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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Info pane ideas..

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Please could i as for 2 things to be considered for the info pane..??

1. could the progress bar contain a track waveform?
upuntil now, its been a green progress bar but if we could have a waveform inside this (like on a deck) we could easily see where all the breaks are within a track (if we stretch this out a little bigger)
We could program a skin to feature a spare deck to use as a preview but this is handier as we can tuck it away if not needed.
if its a processor hog, there could be an option to disable the feature too?

2. edit track info
we already have the wonderful Tag Editor, but if we could edit the info from the info pane it'd allow us to do it quicker please??
track "stars" would be quicker to change, drag n drop cover picture would be faster too instead of click click click.. :(

Posted Thu 09 Jun 16 @ 11:46 pm

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