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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Settings Tab sub menu(dropdown box)

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Currently when you go into the options on vdj 8..there are two items in the dropdown box...1-modified settings which works as it it supposed to filtering all the settings the user modifies..however the 2nd filter of 'most used' doesn't exactly show the settings the specific user constantly experiments with....but instead filters the options that vdj thinks a user might constantly use...which IMHO is not how it should work. Basically, the 'most used' filter should show the options that are constantly being accessed by the specific user, and the current selection that are there now under 'most used' COULD be renamed as 'fast settings or something like that....

edit: i did open the xml settings file but did not see anything which i could do to edit anything pertaining to my request.

Posted Thu 22 Dec 16 @ 10:36 pm

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