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Topic: Spotify and Deezer Legallity

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4. Licence and assignment
The Spotify Service and the content provided through it are the property of Spotify or Spotify's licensors, and we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable licence to make personal, non-commercial use of the Spotify Service and to receive the media content made available through the Spotify Service in your Local Country, based on the Subscription or Trial you have selected (the “Licence”). This Licence shall remain in effect for a period of 20 years unless terminated by you or Spotify.

Having read the terms and conditions of use..... How can this be legal to use when not for personal enjoyment?

Please could you let me know how the integration into VDJ allows me to play the music from Spotify. For me it seems like there is no need to purchase tracks / albums any longer if this is the case.. I'm not looking for abuse here, just want to know if there is something I am missing which would allow me to use my Spotify account legally in public. I have the standard Spotify premium account and it works with VDJ although having linked it to the software I haven't tried it in public until I am sure that this is legal.

Any help / advise / proof from the VDJ team would be gratefully received. No guessing please.

Posted Mon 03 Apr 17 @ 8:45 pm
No guessing. The answer is in the agreement that you posted. No, you are not allowed to use Spotify in a commercial setting. This service is for home use. Every VDJ user is not a professional DJ. This service is for them, or you if you want to practice or find new music at home. If you want to use a service for professionals, try Pulselocker, or Content Unlimited.

Posted Mon 03 Apr 17 @ 9:43 pm
Surely then this feature should be in the home edition and not the pro edition of the software? Are Spotify aware of this inclusion in professional DJ software?

Posted Tue 04 Apr 17 @ 6:38 am
I'm standing shaking at my venue waiting for the Deezer police to imminently arrest me.

Seriously it's up to the user to decide where they use the service. Plenty of people I know run a spare cable from Spotify on their phone to the mixer.

And as stated above Pro users still use that version to listen to new music so I don't know what your issue is.

Posted Tue 04 Apr 17 @ 6:53 am
As a professional DJ for over 20 years it winds me up no end that people go out with their pro sound rubbish equipment and zero experience at £50 a night so they can play illegally obtained downloaded or streamed music to ruin people's special events. I have a BIG problem with that and so should all DJs. I said on my post no abuse so kindly shut up and let people with actual brain cells do the explaining.

Posted Tue 04 Apr 17 @ 7:26 am
I have been a DJ since 1985 and feel your pain. However short of going round every venue policing what is being played there is nothing we can do.

Quality will always win in the end. Just worry about what you do and let the rest burn themselves out.

Posted Tue 04 Apr 17 @ 7:43 am
Daz, I feel you, and it winds me up a bit too, I personally don't think that any professional dj software should even make it possible to stream illegally in public, but I guess VDJ has seen what their competition is doing and needs to keep up.

At the end of the day, the only people who are going to use spotify or deezer as their primary dj music source, are the same people who are currently getting all their music by ripping it off youtube. So these people exist either way. And for the rest of us, we blow them out of the water when we turn up the next week with high quality music, not dependant upon an internet connection and playing out on high end gear. They will always exist, and we will always be better :)

So, lets let them carry on buying their skytec speakers from maplin and streaming, its just makes the rest of us look even better.

Posted Tue 04 Apr 17 @ 12:31 pm
dazdisco wrote :
so they can play illegally obtained downloaded or streamed music to ruin people's special events

This could be the reason why it's only available to Pro users. I guess maybe Atomix assumes they're responsible enough not to abuse it.

Remove temptation from the NLU's and the home license users (or make it harder at least) by not making it available directly in VDJ.


Posted Tue 04 Apr 17 @ 5:18 pm

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