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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: Spotify and Virtual Dj Pro

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Hello community,

I'm new and wanted to combine my premium spotify with the virtual dj Pro version (I have abo).

My version-number is: 8.2 pc build 3954.1349 VirtualDJ PRO Subscriber
and in the option I have a check mark on yes ate the option: earlyAccessUpdates

now my question: I read on different sites in the internet, that my version can be combined with spotify, so I can use my music from there, if I accept earlyAccessUpdates and have premium of both, VirtualDj and Spotify, but when I go on the folder "online music" there is only the option to login to deezer, I thought there should be the option for downloading an plugin for spotify!? Do you maybe know, what I did the wrong way?


Posted Fri 20 Oct 17 @ 4:46 pm

Posted Fri 20 Oct 17 @ 4:49 pm
Please continue this conversation, at the link provided in above post, thank you.

Locked by AMAHM

Posted Sat 21 Oct 17 @ 8:23 am

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