I've just realised I've never set an effect slider directly to a var, I've tried methods that work for setting level to a var or gain to a var
[like so... get_var "resetGain" & param_cast & gain]
also tried reordering and sticking " , ' & ` everywhere that I might think will help
but this one alludes me.
I'm guessing that casting isn't playing nice with effect_slider ,what with it having several params,
Any clues please.
[like so... get_var "resetGain" & param_cast & gain]
also tried reordering and sticking " , ' & ` everywhere that I might think will help
but this one alludes me.
I'm guessing that casting isn't playing nice with effect_slider ,what with it having several params,
Any clues please.
Posted Fri 27 Jan 17 @ 7:33 pm