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Topic: Routine - Page: 2
I don't quite get it, I thought for a second that perhaps you had locked hotcues, but you can't even write a routine with locked cues.
I just tested and a double tap removes all jump markers and I tested every button.

Do you mean, hotcues 1-8?
And you are using the atomix hosted release 1.0.4?

sorry Loco, my bad
I think that it was a song that I was using in beta testing, I just tried again with a new song and it's all working fine ... all the extra hot cues delete along with the routine.

No worries, you'll find 1.0.4 to be better.

1.0.5 is just being wrote right now :-)

I hope you've found a way to make all the extra cue points automatically invisible, that would be fantastic.
and BTW I've checked it!!!! it didn't take me months, I got it in a few hours of playing around, it is truly awesome!

Not got them invisible yet, currently working on an option for unique cues per routine.
Once that works here I'll work on switching out to remix points, but I've just found something weird with remix points.

Right then, 1.0.5 is looking good,
the beats counter has been tweaked - if you call a routine in run in mode the beats status counts down to the run in marker -3 -2 -1 0
Options added
When recording use..... cues 1-8, cues 9-16, unique cues per routine. [this is routine specific, R1 could use 9-16 R2 could use unique, R3 could use 1-8]
Jump cues colour.... no colour [so default white], black, black with the next event white.
Pad information... basic [as you find currently] Advanced [shows step, next event and beats on the pads]
Recording double tap deletes unique cues.... yes/no

Using remix points is off the menu for the moment there's a few things that you can't do with them that I'd need.
Not really liking black as a cue colour, while it works on the Rwave and the Swave on the Pwave it makes it a bit of a mess.

What would be perfect would be color "transparent" to actually be transparent, [currently no color = transparent #00000000 and of course that shows as white on skin

An option is baking my head
Unique cues colour.... no colour [so default white], black, normally black but white when in use
I can do it but I can't figure out if it is a good idea, it offers conflicts if user colours the unique cues

cue_invisible (num/name)(0/1)
would solve this nicely.

Here is the promised Video-Tutorial for "Routine":

In English:

In Deutsch:

+100, I'll leave a comment on the video linking back here.

Right just a little helpful script if you use the stop button to cycle cues,
change your stop button mapping to this so you only cycle cues 1-8

play ? stop : get_cue & param_bigger 7 ? goto_cue 1 : goto_cue +1

I think I've figure a way to condense all the info of one routine down to a single cue.
BTW 1.0.5 is in the pending pile, updated pad page, updated fx, just waiting for the all clear from atomix
Mac users sorry but nothing happening until at least 1.0.6

1.0.5 pad page and effect updated

Options for using cues other than 1 - 8
Other options you'll see in the pad menu