would like a sub controller button.

After updating once again to 2018 the video effect slot looks a bit of a mess but the master effect slot looks ok.

Hm tellyvisualsV is an effect not a video source?

Yeah the above script is a bit weird, single source is a bit clunky I'm yet to really understand when it will and won't work, this below is probably what you want
deck master video_fx 'tellyvisualsv'

I was using deck master effect active "tellyvisualsV" and it appears to work. However Don, who should know said tellyvisuals won't work properly as a deck effect? Basically tellyvisuals does not know which deck is being used. I've been getting crashes.

The laptop gui buttons seem to work well and I had no crashes last night.

deck master video_fx 'tellyvisualsv'

It works..

..but "deck" is still there?????
I'm not sure but I think deck might be a problem.

and removing deck ......master video_fx 'tellyvisualsv' does not work

action_deck 1 ? holding ? sync & get_pitch_zero ? set 'syncON' 0 : set 'syncON' 1 : play_sync & deck 2 beatlock on & deck 1 pitch_reset 0.5% & repeat_start 'lightBPM' 200ms 100 & deck 1 pitch 'get_pitch_value' & get_pitch_zero ? repeat_stop 'lightBPM' & set 'syncON' 0 & deck 2 beatlock off & get_pitch_zero ? set 'syncON' 0 : set 'syncON' 1 : deck 1 set 'syncON' 1 : holding ? sync & get_pitch_zero ? set 'syncON' 0 : set 'syncON' 1 : play_sync & deck 1 beatlock on & deck 2 pitch_reset 0.5% & repeat_start 'lightBPM' 200ms 100 & deck 2 pitch 'get_pitch_value' & get_pitch_zero ? repeat_stop 'lightBPM' & set 'syncON' 0 & deck 1 beatlock off & get_pitch_zero ? set 'syncON' 0 : set 'syncON' 1 : deck 2 set 'syncON' 1

Hello, this is a script for the SYNC button on the WeGO controller. Now it smoothly lets the tempo go to the next track. And the button glows always when BPM is not 'get_pitch_zero'. Please express your opinion and correct mistakes. Thank you.

Looks good, but you could avoid using var 'syncOn' if you are just using it to fire a LED
by just mapping the led to
pitch_zero ? off : on

Also you queried action_deck too early, you don't need it until just before beat_lock [not that it matters if it works, it works!]
This is my shot at it (untested)(led needs to be mapped seperate)

holding ? sync : play_sync & action_deck 1 ? deck 2 beatlock on & deck 1 pitch_reset 0.5% & repeat_start 'lightBPM' 200ms 100 & get_pitch_zero ? repeat_stop 'lightBPM' & deck 2 beatlock off : nothing : deck 1 beatlock on & deck 2 pitch_reset 0.5% & repeat_start 'lightBPM' 200ms 100 & get_pitch_zero ? repeat_stop 'lightBPM' & deck 1 beatlock off : nothing

..? sync
..: play_sync &
....action_deck 1
....? deck 2 beatlock on &
......deck 1 pitch_reset 0.5% &
......repeat_start 'lightBPM' 200ms 100 &
......? repeat_stop 'lightBPM' &
........deck 2 beatlock off
......: nothing
....: deck 1 beatlock on &
......deck 2 pitch_reset 0.5% &
......repeat_start 'lightBPM' 200ms 100 &
......? repeat_stop 'lightBPM' &
........deck 1 beatlock off
......: nothing

Thanks Loco! I'll pay attention to that.


repeat_start actions are possibly the most powerful of all vdj scripts, and they're really simple to get started with.

repeat_start_instant "giveThisAName" XXms Y & YOUR ACTION
XX the fastest it can repeat is about 25ms
Y the number of times your action will be called [optional, omit if you are going to stop the repeat_action manually, or you can use 0]

repeat_start_instant "stupidPlayPause" 468.75ms 32 & play_pause

press the button and instantly play_pause is called, then every 467.75ms [1 beat at 128bpm, I'm honestly not sure if it considers the fraction of the ms] play_pause is called again. All together play_pause will be called 32 times [including the first call], it's job is done and it stops.

before you try that out, set up another button
repeat_stop 'stupidPlayPause'
...because the repeat_action is annoying and listening to that for 16 beats would be painful. That just bypasses the count and stops it instantly.

repeat_start "stupidPlayPause" 468.75ms 32 & play_pause

this does the same thing but will wait 468.75ms before first performing the action.
Ok I put a manually put time in, how about vdj putting a time in dynamically? Strap in.
[POST EDIT The info below is dated, still functional so I'll keep it for now (and covers some useful concepts)
Build 6404 now allows the time param to be measured in beats.
It also allows the time param and the repeat count param to be set with variables. More info here ]

To get ms/beat we need to 60,000 / bpm, but vdj has no param_divide action so we need to 60,000 * (1/bpm) that we can do
param_multiply "get_bpm & param_1_x" 60000
we could save this as a variable if we want
set 'oneBeatMS' `param_multiply "get_bpm & param_1_x" 60000`

Now how to give this value to the repeat_start
set 'oneBeatMS' `param_multiply "get_bpm & param_1_x" 60000` & param_cast 'ms' & repeat_start 'stupidPlayPause' & play_pause
Notice here we haven't included a time to the repeat_start [as the time is cast to the script]
We also haven't included a count, well we can't, cast values always go on the end and for repeat_start the first parameter is time, we have to make our own counter but it's not very hard.
To make a counter just after "play_pause" we will cycle a variable [cycle; increase or decrease by 1. cycle 'varName X, X being the number it will loop back round to zero] then query the value against our desired maximum.
if true we stop the repeat_start, if false we do nothing and let it carry on.

set 'oneBeatMS' `param_multiply "get_bpm & param_1_x" 60000` & param_cast 'ms' & repeat_start 'stupidPlayPause' & play_pause & cycle 'SPP' 33 & var_equal 'SSP' 32 ? repeat_stop 'stupidPlayPause' & set 'SPP' 0 : nothing

we cycle 33 so we actually make it to 32 and when we stop the repeat_start we also reset the var [SPP] to 0, or we could do this to be a bit neater

set 'oneBeatMS' `param_multiply "get_bpm & param_1_x" 60000` & param_cast 'ms' & repeat_start 'stupidPlayPause' & play_pause & cycle 'SPP' 32 & var_equal 'SSP' 0 ? repeat_stop 'stupidPlayPause' : nothing

Isolated that works fine, for some scripts that will do, but what happens if you press this button while it is already running or call repeat_stop from another button.
The counter won't be right, let's reset the counter when we press the button.
set 'SSP' 0 & set 'oneBeatMS' `param_multiply "get_bpm & param_1_x" 60000` & param_cast 'ms' & repeat_start 'stupidPlayPause' & play_pause & cycle 'SPP' 32 & var_equal 'SSP' 0 ? repeat_stop 'stupidPlayPause' : nothing

That's about it, other than other beat lengths, say you want 1/2 beat, well
param_multiply "get_var 'oneBeatMS'" 0.5

set 'oneBeatMS' `param_multiply "get_bpm & param_1_x" 60000` & param_multiply "get_var 'oneBeatMS'" 0.5 & param_cast 'ms' & repeat_start 'stupidPlayPause' & play_pause & cycle 'SPP' 32 & var_equal 'SSP' 0 ? repeat_stop 'stupidPlayPause' : nothing

Anywho that's it for now, next time WILL be changing settings via script.

set 'oneBeatMS' `param_multiply "get_bpm & param_1_x" 60000` & param_cast 'ms' & repeat_start 'stupidPlayPause' & play_pause & cycle 'SPP' 33 & var_equal 'SSP' 32 ? repeat_stop 'stupidPlayPause' & set 'SPP' 0 : nothing
we cycle 33 so we actually make it to 32 and when we stop the repeat_start we also reset the var [SPP] to 0, or we could do this to be a bit neater
is this not a simple cycle 32 or is there any difference ?
set 'oneBeatMS' `param_multiply "get_bpm & param_1_x" 60000` & param_cast 'ms' & repeat_start 'stupidPlayPause' & play_pause & cycle 'SPP' 32 & var_equal 'SSP' 0 ? repeat_stop 'stupidPlayPause' : nothing

Anywho that's it for now, next time WILL be changing settings via script.
hope you'll specify the list of settings allowed to be read/written because somme seems to be restricted i.e. "effects"

No difference, [except neater] In the very next script after that one I did cycle 32 (and said it was neater) but I had just introduced the "cycle" action, and it was just to it break it into easily understood steps [first explain how we think, then highlight the small difference of how the program works]

Yeah Settings honestly I don't know the full list of ones allowed to be scripted to, I'd love to be able to do setting "browserColumns" it's a right pain when I've had guests on my rig..
I think I'm just going to give examples of the more common ones and leave users to try stuff

yes, some as "browserColumns" may finally be understood, have to find the list of possible parameters but some other as "browserSort" badly wont be scriptable for everybody as its parameters are translated depending on the active language.xml :/

A small unsexy addition that came with v8.4 [2020] that actual could be a big thing
variables can now hold strings

Set [capture] like this
set 'test1' `get_text 'hello'`
set 'test2' `get_browsed_song "artist"`

And you can compare just like any other variable

prove it with custom_button led logic
param_equal `get_var test1` 'hello' ? on : off

check what the var actually is with this as a custom_button name
`get_var test1`

or inspect with the var list viewer
I'll post more as I figure any nuances

Hi, a quick, question -
I want to be able to turn on a specific shader (eg: "geometry") and then control transparency in the poi editor.
I tried effect_string "shader" 1 "geometry" & effect_slider "shader" 1 +0% but they do not work for me.
can anyone advise?


As locodog said previous page:

Button 1 : show position & size selection tool
Button 2 : AutoChange
Button 3 : BeatMove

Slider 1 : Shader selection
Slider 2 : Transparency

String 1 : Indexed name ... the one on Shadertoy
String 2 : Prety name ... the one we understand

Only shader selection (slider 1) reflect in the GUI, all other actions are not reported
however transparency, BeatMove and AutoChange are effective even not updated in the gui

NOT working anymore ?
When a shader or folder is specified by any of its name , the string is affected, querying them gives the changed value, but nothing apply
maybe some extra action is needed or syntax change ?

for transparency use :
deck master effect_slider 'shader' 2 50%

for a shader...
deck master effect_slider 'shader' 1 12%
it is working but have to know the relative position in the list "All"

Don't play too much with it actually.. it crashed some of my PC just using it ... VDJ still up but WindowManager totally broken.. and another one got BSOD
was working fine before last summer

I've reported effect string not working but the "nudge" of slider 1 [shader select]workaround works here
