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Topic: DDJ-SB Rework 2 - Page: 1

Posted Tue 01 Nov 16 @ 1:09 pm
Hello, before everything, thanks for your skin!
I have the DDJ-SB and this skin is great for virtual dj, I just have a bug, the jog wheel 2 does not turn on your skin, but it works like it's rolling.... the skin does not make the wheel move... do you know how I can correct it? It will be great, it's the only thing i'm missing in this setup right now

Hello, before everything, thanks for your skin!
The jog wheel 2 not it works, how I can correct it?

Hi, i need skins for ddj sb2 ... please

Hello, I found your SB rework skin and it is by far the best I've seen. Do you have any plans to make a skin for the Pioneer DDJ-SB3?

Deck 2/Jogwheel does not animate when a song is played. It seems this has already been noted, but I figured I should remind you. Aside from that I love this skin.

The jogwheels is not running

Hello, before everything, thanks for your skin!
The jog wheel 2 not it works, how I can correct it?


No animation when song is playing on jog wheel 1, Suggestion?

awesome skin.
two things though,
1) jog wheel one not spinning in full mode (both spin in browse mode)

2) it would be good to see both tracks when using automix


I like this skin but is difficult to use. The Cue marks are hide behind the bar.

No animation when song is playing on jog wheel 1, Suggestion?

love the skin but the jog wheel 2 dont move when song is playing or when u scratch. any fix on this or is their another version i can download.

The skin undoubtedly needs updating if there are problems with the jog wheels. I remember something changed in VDJ several years ago which affected the jog wheels.

However, there are hundreds of other skins you could use - many of which are far more recent and/or advanced.

Why is it when somebody ask for a skin or drops or anything to do with virtual dj they give them a hard time ..Like why would you want this or that..Somebody ask for a ddjsb3 skin ,whats the peroblem ?If can just make it if not jus say so you dont need to explain why anyone does or doesnt need a certain skin..We are supposed to be a team on here sharing our ideas and so forth.Wow some yall act like childrenmatter fact i wouldnt mind an ddj sb skin ma self just to add ti to the rest of the skins i have..Loli mean there is a ddjsb2 skin ..So why not!Any way stay safe peace!!!!

Lovely skin, best for me but the problem is left deck not rotating while playing, have checked my vnyl setting over and over again but dis problem ain't fixed, have lots of skins buh luv dis most, pls help

inverted var tests :
1037: <panel name="joff" visibility="var '@$noroo' 1">
1073: <panel name="jonn" visibility="var '@$noroo' 0">

I actually know how to fix the problem in jogwheel, but in the recent update, I can no longer fix it. To VDJ 8.0 - 8.4 users, to fix the problem, just deactivate Vinyl Mode on second deck, then switch to Default Skin. After switching, activate vinyl mode again in second deck then switch again to this skin. (This technique doesn't function on VDJ2021)

Here is a minimal 14 lines patch to fix both jog as well as plate rotation
823: <panel x="+0" y="+0">
1038: <panel name="joff" visibility="var '@$noroo' 0">
1054: <visual type="rotation" source="get rotation">
1064: <visual type="rotation" source="get rotation" visibility="deck 1 touchwheel_touch" >
1074: <panel name="jonn" visibility="var '@$noroo' 1">
1080: <visual>
1091: <visual type="rotation">
1102: <visual type="rotation" source="get rotation" visibility="deck 1 touchwheel_touch" >
1107: <off x="1833" y="1725"/>
1938: </panel>
2163: <visual type="rotation" source="get rotation">
2173: <visual type="rotation" source="get rotation">
2183: <visual type="rotation" source="get rotation" >
2221: <visual type="rotation" source="get rotation" visibility="deck 2 touchwheel_touch" >

you may also need to fix menu items to utf8 lines 144 and up, lines 161 and up, line 837, 933, 1955, 2067, 4471, 4578, 4624 & 4736


.....or just use another skin :-)
